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TexasHoldem版 - 屌丝的扑克研磨日记 06-11-13
To gamble or not to gambleMy first live $2/$5 NL
周末在WV玩了(下)How should I played this hand
非常衰的一个sessionhow long is this going to last?
Live hand 1$/2$请教一手牌,请大家使劲拍砖。
屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-12-13屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-23-13
屌丝的扑克研磨日记 06-12-13屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-26-13
尼玛 准备降级了又扑克研磨日记 06-13-13
话题: shove话题: btn话题: knockout话题: set话题: hero
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1500
1 5.5+5+5
2(0815) 11+10+10
3(8203) 11 $26.22
4(4529) 3.3
5 11
6(7995) 11
7(9995) 11+10+10
8(399) 3.3+3+3
1, late registered, did notice it is a turbo. I only have 5bb on big blind
with QTo, shove and lost. Double re-buy, 10bb on small blind with KQs, shove
, knockout. 迅雷不及掩耳盗铃啊 ~_~b
2, kinda run good at beginning, 2 sets cleared 2 overplay guys. Is today my
SET day?lol, 66 flat at btn and hit another set, cleared a donk's combo draw
. 2 hours later, Chips Leader EP 2BB open, 4 flatters including LP HERO with
33, sb 17bb stack squeeze shove, fold to hero, hesitating, hesitating, fine
, fold, donk LP snap called with QTo, SB shows QJo. Flop 3xy, 发课,忘了今天
是我的SET day. KQo 7bb 3bet steal EP 44/32/6 2bb open, donk cold shove, 发课
乘以2. Hero at BTN, ATo 30bb stack 3bet shove HJ(34/15/3) 2bb open + CO donk
's flat(51/36/15), ran into HJ's QQ, knockout. 几分钟内,从healthy chip
stack打出局,看来哥是ON TILT了.
3, 99MP 15bb open shove>88, double up. AA 2.5bb open, set of set, yeah. Rock
BTN 8bb shove, hero on sb reshove with ATo, BB instant call with 15bb. BB
shows AQo, btn shows AJo, 发课!15bb stack, in bubble, fold, fold and fold...
ITM with 10bb...shoving time, KQo shove, A4o shove<88, finished at 18th, $26
4, bunch of limpers, hero A4o bb pot size squeeze 5 limpers, BTN shortstack
re-shove with J9o, hero hold. Issue hand: KQs 15bb stack, hero EP 2bb open,
LP call, btn shortstack shove 6bb/hero call/LP call again, flop Axy, hero
donk shove 5bb get called by AKs, knockout
5, 9bb JJ reshove < qq, knockout
6, 14bb TT called 8.5bb rock open shove with QJo, crippled, sad. 5bb stack
79s shove, knockout
8, 20bb QQ < TT, knockout
7, last table, rock image 11/7/8, stack 16bb, pos 71/84, top 25 get paid
JJ UTG 2.7x open/call BTN 13bb shove, < QQ, 5bb left, sad. 78o 3bb on big
blind call EP 9bb shove < KJo, knockout.
SET day变成了SAD day,~-$97
发帖数: 7793
D神辛苦了。 真心佩服打MTT 的。 哥如今一想到屏幕前一坐5, 6小时就蛋疼, 哥如今
打牌的attention span 只有45分钟。

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 d*****0 的大作中提到】
: 1 5.5+5+5
: 2(0815) 11+10+10
: 3(8203) 11 $26.22
: 4(4529) 3.3
: 5 11
: 6(7995) 11
: 7(9995) 11+10+10
: 8(399) 3.3+3+3
: 1, late registered, did notice it is a turbo. I only have 5bb on big blind
: with QTo, shove and lost. Double re-buy, 10bb on small blind with KQs, shove

1 (共1页)
扑克研磨日记 06-13-13Live hand 1$/2$
讨论一手MTT牌屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-12-13
AQs and 88 VS shove in live屌丝的扑克研磨日记 06-12-13
问一手牌尼玛 准备降级了又
To gamble or not to gambleMy first live $2/$5 NL
周末在WV玩了(下)How should I played this hand
非常衰的一个sessionhow long is this going to last?
话题: shove话题: btn话题: knockout话题: set话题: hero