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TexasHoldem版 - two more live hands
an interesting live handseveral hands played yesterday
How should this be played?Two hands what would u do
AA with deep stack, call or fold问一手牌
AQ flopped A, how to play?大家说说实战中总结出的经验教训?
did i make the right fold?bluff or not?
再来一手牌 - 最大化价值今天玩rush poker的一手AA
KA out of positionFolding top boat? ZT
Should I believe him?Please help me with these hands (Part III)
话题: he话题: bet话题: utg话题: him话题: bluff
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9164
2-5 NL.

A new young white kid just sat down at table and started the hand with
about 750$,I got him covered. He raised to 25 UTG, two callers, I was at SB
with QQ and I reraised to 120$, UTG snap shoved, 2 callers folded, action
to me, call or fold?
2. Villian is an internet kid and used to play a lot online. he is super
lag He raised preflop a ton and 3 bet a ton preflop. And he loves to make
a lot of move and 3 barrel bluff a lot. he is winning player though, with
huge swing. we have some history playing each other. I played back at him
a few times and showed him some bluff before.
I started with this hand with 1500$,so is villian. I limped with AdQd
UTG and
villian raised to 35 as usual. All folded to me, I called course.
Flop comes Qs 5d 6d. I checked,he bet 50, I check/raised to 150, he
called.Turn is Td and I turned nuts. What is the best option here? Bet
or check to induce bluff?
发帖数: 1175
first hand, i will fold. utg opens with 25 and shovel to a strong raise, most
players at 2/5NL table have KK/AA. 2nd hand, i think depending on your image. i always bet something not big on this turn to induce some bluff.
发帖数: 7014
1. fold (我是fish,不喜欢gamble)
2. 我会bet。3/5 or 2/3 pot左右。


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: 2-5 NL.
: 1.
: A new young white kid just sat down at table and started the hand with
: about 750$,I got him covered. He raised to 25 UTG, two callers, I was at SB
: with QQ and I reraised to 120$, UTG snap shoved, 2 callers folded, action
: to me, call or fold?
: 2. Villian is an internet kid and used to play a lot online. he is super
: lag He raised preflop a ton and 3 bet a ton preflop. And he loves to make
: a lot of move and 3 barrel bluff a lot. he is winning player though, with

发帖数: 1500
hand 1, utg just sat down and showed so much strength, i would give him some
credit, fold
hand 2, OOP is so annoying, any history of the betting mode between you guys
? what was your usual turn action against him? I would bet very small to
look like a block-bet, if he raises then tank call, and check river. OR just
shove here and hope some tp/2-pairs hands to catch our bluff, hehe.
发帖数: 1394
for hand 2, i think, chk to induce is common play. however,
if both guys are good, i like to bet pot on turn and river, to polarize,
hoping that he makes two hero calls with sth like TT/JJ.
if he has such things---bluff catchers, he won't bluff too much.
i think the logic is like this: your chk-raise flop includes:
air, flush draw, Qx and set/2pair
your big turn bet includes:
air and flush, but probably not Qx/set/2pair. this increases the chance he
makes hero call.


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: 2-5 NL.
: 1.
: A new young white kid just sat down at table and started the hand with
: about 750$,I got him covered. He raised to 25 UTG, two callers, I was at SB
: with QQ and I reraised to 120$, UTG snap shoved, 2 callers folded, action
: to me, call or fold?
: 2. Villian is an internet kid and used to play a lot online. he is super
: lag He raised preflop a ton and 3 bet a ton preflop. And he loves to make
: a lot of move and 3 barrel bluff a lot. he is winning player though, with

发帖数: 95
1. FOLD. I would only go allin pre-flop with AA and KK only. Dump QQ
AK 100% for $750 (no point to play coin flip, why?)
2. On the turn the pot was aroudn 370. I will bet somewhere between 100
150 to reel him in. Probably same bet of 150 would be very deceptive.


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: 2-5 NL.
: 1.
: A new young white kid just sat down at table and started the hand with
: about 750$,I got him covered. He raised to 25 UTG, two callers, I was at SB
: with QQ and I reraised to 120$, UTG snap shoved, 2 callers folded, action
: to me, call or fold?
: 2. Villian is an internet kid and used to play a lot online. he is super
: lag He raised preflop a ton and 3 bet a ton preflop. And he loves to make
: a lot of move and 3 barrel bluff a lot. he is winning player though, with

发帖数: 13670

since he just sat down, u have no idea, utg shove 4bet, against a range AA,
kk,AK?, you are 2:3, pot is 920, u need to call 630 (i assume you cover him)
, so, yeah, why not, if u think he will never do it with AK, then maybe fold
, if he is an internet kid, then his range might even be a lot bigger, then
it's a snap call
i will bet,你懂的

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: 2-5 NL.
: 1.
: A new young white kid just sat down at table and started the hand with
: about 750$,I got him covered. He raised to 25 UTG, two callers, I was at SB
: with QQ and I reraised to 120$, UTG snap shoved, 2 callers folded, action
: to me, call or fold?
: 2. Villian is an internet kid and used to play a lot online. he is super
: lag He raised preflop a ton and 3 bet a ton preflop. And he loves to make
: a lot of move and 3 barrel bluff a lot. he is winning player though, with

发帖数: 142
hand 1,
should be a call...
1. if he has A-A, he won't always shove
2. your 3-bet may not be that strong given your bad position
3. he could be just squeezing the other two guys out.
发帖数: 9164
thanks a lot for the input guys. I appreciate it. As played , I did fold
QQ preflop against the 4 bet shove. But it is actually not necesssary an
automatic fold. I saw many time that 2-5 players shove with TT, JJ for this
stack against 3 bet. there are even more gambling with 5-10NL or higher. I
saw 4k going in with AK vs AA between two regs in 5-10NL. I just hate to
gamble there without any read. He did not show me.
for the second hand. I bet 275 on the turn against 375$ pot and he
folded. I think I played wrong here. My image to him is solid but make move
once a while. The turn bet just looks too strong and try to build pot. I
think the best play is to bet something like 125-150$ to keep weak one pair
hand or weak draw in and give him a chance to make a move on the turn.

【在 d******u 的大作中提到】
: hand 1,
: should be a call...
: 1. if he has A-A, he won't always shove
: 2. your 3-bet may not be that strong given your bad position
: 3. he could be just squeezing the other two guys out.

1 (共1页)
Please help me with these hands (Part III)did i make the right fold?
flop bottom set, led out and got raised on draw heavy board再来一手牌 - 最大化价值
share some handsKA out of position
我也贡献一手handShould I believe him?
an interesting live handseveral hands played yesterday
How should this be played?Two hands what would u do
AA with deep stack, call or fold问一手牌
AQ flopped A, how to play?大家说说实战中总结出的经验教训?
话题: he话题: bet话题: utg话题: him话题: bluff