

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - a simple rule
live印象最深的四个错误dirty play...
A lesson learnednever muck your cards
Live Game 很多都是limp potthrow away the straight flush
问题解答4 hands of QQ (4)
为什么有时fold了还会亮底牌?lose big on super turbo satellites again
My best shot at a bad-beat jackpot好不容易的同花顺, 差点被DEALER给MUCK掉。
Got set.omaha 8 (5) Ace and the nut game
话题: mp话题: lp话题: hand话题: his话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15860
a few guys got into this argument last week.
heads up, big pot, on the river, MP checks, and LP starts his trash talk ...
then LP bets big, MP tanks for a long time while LP continues his BS.
in the end, MP makes the call. LP says "i have a full house..."
dealer then mucks MP's cards.
LP then insists, even if (only if) he doesn't have a full house, he still
wins this hand because MP mucks.
NO! in HU (only), before your opponent calls, you can trask talk or bluff
whatever way you want, and if you successfully make him fold, good job.
but if he calls you, you announce your hand, make him fold, and then you
cannot show the hand you claim, you LOSE, simple as that, in many card rooms
, such behaviors will get a warning too.
of couse, as his opponent, we should never muck our hand before seeing it
for sure.
发帖数: 7793
老大v5 求包养。
发帖数: 1621
Unfortunately LP is correct. At least based on many Casino's rules on cash
It is up to dealer, not players, to decide who has the winning hand when all
parties went to showdown.
LP can claim what he has all he want before AND after MP makes the call (at
least in cash game). His words about his hand ranking doesn't count unless
his words implied actions, such as "I fold", "I muck", then it is binding.
It is dealer's authority to decide who wins the pot. Before dealer can make
the decision, if MP mucked his hand or dealer mucked his hand before cards
turn face up, then accoding to rules, the winning hand is the last hand
standing, in this case, it is LP's hand. MP has the responsiblity to protest
his cards. If he can't protect his card before his hand turns face up, he
can't claim the winning hand.
发帖数: 1621
that is for cash game. I heard from tourney, if you talk about your hand
ranking, or reveal your hands to your opponents, you hand will be considered
发帖数: 13670
then i suggest mp buy a gun, and put a bullet in dealer and lp's nose


【在 T*********k 的大作中提到】
: Unfortunately LP is correct. At least based on many Casino's rules on cash
: game.
: It is up to dealer, not players, to decide who has the winning hand when all
: parties went to showdown.
: LP can claim what he has all he want before AND after MP makes the call (at
: least in cash game). His words about his hand ranking doesn't count unless
: his words implied actions, such as "I fold", "I muck", then it is binding.
: It is dealer's authority to decide who wins the pot. Before dealer can make
: the decision, if MP mucked his hand or dealer mucked his hand before cards
: turn face up, then accoding to rules, the winning hand is the last hand

发帖数: 15860
2. Cards speak (cards read for themselves). The dealer assists in reading
hands, but players are responsible for holding onto their cards until the
winner is declared. Although verbal declarations as to the contents of a
hand are not binding, deliberately miscalling a hand with the intent of
causing another player to discard a winning hand is unethical and may result
in forfeiture of the pot. (For more information on miscalling a hand see “
Section 11 - Lowball,” Rule 15 and Rule16.)


【在 T*********k 的大作中提到】
: Unfortunately LP is correct. At least based on many Casino's rules on cash
: game.
: It is up to dealer, not players, to decide who has the winning hand when all
: parties went to showdown.
: LP can claim what he has all he want before AND after MP makes the call (at
: least in cash game). His words about his hand ranking doesn't count unless
: his words implied actions, such as "I fold", "I muck", then it is binding.
: It is dealer's authority to decide who wins the pot. Before dealer can make
: the decision, if MP mucked his hand or dealer mucked his hand before cards
: turn face up, then accoding to rules, the winning hand is the last hand

发帖数: 1621
The keyword is "may". And how do you judge "deliberately"? Guys can simply
claim they misread their hands.
It is unethical for sure, but it is not illegal. Poker is not a game of man
of my words.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 2. Cards speak (cards read for themselves). The dealer assists in reading
: hands, but players are responsible for holding onto their cards until the
: winner is declared. Although verbal declarations as to the contents of a
: hand are not binding, deliberately miscalling a hand with the intent of
: causing another player to discard a winning hand is unethical and may result
: in forfeiture of the pot. (For more information on miscalling a hand see “
: Section 11 - Lowball,” Rule 15 and Rule16.)
: all
: at

发帖数: 15860
true, it's up to floor's decision and we can imagine the drama, hehe.


【在 T*********k 的大作中提到】
: The keyword is "may". And how do you judge "deliberately"? Guys can simply
: claim they misread their hands.
: It is unethical for sure, but it is not illegal. Poker is not a game of man
: of my words.
: result

1 (共1页)
omaha 8 (5) Ace and the nut game问题解答
vpn is strongMy best shot at a bad-beat jackpot
can someone tell me how to play pocket pairs OOPGot set.
live印象最深的四个错误dirty play...
A lesson learnednever muck your cards
Live Game 很多都是limp potthrow away the straight flush
话题: mp话题: lp话题: hand话题: his话题: he