

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - 今天的2把KK
这样的牌怎么打?What will you do ?
Can you fold top set?call shove or fold?
25 NL 好象啥人都有,太难read 了问一手牌
很惊魂的一把牌,deep stack 4-bet pot 求建议贡献一个rush game的一手牌
a touny question这把AA打得很成问题
A K preflop 值不值all in?几首牌
Can you lay down your set?送钱的又来了..
话题: kk话题: aa话题: bet话题: fold话题: qq
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7793
都输了。 parx 1/2
第一把, 没意思, EP raised 7$ couple callers, I reraised to 35,
sb short stack shoved $110, bb donked calls with 165$ left. all folded. I re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q. luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
第二把,有点意思 lp raise 15 他有大该250, 那个棒子call. 我在dealer, 有700筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑, 我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. 其实他JJ preflop 都丢了, 这里那么深, 只能是AA. (看来我也能把对手读出一手牌来, 呵呵)。 他这牌其实也打得够差的。他前面有用QQ 3 bet, 如果他 3 bet 35, 估计我可能会4 bet, 然后就难说了, lucky me, 他把AA 打明了, 我都不记得上次我preflop fold KK 是十么时候, 网上打了快1million 手牌,好像总共就那么一两次。完了这把, 抄起筹码, 我就回家了。
发帖数: 456
very good fold. Don't know if I can make it.
发帖数: 9164
well played.
I only folded KK once for below 200 BB effective in live game. He showed
But for deeper stack, I do not 4 bet with KK often.

re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该
20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑,
我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不
call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. 其实他JJ preflop
都丢了, 这里那么深, 只能是AA. (看来我也能把对手读出一手牌来, 呵呵)。
他这牌其实也打得够差的。他前面有用QQ 3 bet, 如果他: 3 bet 35, 估计我可能会4
bet, 然后就难说了, lucky me, 他把AA 打明了, 我都不记得上次我preflop fold
KK 是十么时候, 网上打了快1million 手牌,好像总共就那么一两次。完了这把, 抄
起筹码, 我就回家了。

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 都输了。 parx 1/2
: 第一把, 没意思, EP raised 7$ couple callers, I reraised to 35,
: sb short stack shoved $110, bb donked calls with 165$ left. all folded. I re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q. luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
: 第二把,有点意思 lp raise 15 他有大该250, 那个棒子call. 我在dealer, 有700筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑, 我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. 其实他JJ preflop 都丢了, 这里那么深, 只能是AA. (看来我也能把对手读出一手牌来, 呵呵)。 他这牌其实也打得够差的。他前面有用QQ 3 bet, 如果他 3 bet 35, 估计我可能会4 bet, 然后就难说了, lucky me, 他把AA 打明了, 我都不记得上次我preflop fold KK 是十么时候, 网上打了快1million 手牌,好像总共就那么一两次。完了这把, 抄起筹码, 我就回家了。

发帖数: 7793
如果对手3 bet 只有KK, AA, 当然 不能4 bet, 这样估计fold KK也没错, 除非你set farming, 那你用任何pokcet pair 都能call 3 bet.
如果对手3 bet 有QQ JJ AK 之类, 4 bet 和 flat都可, 但理由不同, flat 是为了keep all his range alive for value in late street. 4 bet 是 for immediate value, 没有对错, 看对手preflop 和post flop 的calling range 而论。 deep stack 更无所谓了, 4 bet 后300bb deep 就SPR 而论也变成short stack 了。 当然这也和你的image 有关, 如果你自己只3 bet AA KK, 那你4 bet 了也不会有action 除了AA, KK, 那当然不4 bet.

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: well played.
: I only folded KK once for below 200 BB effective in live game. He showed
: AA.
: But for deeper stack, I do not 4 bet with KK often.
: re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
: luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
: 个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
: 筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该
: 20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑,

发帖数: 2801
第二把 AA感觉打的很好啊,即可以让250的跟进,又可以push走deep-stake而且在

re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该
20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑,
我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不
call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. 其实他JJ preflop
都丢了, 这里那么深, 只能是AA. (看来我也能把对手读出一手牌来, 呵呵)。
他这牌其实也打得够差的。他前面有用QQ 3 bet, 如果他: 3 bet 35, 估计我可能会4
bet, 然后就难说了, lucky me, 他把AA 打明了, 我都不记得上次我preflop fold
KK 是十么时候, 网上打了快1million 手牌,好像总共就那么一两次。完了这把, 抄
起筹码, 我就回家了。

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 都输了。 parx 1/2
: 第一把, 没意思, EP raised 7$ couple callers, I reraised to 35,
: sb short stack shoved $110, bb donked calls with 165$ left. all folded. I re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q. luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
: 第二把,有点意思 lp raise 15 他有大该250, 那个棒子call. 我在dealer, 有700筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑, 我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. 其实他JJ preflop 都丢了, 这里那么深, 只能是AA. (看来我也能把对手读出一手牌来, 呵呵)。 他这牌其实也打得够差的。他前面有用QQ 3 bet, 如果他 3 bet 35, 估计我可能会4 bet, 然后就难说了, lucky me, 他把AA 打明了, 我都不记得上次我preflop fold KK 是十么时候, 网上打了快1million 手牌,好像总共就那么一两次。完了这把, 抄起筹码, 我就回家了。

发帖数: 39

re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该
20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑,
我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不
call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. 其实他JJ preflop
都丢了, 这里那么深, 只能是AA. (看来我也能把对手读出一手牌来, 呵呵)。
他这牌其实也打得够差的。他前面有用QQ 3 bet, 如果他: 3 bet 35, 估计我可能会4
bet, 然后就难说了, lucky me, 他把AA 打明了, 我都不记得上次我preflop fold
KK 是十么时候, 网上打了快1million 手牌,好像总共就那么一两次。完了这把, 抄
起筹码, 我就回家了。

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 都输了。 parx 1/2
: 第一把, 没意思, EP raised 7$ couple callers, I reraised to 35,
: sb short stack shoved $110, bb donked calls with 165$ left. all folded. I re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q. luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
: 第二把,有点意思 lp raise 15 他有大该250, 那个棒子call. 我在dealer, 有700筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑, 我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. 其实他JJ preflop 都丢了, 这里那么深, 只能是AA. (看来我也能把对手读出一手牌来, 呵呵)。 他这牌其实也打得够差的。他前面有用QQ 3 bet, 如果他 3 bet 35, 估计我可能会4 bet, 然后就难说了, lucky me, 他把AA 打明了, 我都不记得上次我preflop fold KK 是十么时候, 网上打了快1million 手牌,好像总共就那么一两次。完了这把, 抄起筹码, 我就回家了。

发帖数: 1114
both LP and MM can fold this. The only hand of 棒子 could have is AA/KK.
Push 700+ all-in with just 100+ in pot? was he panic? he does not play deep
stack well.
what would MM do if 棒子 4 bet with around 150? 100 on top? this also
introduces the lp shove/commit and MM will be the sandwich... lol

re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该
20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑,
我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不
call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. 其实他JJ preflop
都丢了, 这里那么深, 只能是AA. (看来我也能把对手读出一手牌来, 呵呵)。
他这牌其实也打得够差的。他前面有用QQ 3 bet, 如果他: 3 bet 35, 估计我可能会4
bet, 然后就难说了, lucky me, 他把AA 打明了, 我都不记得上次我preflop fold
KK 是十么时候, 网上打了快1million 手牌,好像总共就那么一两次。完了这把, 抄
起筹码, 我就回家了。

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 都输了。 parx 1/2
: 第一把, 没意思, EP raised 7$ couple callers, I reraised to 35,
: sb short stack shoved $110, bb donked calls with 165$ left. all folded. I re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q. luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
: 第二把,有点意思 lp raise 15 他有大该250, 那个棒子call. 我在dealer, 有700筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑, 我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. 其实他JJ preflop 都丢了, 这里那么深, 只能是AA. (看来我也能把对手读出一手牌来, 呵呵)。 他这牌其实也打得够差的。他前面有用QQ 3 bet, 如果他 3 bet 35, 估计我可能会4 bet, 然后就难说了, lucky me, 他把AA 打明了, 我都不记得上次我preflop fold KK 是十么时候, 网上打了快1million 手牌,好像总共就那么一两次。完了这把, 抄起筹码, 我就回家了。

发帖数: 7793
假期太多了, 老婆又没假, 一个人在家闲着也是闲着。。 呵呵。。其实已经很久没打牌了. 快两个月了.

【在 r******r 的大作中提到】
: 周中还能去打牌,羡慕啊!
: re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
: luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
: 个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
: 筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该
: 20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑,
: 我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不
: call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. 其实他JJ preflop
: 都丢了, 这里那么深, 只能是AA. (看来我也能把对手读出一手牌来, 呵呵)。

发帖数: 7793
我说他打得烂吧。 打到我心安里得preflop秒fold KK的程度, 够差的. 呵呵。 我运气好。
他可能也没想到我会fold KK.
其实我们筹码的深度应该可以帮lp fold.. 不过鱼就是鱼, 有QQ 是放不下的. 而且可能越看越觉得对手是AK..lol. 估计棒子over shove 也是打鱼打惯了, AA 再明显, fish 也会给action.


【在 g**s 的大作中提到】
: both LP and MM can fold this. The only hand of 棒子 could have is AA/KK.
: Push 700+ all-in with just 100+ in pot? was he panic? he does not play deep
: stack well.
: what would MM do if 棒子 4 bet with around 150? 100 on top? this also
: introduces the lp shove/commit and MM will be the sandwich... lol
: re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
: luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
: 个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
: 筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该

发帖数: 1114
yeah, I think it's "打鱼打惯了"... he should target your chips as lp's short
stack is nothing in this situation...

可能越看越觉得对手是AK..lol. 估计棒子over shove 也是打鱼打惯了, AA 再明显,
fish 也会给action.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 我说他打得烂吧。 打到我心安里得preflop秒fold KK的程度, 够差的. 呵呵。 我运气好。
: 他可能也没想到我会fold KK.
: 其实我们筹码的深度应该可以帮lp fold.. 不过鱼就是鱼, 有QQ 是放不下的. 而且可能越看越觉得对手是AK..lol. 估计棒子over shove 也是打鱼打惯了, AA 再明显, fish 也会给action.
: deep

a touny questionWhat will you do ?
A K preflop 值不值all in?分享自己一手臭牌
Can you lay down your set?call shove or fold?
发帖数: 2801
不到$100,偶怎么觉得AA反而不好make action了呢?


【在 g**s 的大作中提到】
: yeah, I think it's "打鱼打惯了"... he should target your chips as lp's short
: stack is nothing in this situation...
: 运气好。
: 可能越看越觉得对手是AK..lol. 估计棒子over shove 也是打鱼打惯了, AA 再明显,
: fish 也会给action.

发帖数: 2801

【在 H****r 的大作中提到】
: 看来偶的想法还是更偏向鱼的一边哈,这里如果AA搞到150,两家call,其中一个只剩
: 不到$100,偶怎么觉得AA反而不好make action了呢?
: short

发帖数: 7793
我看他既然没有3 bet, 可能最好就是prelfop call. pot 130$ spr 6. not bad to stack my KK post flop. 如果他3 bet, 我4 bet 那他再call, 就更好了, 因为spr 更小. 这种KK AA, preflop 有3 bet 4 bet. 其实300bb stack 都不算深. preflop 稍微有点耐心, post flop 就打到all in 了.

【在 H****r 的大作中提到】
: 同时如果他觉得你打的好这样也是一种防御吧?再说如果hero真的又是KK也还是有可能
: call的,就一般玩家来说...

发帖数: 1114
yes, that's why it's "打鱼打惯了"... this is play is not that bad if he
reads hero is 一般玩家, but he read wrong.
also even for 一般玩家, because they could not fold KK any way, there are
lots changes/streets to extract values. 一般玩家 could also 5-bet all in
right? if they call 700+ 4 bet.

【在 H****r 的大作中提到】
: 同时如果他觉得你打的好这样也是一种防御吧?再说如果hero真的又是KK也还是有可能
: call的,就一般玩家来说...

发帖数: 1114
if he 4 bet 100 more on top, would you still fold your KK?

stack my KK post flop. 如果他3 bet, 我4 bet 那他再call, 就更好了, 因为spr
更小. 这种KK AA, preflop 有3 bet 4 bet. 其实300bb stack 都不算深. preflop
稍微有点耐心, post flop 就打到all in 了.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 我看他既然没有3 bet, 可能最好就是prelfop call. pot 130$ spr 6. not bad to stack my KK post flop. 如果他3 bet, 我4 bet 那他再call, 就更好了, 因为spr 更小. 这种KK AA, preflop 有3 bet 4 bet. 其实300bb stack 都不算深. preflop 稍微有点耐心, post flop 就打到all in 了.
发帖数: 2801
I c the point now. But usually AA would be satisfied to get one target
totally hooked I guess. Maybe I'm still too conservative...

stack my KK post flop. 如果他3 bet, 我4 bet 那他再call, 就更好了, 因为spr
更小. 这种KK AA, preflop 有3 bet 4 bet. 其实300bb stack 都不算深. preflop
稍微有点耐心, post flop 就打到all in 了.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 我看他既然没有3 bet, 可能最好就是prelfop call. pot 130$ spr 6. not bad to stack my KK post flop. 如果他3 bet, 我4 bet 那他再call, 就更好了, 因为spr 更小. 这种KK AA, preflop 有3 bet 4 bet. 其实300bb stack 都不算深. preflop 稍微有点耐心, post flop 就打到all in 了.
发帖数: 1114
you can think 100 left from lp is nothing, as long as MM called. you play
what should play. with 450+ in the pot, cards play by themself. risk is
there by having one more play in the pot, but this player(MM) has lot of chips we
should invite him into the party...
it's very possible that LP re-shove so give AA another chance(need manage
the betting size) to raise and make MM sandwich...

【在 H****r 的大作中提到】
: 看来偶的想法还是更偏向鱼的一边哈,这里如果AA搞到150,两家call,其中一个只剩
: 不到$100,偶怎么觉得AA反而不好make action了呢?
: short

发帖数: 7793
I don't know. Won't be an easy decision fold or calling. Make it 60$ more,
now I am definitely calling, might even be pushing myself.

if he 4 bet 100 more on top, would you still fold your KK?
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【在 g**s 的大作中提到】
: if he 4 bet 100 more on top, would you still fold your KK?
: stack my KK post flop. 如果他3 bet, 我4 bet 那他再call, 就更好了, 因为spr
: 更小. 这种KK AA, preflop 有3 bet 4 bet. 其实300bb stack 都不算深. preflop
: 稍微有点耐心, post flop 就打到all in 了.

发帖数: 2801
Guess my thought about "lock profit" is wrong anyway. MM's read on AA and KK
folding are both respectful!


【在 g**s 的大作中提到】
: you can think 100 left from lp is nothing, as long as MM called. you play
: what should play. with 450+ in the pot, cards play by themself. risk is
: there by having one more play in the pot, but this player(MM) has lot of chips we
: should invite him into the party...
: it's very possible that LP re-shove so give AA another chance(need manage
: the betting size) to raise and make MM sandwich...

发帖数: 2801
Well if I were that AA and about 500 pot it also like automatically allin...
The risk of seeing J,Q,K on the flop might be 40%?

risk is: there by having one more play in the pot, but this player(MM) has
lot of chips we : should invite him into the party...

【在 g**s 的大作中提到】
: you can think 100 left from lp is nothing, as long as MM called. you play
: what should play. with 450+ in the pot, cards play by themself. risk is
: there by having one more play in the pot, but this player(MM) has lot of chips we
: should invite him into the party...
: it's very possible that LP re-shove so give AA another chance(need manage
: the betting size) to raise and make MM sandwich...

1 (共1页)
送钱的又来了..很惊魂的一把牌,deep stack 4-bet pot 求建议
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话题: kk话题: aa话题: bet话题: fold话题: qq