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Translation版 - [OCEF翻译]蒋老师的信之后-11之前
Getting Married (1.1)5大陆学者当选09年第三世界科学院院士,其中3科大校友
[OCEF翻译 10。4。3 - 蒋老师的信之前]【$】Everyday With Rachael Ray Magazine Subscription [10 Issues & Up to 4 Years] $2.99
【$】Bubba 2 pack Mug Set $7.99国务院“智囊团”为北京堵车支招:开不起车就不堵了
【$】4 Thermos Stainless Steel 12oz Tea Tumblers for $47.25女足也完了!
【$】Free Coffee @ Starbucks tomorrow 4/22/11 Earth Day, Bring Your Own Cup国务院“智囊团”为北京堵车支招:开不起车就不堵了 (转载)
【$】Disney Store "Swim Sale", Plates and Tumblers $3, Set of 4 Mickey Plates $11, Kids Flip Flops 2 for $6, Beach Towels $8自来水一年“漏”掉一个太湖 足够1亿城市人口使用
【$】Polo Ralph Lauren Flip Flops $4.49,Men's Levis Canvas Flip Flop $7.80, Men's Shorts $3, Yankee Candle Tumblers as low as $4.49, Large Candles $12.74, free shipping老人拒购物被指“占香港便宜” 气到脑梗塞晕倒
【$】Yankee Candle Tumblers, select scents, $7.49, Large Jar Candles $12.74, free shipping《小镇大法官》展农村法治图景 弘扬正义良心
话题: group话题: 义工话题: students话题: great话题: 反馈
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 46535
Mr. Jiang's work has been both great help and challenge to us!
High Profile Award Ceremony by Mr. Jiang and Other Teachers
Improving quality of edit with feedbacks
预防肿瘤,什么是艾滋病等等,医学专业的义工Yunyue 便耐心又认真地搜集资料并一一
现象深入介绍,比如介绍世博会等。 篇幅所限,11 和12 期反馈的更详细统计资料见h
Based on feedbacks we compiled assessment to each of the articles by the
students and answers to some open questions, which has been a great help to
editors to understand students' need. For example, many students have compla
ined about challenges they face in studying English, as a result, many volun
teers in North America have continued to write about and to share their expe
riences. Another example is that many students asked about a variety of heal
th related issues, such as cancer prevention, AIDS, etc, which was responded
with abundant materials by Yunyue, a volunteer who happened to be a medical
student, with great patience and diligence. It was also noticed through fee
dback that many students showed great interests to current events, so we too
k a deep dive on some of the hot issues, such as the World Expo, etc. Due to
space limitation here, please see http://bbs.ocef.net/bbs/cgi-bin/forums.cg
i?forum=7&show=0 for more detailed stats and info on feedbacks received for
the 11th and 12th issue.
Volunteer Engagement
None of the above-mentioned projects could have been completed without conti
nued engagement from volunteers. Most active volunteers for the Rural Kids d
uring 2010 includes (in random order):
Huahun, Amo, Xiaoxiong Pangpang, Tongyi, 32, Mu Yunping, Unknown, Richard, S
ean, Cao Hui, Wang Jingxia, Shi Zai, Chen Jin, Xiyuan, Pan Hong, Tianyu Liuf
ang, Dandan Ying, Tong Tong, Baiyun Piao, Funjustine, Rachael, Concord, Ming
ming Rao, Xu Yunyi, Xinyun, Tumbler, Lin Canxian, etc.
Many thanks to great support from volunteers in Correspondence Group, Human
Resource Group, Library Group, Financial Aid Group, Senior High School Group
, Teachers Group, Finance Group, Network Group.
1 (共1页)
《小镇大法官》展农村法治图景 弘扬正义良心【$】Free Coffee @ Starbucks tomorrow 4/22/11 Earth Day, Bring Your Own Cup
大一跟张国荣合作,出道20年零绯闻不温不火,却因一次客串走红【$】Disney Store "Swim Sale", Plates and Tumblers $3, Set of 4 Mickey Plates $11, Kids Flip Flops 2 for $6, Beach Towels $8
千万豪宅失火致母子4人死亡 保姆被指见火就跑【$】Polo Ralph Lauren Flip Flops $4.49,Men's Levis Canvas Flip Flop $7.80, Men's Shorts $3, Yankee Candle Tumblers as low as $4.49, Large Candles $12.74, free shipping
unidentified_title【$】Yankee Candle Tumblers, select scents, $7.49, Large Jar Candles $12.74, free shipping
Getting Married (1.1)5大陆学者当选09年第三世界科学院院士,其中3科大校友
[OCEF翻译 10。4。3 - 蒋老师的信之前]【$】Everyday With Rachael Ray Magazine Subscription [10 Issues & Up to 4 Years] $2.99
【$】Bubba 2 pack Mug Set $7.99国务院“智囊团”为北京堵车支招:开不起车就不堵了
【$】4 Thermos Stainless Steel 12oz Tea Tumblers for $47.25女足也完了!
话题: group话题: 义工话题: students话题: great话题: 反馈