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TexasHoldem版 - Bad call with flush draw 2 over card on turn?
TNND再给俺BS一次!25 NL 好象啥人都有,太难read 了
讲讲昨天一副牌What would you do this hand?
over pair 真害人啊..pretty river
easy fold??我来分享一下我自己的一些体会
问一手牌why can't people lay down their hand?
俺打算开始写blog了Call or fold
call or not to call river bets上周五又被鱼咬了
话题: mp话题: call话题: turn话题: pot话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7793
Here is another interesting hand. I thought for a long time. at first i
thought the turn call was terrible. but then i feel it was a ok call more
and more.
NL 10 effectively stack 100bb
MP raise 30c, i am CO with QQ and reraise to 1.20$, MP call
flop 3 small cards with 2 heart. MP check, I pot to make it simple with the
flush draw on board.
turn is another small cards.. no heart. MP check again. pot is close to 5$,
i have another pot size bet left. so i shoved. he calls with AK of heart.
发帖数: 13670
不明白你想说啥,turn你bet 5, 那不是2:1 , 他应该fold啊,哪来的15:5


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: Here is another interesting hand. I thought for a long time. at first i
: thought the turn call was terrible. but then i feel it was a ok call more
: and more.
: NL 10 effectively stack 100bb
: MP raise 30c, i am CO with QQ and reraise to 1.20$, MP call
: flop 3 small cards with 2 heart. MP check, I pot to make it simple with the
: flush draw on board.
: turn is another small cards.. no heart. MP check again. pot is close to 5$,
: i have another pot size bet left. so i shoved. he calls with AK of heart.
: River

发帖数: 7793
pot is 15$ and he call 5$
发帖数: 13670

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: pot is 15$ and he call 5$
发帖数: 7793
yes right. pot is 10$...so 5$ to win 10$. bad call.. brain fart. need 50% odds to call. i have the right to get pissed then...
发帖数: 15860
with nut flush draw plus two big cards, re-shoving flop is a standard play,
as suggested by dusty.
he got 15 outs and is a favorite to win over most of hands. plus, he could
force many other hands (which are winning now) to fold right here (he could
represent some other hands as well here). plus, he could force bluffers to
give up...
a lot of power here...


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: Here is another interesting hand. I thought for a long time. at first i
: thought the turn call was terrible. but then i feel it was a ok call more
: and more.
: NL 10 effectively stack 100bb
: MP raise 30c, i am CO with QQ and reraise to 1.20$, MP call
: flop 3 small cards with 2 heart. MP check, I pot to make it simple with the
: flush draw on board.
: turn is another small cards.. no heart. MP check again. pot is close to 5$,
: i have another pot size bet left. so i shoved. he calls with AK of heart.
: River

发帖数: 7793
Yes a good hand to shove flop with the fold equity.
Would it be a call for me? I can only get value from middle pocket pairs.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: with nut flush draw plus two big cards, re-shoving flop is a standard play,
: as suggested by dusty.
: he got 15 outs and is a favorite to win over most of hands. plus, he could
: force many other hands (which are winning now) to fold right here (he could
: represent some other hands as well here). plus, he could force bluffers to
: give up...
: a lot of power here...
: the
: ,

发帖数: 13670
he is a coin flip at flop,so if he shove, if you knew his hand you should
definitely call, but he could also have aa,kk, set, tough one, any reads on
your opponent will be nice, oh, it's rush poker, so probably fold I guess

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: Yes a good hand to shove flop with the fold equity.
: Would it be a call for me? I can only get value from middle pocket pairs.
: ,
: could

发帖数: 15860
both hands face up, you would not, but face down, who knows.
for example, he could do the same thing with AhJh, then 3 Js are not his
outs any more. and if you hold Qh, he got 1 fewer out...
aggressive guys could even do it with JhTh, Th8h alike, so even tougher.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: Yes a good hand to shove flop with the fold equity.
: Would it be a call for me? I can only get value from middle pocket pairs.
: ,
: could

1 (共1页)
上周五又被鱼咬了easy fold??
6 max 50NL, j9s called rr at button, should I pay him offcall or not to call river bets
TNND再给俺BS一次!25 NL 好象啥人都有,太难read 了
讲讲昨天一副牌What would you do this hand?
over pair 真害人啊..pretty river
话题: mp话题: call话题: turn话题: pot话题: he