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TexasHoldem版 - 第二个月rush惨遭donk的蹂躏。。不想活了...
test water in NL200 rush今天一手牌
昨天3/5一手牌请教大家AA again
fryking, 你这首牌只看了后半部分top pair top kicker害死人阿。。。
best strategy against a LAG?one hand - add water
Call还是不Callshare one hand
I don't usually stack people with TPTK请教一手牌
1/2 NL cash table, $5, $7 raise为了ironman downswing 50
is C-bet AK/AQ +EV?How should this be played?
话题: aa话题: after话题: flop话题: my话题: big
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7793
ok title makes no sense, 只是为了上十大..
But after first month of rush NL 25 up 700$, I barely break even for the 3
weeks in the second month after down 5 buy-in last night. 3 weeks 0$ made!
With all the coolers and bad beat, I have to say the main reason is still my
poor decision while playing. I was taken to value town too many times last
night on river. I even doubled up someone 60X bb with my pocket As after
flop last night after preflop only raised 3X. This has not happened for so
long. It is
发帖数: 15860

still realize many mistakes that I made after each session. Guess i still
have hope to catch up.. ^_^

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: ok title makes no sense, 只是为了上十大..
: But after first month of rush NL 25 up 700$, I barely break even for the 3
: weeks in the second month after down 5 buy-in last night. 3 weeks 0$ made!
: With all the coolers and bad beat, I have to say the main reason is still my
: poor decision while playing. I was taken to value town too many times last
: night on river. I even doubled up someone 60X bb with my pocket As after
: flop last night after preflop only raised 3X. This has not happened for so
: long. It is

发帖数: 1989
发帖数: 4742
看ev就行了,有时候倒霉起来跟那个rainyday似的 呵呵

still realize many mistakes that I made after each session. Guess i still
have hope to catch up.. ^_^

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: ok title makes no sense, 只是为了上十大..
: But after first month of rush NL 25 up 700$, I barely break even for the 3
: weeks in the second month after down 5 buy-in last night. 3 weeks 0$ made!
: With all the coolers and bad beat, I have to say the main reason is still my
: poor decision while playing. I was taken to value town too many times last
: night on river. I even doubled up someone 60X bb with my pocket As after
: flop last night after preflop only raised 3X. This has not happened for so
: long. It is

发帖数: 15860
hehe, he's a regular.
but he has one big leak, he loves to limp/flat with AA/KK/AK/QQ until turn
and rarely bluffs. the catch is he'd give SCs or small PPs a lot of chances
pre and on the flop, and sometimes even out of position.
it's ok to mix this with other plays, but if this becomes a pattern, then
it's trouble.
so in the end, if you know how he plays, you'll either win big or lose

【在 n******1 的大作中提到】
: 看ev就行了,有时候倒霉起来跟那个rainyday似的 呵呵
: !
: my
: last
: so
: .
: still realize many mistakes that I made after each session. Guess i still
: have hope to catch up.. ^_^

发帖数: 7793
If i limped my AA yesterday then i wouldn't have doubled that guy up. Very
rarely anyone can stack my AA after flop. It hasn't happened for at least 2 month. It has worked so well that i really shouldn't try anything different.
I opened 3X from ep this time. And a guy called me with 35s. he called
with straight draw on flop and raised me on turn 2.5X when his gut shot made
. I checked called his 2/3 pot shove.. it should be an easy fold... Was not
my A game last night. I have repeated so ma

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: hehe, he's a regular.
: but he has one big leak, he loves to limp/flat with AA/KK/AK/QQ until turn
: and rarely bluffs. the catch is he'd give SCs or small PPs a lot of chances
: pre and on the flop, and sometimes even out of position.
: it's ok to mix this with other plays, but if this becomes a pattern, then
: it's trouble.
: so in the end, if you know how he plays, you'll either win big or lose
: little.

发帖数: 7793
And I never ever flat KK AA preflop raise, except that one time when you
opened on CO. I only wanted to make it interesting. I do limp behind
sometimes to induce someone raise to steal.
I do not consider limp AA preflop is a leak especially EP. But go broke with AA after flop is a huge huge leak.
My goal is very clear. small hand small pot, big hand big pot. it is true that you don't lose big to my TPTK etc, but to win big from me is tough as well. because if you go out of line raise with contr
发帖数: 1621
It is really tough to play AA or KK in Rush Poker out of position. As
nowadays ppl just so aggressive and it is tough to put them on a marginal
hand or a monster.
Small hand small pot, big hand big pot is right in theory but in reality it
is really hard to determine if you have a small hand or big hand compared to
AA get re-raised by opponents behind you after the flop, it is tough to
determine if he hit a set, or just a TKTP or even overpair even the board
texture is dry. One bad judg
发帖数: 15860
one more potential buyer of my overbetting your AA/KK pre-flop theory, lol.


【在 T*********k 的大作中提到】
: It is really tough to play AA or KK in Rush Poker out of position. As
: nowadays ppl just so aggressive and it is tough to put them on a marginal
: hand or a monster.
: Small hand small pot, big hand big pot is right in theory but in reality it
: is really hard to determine if you have a small hand or big hand compared to
: opponent.
: AA get re-raised by opponents behind you after the flop, it is tough to
: determine if he hit a set, or just a TKTP or even overpair even the board
: texture is dry. One bad judg

1 (共1页)
How should this be played?Call还是不Call
what was that fryking?I don't usually stack people with TPTK
nl2求教1/2 NL cash table, $5, $7 raise
yes, 3 barrelsis C-bet AK/AQ +EV?
test water in NL200 rush今天一手牌
昨天3/5一手牌请教大家AA again
fryking, 你这首牌只看了后半部分top pair top kicker害死人阿。。。
best strategy against a LAG?one hand - add water
话题: aa话题: after话题: flop话题: my话题: big