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TexasHoldem版 - TWO FTP 100+K by a same person in one day
FTOPS Sat Challenge freeroll快速认出good aggressive玩家
US players are at least 1/2 of all their business咱们msop明年7月组队去参加main event吧
打KO的后遗症one of the sickest rebuy token game I have ever played
finally win a game【公告】明天参加牌局的id注意了!
Lastest Update about FTP cash out from 2+2 by FTP doug 发文庆祝一下
ZT -- FTP Answers 5/15 from 2+2 FTP Dougftp的tournement真tmd无聊
cmis91 may have a HUGE night一个牛人.
get the token race win. For ftop event 9, HUskill is SO important, lol
话题: ftp话题: two话题: day话题: person话题: buyin
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1989
jymaster11 won Sunday Brawl and 750 GRNTE in a single day.
发帖数: 2063
ducku has back to back 500$ buyin tournament win.
halffrek has back to back ftop win(860k Total), in 2 days.

【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: jymaster11 won Sunday Brawl and 750 GRNTE in a single day.
发帖数: 7793
if your reaction is "these guys are good. I need to get better to their
level" then you might have a chance to be there.
If your reaction is "damn i could be one of them if i play enough" then you
will never be one of them.
发帖数: 1989
normal? hhhee, you are pretending to save your waahhh.
1 out 2000+ and 1 in 3000+. He entered 750 Guarantee final table with short-
and manager to win. That is waahhh.

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: normal
: ducku has back to back 500$ buyin tournament win.
: halffrek has back to back ftop win(860k Total), in 2 days.

发帖数: 2063
halfrek won 2 FTOPs event in 2 days.
one is 1000$ buyin, 1st prize is 450k.
one is 2500$ buyin, 1st prize is 400k.
both are the toughest field. That is really really amazing.
Da_professional has won 3 tournies on FTP in 2 days.
no big majors, still up 130K$
one is 163$ rebuy,(65K$) one is 163$ freeout,(23K) one is 100$ rebuy.(40K)
Those are the toughest games on FTP.


【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: normal? hhhee, you are pretending to save your waahhh.
: 1 out 2000+ and 1 in 3000+. He entered 750 Guarantee final table with short-
: stack
: and manager to win. That is waahhh.

1 (共1页)
skill is SO important, lolLastest Update about FTP cash out from 2+2 by FTP doug
passionable young kid goes up quicklyZT -- FTP Answers 5/15 from 2+2 FTP Doug
FTP can make deal nowcmis91 may have a HUGE night
关于rebuy的打法get the token race win. For ftop event 9, HU
FTOPS Sat Challenge freeroll快速认出good aggressive玩家
US players are at least 1/2 of all their business咱们msop明年7月组队去参加main event吧
打KO的后遗症one of the sickest rebuy token game I have ever played
finally win a game【公告】明天参加牌局的id注意了!
话题: ftp话题: two话题: day话题: person话题: buyin