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TexasHoldem版 - Fryking's summary might be very true.
bluff or not ?
out of postion
AA slow play is a bad idea
Some Sick Hands during weekend live game in AC
did i make the right fold?
NL100 0.5/1 的一手牌
Live Game 很多都是limp pot
ugly hand
话题: live话题: table话题: only话题: had话题: maryland
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 981
Maryland Live actually might be the biggest fish pond right now. Had to take
a day off for a trip down to Baltimore in the morning, took a break and
played some poker in Maryland Live.
First all, even on a Tuesday morning there is 5 table and 10+ waitlist
before I get there at 10:00am. I had to wait almost a hour for a seat. The
girl calling the seat mess up the first call and the second call I think
someone cut the lane trying to play with their friend before I get to the
table. Didn't complain shit and Karma return the favor.
On the third try I got assigned to this table that is softer than some of
the $20 home game I played. There is only a raise on the table about half
the time, and half of those raise are $7 raises. However, it's not rare for
everyone to limp and someone raise at the end for $7-$12 and get more than
half of the table calls.
I just played ABC TAG poker + a wider limp range. Made quite aggressive
continuation bet. I got pretty luck today so I probably only bluffed once or
twice and semi bluffed a couple of times. Only had to show my card to claim
the pot 3-4 times as well. Up ~$600 in 5 hours.
The only notable hand is someone tried to bait me with a Rivered full house(
pocket pair). I limped in, lead out $7 in flop and $12 in turn but checked
at river after he checked first. I only had a low pair or mid pair, only
raised because I had position and no one else raised. I was going to give up
on any resistance happily just to mix-up my image a bit. This dude went
nuts, cursing and hit the table after I just check it down. Hand was nothing
but it's the first time I see someone loose control over such a small thing
. However, this guy is a complete fish, also played way to long, he fell in
sleep a couple times during the play. We thought he would stop every time he
got wiped out but he continuously pulls out $100. I think he is down $600-
700 by the time I left.
So moral to the story, if you guys are close, run, not walk to Maryland Live
before the crazy end and the game get harder. But I personally hope it's
always this easy.
发帖数: 1500
nowadays everybody is fisherman
发帖数: 15860
lol, good job!
i do hope the game will stay as soft as currently for a while, but who knows
? right now MDL has 41 and WV only has 6 tables running, compared with 15-20
before on a weekday night. quite some ppl are moving to MDL, sooner or
later, the game will have a balance.


【在 h**n 的大作中提到】
: Maryland Live actually might be the biggest fish pond right now. Had to take
: a day off for a trip down to Baltimore in the morning, took a break and
: played some poker in Maryland Live.
: First all, even on a Tuesday morning there is 5 table and 10+ waitlist
: before I get there at 10:00am. I had to wait almost a hour for a seat. The
: girl calling the seat mess up the first call and the second call I think
: someone cut the lane trying to play with their friend before I get to the
: table. Didn't complain shit and Karma return the favor.
: On the third try I got assigned to this table that is softer than some of
: the $20 home game I played. There is only a raise on the table about half

发帖数: 981

well, I don't have the skills like you guys, so depend on fish to win money

【在 d*****0 的大作中提到】
: nowadays everybody is fisherman
发帖数: 981

I probably got lucky today and got a even softer than average table in Live.
The amount of limp is just ridiculous.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: lol, good job!
: i do hope the game will stay as soft as currently for a while, but who knows
: ? right now MDL has 41 and WV only has 6 tables running, compared with 15-20
: before on a weekday night. quite some ppl are moving to MDL, sooner or
: later, the game will have a balance.
: take

发帖数: 15860
haha, I bet you're ready to hit back again as soon as you walked out.


【在 h**n 的大作中提到】
: knows
: 20
: I probably got lucky today and got a even softer than average table in Live.
: The amount of limp is just ridiculous.

发帖数: 3398
小白你丫赢这么多也不请我客, 赶紧搬过来, 中午在公司查了一下距离,4.1mile,


【在 h**n 的大作中提到】
: Maryland Live actually might be the biggest fish pond right now. Had to take
: a day off for a trip down to Baltimore in the morning, took a break and
: played some poker in Maryland Live.
: First all, even on a Tuesday morning there is 5 table and 10+ waitlist
: before I get there at 10:00am. I had to wait almost a hour for a seat. The
: girl calling the seat mess up the first call and the second call I think
: someone cut the lane trying to play with their friend before I get to the
: table. Didn't complain shit and Karma return the favor.
: On the third try I got assigned to this table that is softer than some of
: the $20 home game I played. There is only a raise on the table about half

1 (共1页)
别管玩多大, 赢钱是王道
初试Live Casino Poker里程.(4)
3 hand last night in commerce.
Fryking really hot this time
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Sunday Live game in AC 1$/2$
话题: live话题: table话题: only话题: had话题: maryland