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TexasHoldem版 - 看来 FTP 是针对我,我的 bank transfer 和 premium wire transfer 全给 disable 了
Has FTP disabled bank transfer completely? How do you get money outsome FTP news/answers from 2+2 ftp Doug
Will withdrawing $$ from ftp trigger bank alert?FTP's newest FAQ about U.S player.
How much to deposit at FTP?FTP的fund processor看来又让FBI搞了
This is very strange--withdrawing from FTPHow is the withdraw of FTP?
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now NO withdraw from FTPturned down by FTP
话题: ftp话题: transfer话题: accounts话题: bank话题: wire
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1621
今天刚 login 到我的 ftp account, 弹出窗口说现在 thrid party process 有问题,
所以现在暂时把 premium wire transfer 给 disable。
现在我 bank transfer 和 premium wire transfer 全给关了。不能提钱。尽管我已经
我 login 到另一个账户上去,就没有同样的信息出现。
估计我的那些已经 pending 的 withdraw 也悬。反正如果 ftp 不收取我的 deposit
的话,损失的就是我的 profit, 也就几百块钱。
不知道是怎么回事,经常上 2+2 的,有没有小道消息?是不是因为打去年 12 月起,
FTP 就从来没从银行提过我 deposit 有关?
发帖数: 4896

【在 T*********k 的大作中提到】
: 今天刚 login 到我的 ftp account, 弹出窗口说现在 thrid party process 有问题,
: 所以现在暂时把 premium wire transfer 给 disable。
: 现在我 bank transfer 和 premium wire transfer 全给关了。不能提钱。尽管我已经
: 无钱可提。
: 我 login 到另一个账户上去,就没有同样的信息出现。
: 估计我的那些已经 pending 的 withdraw 也悬。反正如果 ftp 不收取我的 deposit
: 的话,损失的就是我的 profit, 也就几百块钱。
: 不知道是怎么回事,经常上 2+2 的,有没有小道消息?是不是因为打去年 12 月起,
: FTP 就从来没从银行提过我 deposit 有关?

发帖数: 15860
i believe so (from multiple sources), no deposit/withdrawal for new accounts.
and if you guys dare, open new accounts, do multiple max deposits in a week,
then "lose" all to some old guys who don't have withdrawal problems, then
you two chop chop, hehe.

【在 s*******o 的大作中提到】
: 那岂不是新账户都永远也取不到钱了。。。。。。。
: ,

发帖数: 9164
just got my first bank xfer in bank since last nov. took 3 days. NO as fast
as before, but better than 3 weeks. Hope ftp keeps this way.
hope ftp keeps this way.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: i believe so (from multiple sources), no deposit/withdrawal for new accounts.
: and if you guys dare, open new accounts, do multiple max deposits in a week,
: then "lose" all to some old guys who don't have withdrawal problems, then
: you two chop chop, hehe.

发帖数: 4896
i will try to make a withdrawal request.
All my deposits on PS are charged in 1-2 days.
Guess we'd better move from FTP to PS.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: i believe so (from multiple sources), no deposit/withdrawal for new accounts.
: and if you guys dare, open new accounts, do multiple max deposits in a week,
: then "lose" all to some old guys who don't have withdrawal problems, then
: you two chop chop, hehe.

发帖数: 15860
there must be something big going on with FTP and they can't solve.
i don't know how their middle processors work with e-checks, etc., but i
highly doubt they'll ever take those pending deposits, or, in another word,
FTP might "forgive" us, hehe. it has been so long (since last nov.) and i
don't think they'll be able to process those deposits after a long delay (if
the e-check authorization expires or something like that).
in theory, this could be a HUGE hole, because i guess you can even "deposit"
from some fake bank accounts, and by the time (after months) they try and
verify those accounts don't exist, the money will be gone and "lost" to
this is why i think they're treating old and new accounts differently now,
for new accounts, they just can't process withdrawals UNTIL they can take
your deposits, otherwise this could create double losses to them.
only my suspicions.

【在 s*******o 的大作中提到】
: i will try to make a withdrawal request.
: All my deposits on PS are charged in 1-2 days.
: Guess we'd better move from FTP to PS.
: accounts.
: week,

1 (共1页)
turned down by FTPwithdraw money from FTP
withdraw money from Fulltilt?finally, FTP emailed me about withdrawals
用ftp point打比赛输了也会减rake back吗BREAKING NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Has FTP disabled bank transfer completely? How do you get money outsome FTP news/answers from 2+2 ftp Doug
Will withdrawing $$ from ftp trigger bank alert?FTP's newest FAQ about U.S player.
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This is very strange--withdrawing from FTPHow is the withdraw of FTP?
话题: ftp话题: transfer话题: accounts话题: bank话题: wire