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TexasHoldem版 - sigh, need luck for this one
one tourney handTouney后期问题
怎么打JJ布告:无独有偶,show play AA的下场!
cmis91 may have a HUGE nightQuestion
几把牌听听意见Is it a good move?
one hand, lol应了那句话
屌丝的扑克研磨日记 06-11-13一手牌 请指点
个人live史上最惨败一把US players are at least 1/2 of all their business
my live game handshould i call this river?
话题: got话题: he话题: me话题: tourney话题: played
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15860
long hours, 40th in miniftops event #4, 3954 players, 1st gets $77K.
shoved the same 3x opener in previous hand, and thought this one was a sure win
(2 shoves in a row strength), BB woke up with monster.
result sucks but may be the best tourney i ever played:
1) played with annettt_15, lol, and busted one ex ftop champ;
2) pulled quite a few big bluffs with air on river, big pots;
3) played stack/pot well.
发帖数: 9164
congratulatoin! King. Hopefully next big score coming soon.
any key hand to share?

sure win

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: long hours, 40th in miniftops event #4, 3954 players, 1st gets $77K.
: shoved the same 3x opener in previous hand, and thought this one was a sure win
: (2 shoves in a row strength), BB woke up with monster.
: result sucks but may be the best tourney i ever played:
: 1) played with annettt_15, lol, and busted one ex ftop champ;
: 2) pulled quite a few big bluffs with air on river, big pots;
: 3) played stack/pot well.

发帖数: 7793
nice. how much did you get?~
发帖数: 15860
small money, about $900, the money ladder went steep later, 1st got 77K, 6th
got 12K since it's 6-max.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: nice. how much did you get?~
发帖数: 2063
fryking is so strong. Still many high stake famous regs in the tourney.
They make the 3 way chop

sure win

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: long hours, 40th in miniftops event #4, 3954 players, 1st gets $77K.
: shoved the same 3x opener in previous hand, and thought this one was a sure win
: (2 shoves in a row strength), BB woke up with monster.
: result sucks but may be the best tourney i ever played:
: 1) played with annettt_15, lol, and busted one ex ftop champ;
: 2) pulled quite a few big bluffs with air on river, big pots;
: 3) played stack/pot well.

发帖数: 15860
there's actually nothing to brag about, i was nursing my 10-40BB stack for
most of the time and was never a favorite in any sense. i didn't double up
with any premium hands much either, except i busted SkillVille, ex ftops
champ with AK, he got AK too and re-shoved me, i luckily hit 4 card flush.
my hands held up in a few coin flips while i was on the slightly behind side
. i knew ppl figured me as ABC poker and would give me respect, that's why i
knew i could river bluff big with a few busted draws.
when it got down to about 50 ppl, most of the field was filled with regulars
and i was one of the only few fish left. two hands i could be more
aggressive to gamble but i didn't or actually i shouldn't:
1) A9o at BTN, UTG open shoved 15BB, MP called and was all-in too, i got
about 25BB and tanked before folding. UTG got A5o and MP got AKs, board
5xx9x, i missed a very needed 2.5x up but i knew i was in bad shape;
2) ATo at BB, BTN opened 2.5x, he's new to the table and looked like
stealing for a few rounds, SB (a weak tight cash game player who i had notes
on) shoved for 20BB. both got me (17BB) covered. if SB didn't do it, i was
going to. again i tanked and let it go. BTN snap called with 77 and SB got
AKs, well, the worst situation for my hand, but otherwise i'd river a
gutshot on river.
watched annettt_15 playing at the same time, she's indeed a genious, hehe, i
'm way behind.

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: congratulatoin! King. Hopefully next big score coming soon.
: any key hand to share?
: sure win

发帖数: 15860
with everything as played last night, i figure i could get to around 20ish,
of course, even 40th or 100th was kind of lucky for me already.
playing cash game helps me understand the betting size/shoving part much
better, although it actually sounds retarded for a guy who has played for
this long, sigh.

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: fryking is so strong. Still many high stake famous regs in the tourney.
: They make the 3 way chop
: sure win

发帖数: 1989
Nice run. 40 out of 4K is decent.
"i knew ppl figured me as ABC poker and would give me respect", how do they
figure that out at your understanding? I have the same problem.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: thanks!
: there's actually nothing to brag about, i was nursing my 10-40BB stack for
: most of the time and was never a favorite in any sense. i didn't double up
: with any premium hands much either, except i busted SkillVille, ex ftops
: champ with AK, he got AK too and re-shoved me, i luckily hit 4 card flush.
: my hands held up in a few coin flips while i was on the slightly behind side
: . i knew ppl figured me as ABC poker and would give me respect, that's why i
: knew i could river bluff big with a few busted draws.
: when it got down to about 50 ppl, most of the field was filled with regulars
: and i was one of the only few fish left. two hands i could be more

发帖数: 2063
you played very well, you can no-way to call that 2 allins.
if you call and win, then you are the hero and doom to win the tourney. After that, you can play weak tight, and wait for good hands. At that stage, some big names such as da_professional(that KaKaFC is not easy to handle in my opinion) still are in the tourney, you can not bully him around.
or you can play the bully, and wins the tourney.
发帖数: 2063
frykK should tell us the full story. :)
It should benefit all of us.


【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: Nice run. 40 out of 4K is decent.
: "i knew ppl figured me as ABC poker and would give me respect", how do they
: figure that out at your understanding? I have the same problem.
: side
: i
: regulars

屌丝的扑克研磨日记 06-11-13Touney后期问题
个人live史上最惨败一把布告:无独有偶,show play AA的下场!
my live game handQuestion
发帖数: 15860
1) our table never broke for the whole tourney, ppl came in and busted all
the time, but for most of time, at least 2 guys had been playing with me for
quite some hands.
2) my steal/resteal rate was still low, even MM told me to 4-bet a guy wtih
49o who she had notes on, lol.
3) i guess most of them had some kinds of HUD turned on, and they should
know that i was a fish taking shots without any big scores at all.
4) i managed to show down with decent hands, maybe missing some value but
good advertising effect.
so i figured if ppl could perceive me as such an image, i could use it
somehow to my advantage, for example, i stone cold bluffed a regular 3 big
barrels on a 4 card flush board with ace high, he tanked for long on river
and then folded.
i almost busted another ftops champ, "gobeck" or something, he got 20BB left
, 5x a limper from MP, i 10x him at BTN... this time i got a real hand, KK.
he folded, but he's rather snap call someone's shove with 2nd trash pair on
i made a lot of small raises with weak hands in situations where the "normal
" play would be bigger, but every time suprisingly it worked just fine. i
almost felt i was playing a limit game, lol.
good learning expr for me in general.


【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: Nice run. 40 out of 4K is decent.
: "i knew ppl figured me as ABC poker and would give me respect", how do they
: figure that out at your understanding? I have the same problem.
: side
: i
: regulars

发帖数: 2063
i almost busted another ftops champ, "gobeck" or something, he got 20BB left
, 5x a limper from MP, i 10x him at BTN... this time i got a real hand, KK.
he folded, but he's rather snap call someone's shove with 2nd trash pair on
发帖数: 15860
the limper before him, was a calling station, if i flat, he's surely coming
on board, did i want 2 callers with 1/4 stack in for KK? maybe yes.
at that point, i was playing simple and trying to go HU with him, he
amazingly laid down and it made me feel bad, hehe.


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: i almost busted another ftops champ, "gobeck" or something, he got 20BB left
: , 5x a limper from MP, i 10x him at BTN... this time i got a real hand, KK.
: he folded, but he's rather snap call someone's shove with 2nd trash pair on
: flop.

发帖数: 7793
when a fish calling station is in the pot, he knows that you will not be
bluffing at this spot. Most of regs change their play somewhat when a fish
is in the pot. I think flatting here in position and try to stack him post
flop is probably the best chip ev wise with the shallow stack. Is it a good
play in a tournament? I have no clue since you do run the risk of fish come along and get out drawned by 2 player.
发帖数: 15860
i guess this is a hand that can be tuned.
stack sizes: limper got 70BB, champ got 20K, i got 30K. BB is another factor
too, he and i got long history, there was a small chance he could come
abord if i flatted since the whole table was targeting at the calling
station's nice stack.
i was fully expecting champ to call or shove me after that 5x. he's way more
disciplined, i have to say.

come along and get out drawned by 2 player.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: when a fish calling station is in the pot, he knows that you will not be
: bluffing at this spot. Most of regs change their play somewhat when a fish
: is in the pot. I think flatting here in position and try to stack him post
: flop is probably the best chip ev wise with the shallow stack. Is it a good
: play in a tournament? I have no clue since you do run the risk of fish come along and get out drawned by 2 player.

1 (共1页)
should i call this river?one hand, lol
俺晕屌丝的扑克研磨日记 06-11-13
two more hands.个人live史上最惨败一把
我也来抱怨下my live game hand
one tourney handTouney后期问题
怎么打JJ布告:无独有偶,show play AA的下场!
cmis91 may have a HUGE nightQuestion
几把牌听听意见Is it a good move?
话题: got话题: he话题: me话题: tourney话题: played