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TexasHoldem版 - One Hand Played Badly, I mean really Badly
How should I played this hand讨论一手牌
call shove or fold?这样的牌怎么打?
Is this a fold?fold 太重要了
easy fold??Can you fold top set?
贡献一个rush game的一手牌is this a bad play?
这样干掉AAa top 2 pair example
Call or fold99 heads up
zz 水木poker队澳门行did i make the right fold?
话题: he话题: badly话题: bet话题: hand话题: flop
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1989
RUSH, 10/25NL
CO, KQo, bet 3BB to steal blinds. If called mostly 50:50 or slightly less,
with SB/BB, it can be counted as BEven.
All Fold except BB called. I bet his has a small/middle pair since he did
not raise.
Flop KJ6. he check, I bet 1$(4BB), he re-raise 2$(8BB). I called. I still
believe I am on the lead. If he had set he will re-raise more.
Turn Q, now I have two pairs. he check, I raise 2$(8BB). he call.
River A. He riase 4$(16BB). I know I had trouble now. There is straight.
Think a li
发帖数: 1458
I was in a similar situation before, raise a lot like 10bb, with AK preflop,
one guy called. flop show xTK, I raise pot, he called, turn show Ace, I
push all in, he called with QQ, river J... WHAT CAN YOU DO? sometimes people
cannot let go of their high pairs, when it is obvious that their high pair
has got beat already.

【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: RUSH, 10/25NL
: CO, KQo, bet 3BB to steal blinds. If called mostly 50:50 or slightly less,
: with SB/BB, it can be counted as BEven.
: All Fold except BB called. I bet his has a small/middle pair since he did
: not raise.
: Flop KJ6. he check, I bet 1$(4BB), he re-raise 2$(8BB). I called. I still
: believe I am on the lead. If he had set he will re-raise more.
: Turn Q, now I have two pairs. he check, I raise 2$(8BB). he call.
: River A. He riase 4$(16BB). I know I had trouble now. There is straight.
: Think a li

发帖数: 15860
well, could be played better, i guess.
pre-flop, standard with position.
flop, bet is kind of small. if you play KQ, this is the best (in normal
sense) flop for you, you shouldn't second guess you have the best hand here.
your 2/3 pot bet could be interpreted as a naked c-bet most of time in
their eyes and carry little weight. when he raises back, you should
immediately tell him, "no, i'm not kidding..." and try to end the game here.
turn, his check is kind of fishy, a 1/2 pot bet from you here

【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: RUSH, 10/25NL
: CO, KQo, bet 3BB to steal blinds. If called mostly 50:50 or slightly less,
: with SB/BB, it can be counted as BEven.
: All Fold except BB called. I bet his has a small/middle pair since he did
: not raise.
: Flop KJ6. he check, I bet 1$(4BB), he re-raise 2$(8BB). I called. I still
: believe I am on the lead. If he had set he will re-raise more.
: Turn Q, now I have two pairs. he check, I raise 2$(8BB). he call.
: River A. He riase 4$(16BB). I know I had trouble now. There is straight.
: Think a li

发帖数: 13670

why so small, 2$ into a 5$ pot, if he is on any draw, he got the right odds
to call, make a pot size bet and if river is a scary card (which is indeed
the case for this hand, fold to a big bet)
see, it's coming back and bite on your ass

【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: RUSH, 10/25NL
: CO, KQo, bet 3BB to steal blinds. If called mostly 50:50 or slightly less,
: with SB/BB, it can be counted as BEven.
: All Fold except BB called. I bet his has a small/middle pair since he did
: not raise.
: Flop KJ6. he check, I bet 1$(4BB), he re-raise 2$(8BB). I called. I still
: believe I am on the lead. If he had set he will re-raise more.
: Turn Q, now I have two pairs. he check, I raise 2$(8BB). he call.
: River A. He riase 4$(16BB). I know I had trouble now. There is straight.
: Think a li

发帖数: 1989
W/ 10.10, the opponent has the odds to call. So my bet is twoo small.
But at the time, I did not think at the worse secenaio. W/ 10.10, he has 20%
to win. If not 10.10, then 2$ seems ok.ok. But should be greater in deed.
try to extract value, put the number not right.


【在 p*******p 的大作中提到】
: why so small, 2$ into a 5$ pot, if he is on any draw, he got the right odds
: to call, make a pot size bet and if river is a scary card (which is indeed
: the case for this hand, fold to a big bet)
: see, it's coming back and bite on your ass

发帖数: 1458
to me, it's more or less like another common situation, for example, you
hold JJ, bet 3x pre-flop, BB raises to 8x and you call. flop is T56 rainbow,
he check raises you, what would you do?
meaning he got TT?


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: well, could be played better, i guess.
: pre-flop, standard with position.
: flop, bet is kind of small. if you play KQ, this is the best (in normal
: sense) flop for you, you shouldn't second guess you have the best hand here.
: your 2/3 pot bet could be interpreted as a naked c-bet most of time in
: their eyes and carry little weight. when he raises back, you should
: immediately tell him, "no, i'm not kidding..." and try to end the game here.
: turn, his check is kind of fishy, a 1/2 pot bet from you here

发帖数: 15860
meaning that if he can beat a Tx (TP) hand, JJ hand is very weak too, so
easy fold.
it's a rainbow rag flop, so unlikely he's shoving with big suited cards for
flush draw or str8 draw.


【在 p**********1 的大作中提到】
: to me, it's more or less like another common situation, for example, you
: hold JJ, bet 3x pre-flop, BB raises to 8x and you call. flop is T56 rainbow,
: he check raises you, what would you do?
: meaning he got TT?
: here.
: here.

发帖数: 1458
thanks. I still have problem telling whether my hand (when got top pair) is
beat or not. right now, all I can tell is if opponent push all in, I should
fold top pair in general, is that correct call?


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: meaning that if he can beat a Tx (TP) hand, JJ hand is very weak too, so
: easy fold.
: it's a rainbow rag flop, so unlikely he's shoving with big suited cards for
: flush draw or str8 draw.
: rainbow,

1 (共1页)
did i make the right fold?贡献一个rush game的一手牌
good read or bad play?这样干掉AA
谈谈今晚的SESSIONCall or fold
flopped baby flush, got raised on the turn. what to do?zz 水木poker队澳门行
How should I played this hand讨论一手牌
call shove or fold?这样的牌怎么打?
Is this a fold?fold 太重要了
easy fold??Can you fold top set?
话题: he话题: badly话题: bet话题: hand话题: flop