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TexasHoldem版 - another hand i played poorly
12/18 atlantic city trip, reply ASAP!AC行动在即,希望大家早做准备
2010年AC牌棍大会纪实(新华社内参版)差点中bad beat
星期六碰上一把牌被TheBigSlick, still waiting for your report
【独家】2009年MITBBS Classic Event 4结果(1/24/2009)奇迹十月小结 by TheBigSlick
本周末AC WSOP 2010之战集结号最后吹响,请PMOK,牌棍大会基本上是这样了
昨天的一手牌 -- set over set over set2/4周末AC聚会点名贴(请速回贴确认)
AC's economy is really pretty bad.请教一手牌,Villain到底什么牌?
话题: called话题: played话题: sick话题: button话题: mp
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15860
$1/2NL, caesars, AC.
$200 stack, i got AQo, limped from MP, button short stack ($110) raised to $
12, all 3 players in front me called, i called for odds.
FLOP: 8TJ rainbow ($50 pot).
all checked and i checked for my double gutshot draw, button bet $20, 2 guys
called, and it's too cheap for my hand, so let's go.
TURN: K ($130 pot), still rainbow
"hehehe...", i was laughing to myself inside, yeah, much better than 9 hit.
all checked, button bet $40 with $40 left. one MP called ($300 left).
i must
发帖数: 7793
Nuts after nuts. 还有人跟. 运气正好.. 买Lottery 把. 150mil..
发帖数: 15860
oh, you haven't seen the 2 hands i played earlier (theBigSlick saw one).
both hands, KK.
1) raised to $20 pre, one short stack called. i was leaving for the
tournament, so made $60 on Jxx flop, short stack all-in ($85) with AJo, and
hit J and J on turn and river, LOL.
2) then later after the tournament, i got $150, made $17 to go. one loose
guy called. flop Jxx, he checked and i bet $25, he raised to $80 and i had
to go all-in with $110...
i knew he was making a play since he might think me as w

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: Nuts after nuts. 还有人跟. 运气正好.. 买Lottery 把. 150mil..
发帖数: 6437
貌似你这趟起伏不小嘛, 大落然后大发了?


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: oh, you haven't seen the 2 hands i played earlier (theBigSlick saw one).
: both hands, KK.
: 1) raised to $20 pre, one short stack called. i was leaving for the
: tournament, so made $60 on Jxx flop, short stack all-in ($85) with AJo, and
: hit J and J on turn and river, LOL.
: 2) then later after the tournament, i got $150, made $17 to go. one loose
: guy called. flop Jxx, he checked and i bet $25, he raised to $80 and i had
: to go all-in with $110...
: i knew he was making a play since he might think me as w

发帖数: 3398
我星期六bad beat了别人一把, 其实也不算bad beat, 大家preflop都all in了。
1/2 NL, I had $90, TT UTG, bet $6. A guy at middle position raised to $80,
he was all in. Another guy at button was on tilt badly (just lost $800 in 20
minutes), he called. I thought for a while and called. I knew button was on
tilt and he might called with any cards, I only worried about MP guy. Since
he played short stack and all in was his only strategy, I put him on AK/AQ
or small pairs.
Flop JT5, I pushed with my last $10, on-tilt guy cal

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: oh, you haven't seen the 2 hands i played earlier (theBigSlick saw one).
: both hands, KK.
: 1) raised to $20 pre, one short stack called. i was leaving for the
: tournament, so made $60 on Jxx flop, short stack all-in ($85) with AJo, and
: hit J and J on turn and river, LOL.
: 2) then later after the tournament, i got $150, made $17 to go. one loose
: guy called. flop Jxx, he checked and i bet $25, he raised to $80 and i had
: to go all-in with $110...
: i knew he was making a play since he might think me as w

发帖数: 15860
SICK, Sick, sIck, siCk, sicK, sick...


【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: 我星期六bad beat了别人一把, 其实也不算bad beat, 大家preflop都all in了。
: 1/2 NL, I had $90, TT UTG, bet $6. A guy at middle position raised to $80,
: he was all in. Another guy at button was on tilt badly (just lost $800 in 20
: minutes), he called. I thought for a while and called. I knew button was on
: tilt and he might called with any cards, I only worried about MP guy. Since
: he played short stack and all in was his only strategy, I put him on AK/AQ
: or small pairs.
: Flop JT5, I pushed with my last $10, on-tilt guy cal

发帖数: 3398
很少这么爽过, 哈哈哈哈

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: SICK, Sick, sIck, siCk, sicK, sick...
: 20
: on
: Since
: AQ
: ,
: Dang,

发帖数: 15860
nah, i was still on the negative side for this trip, got sick about poker
after some long hours and no fish, or i was the fish.
my ex-enemy, the russian lady was really a sick greedy jerk (and she thought
i didn't know her well, LOL)... when she saw me, she moved over "silently",
and told the dealer "oh, i put a table change request for this table
earlier..." (what? request? lol, you play here 52 weekends/yr, who didn't
know dealers are all your buddies?)
i was laughing inside, "oh, what a nice

【在 p********a 的大作中提到】
: 貌似你这趟起伏不小嘛, 大落然后大发了?
: and
: on

发帖数: 1621
Hey, nice meeting with you guys. When did you drive back to MD? Played any
game on Sunday?
I finally got a room in Caesars late night Saturday (didn't know I can
request a room on site without booking in advance before this trip, stupid
me) and slept good 4-5 hours.
On Sunday morning, waiting for my bus and played some poker, caught a heater
and won $300 - $400 at 1/2 NL in 2 hours. So I made up the money I lost on
Saturday and some more (around $50, way below minimum wage). Unfortunately
the bu
发帖数: 15860

【在 T*********k 的大作中提到】
: Hey, nice meeting with you guys. When did you drive back to MD? Played any
: game on Sunday?
: I finally got a room in Caesars late night Saturday (didn't know I can
: request a room on site without booking in advance before this trip, stupid
: me) and slept good 4-5 hours.
: On Sunday morning, waiting for my bus and played some poker, caught a heater
: and won $300 - $400 at 1/2 NL in 2 hours. So I made up the money I lost on
: Saturday and some more (around $50, way below minimum wage). Unfortunately
: the bu

发帖数: 1621
I saw a hand on Sunday morning. I heard a series of yelling "All-in, All-in.
.." from a Korean Old man (a Ceasor regular, funny but annoying if you play
with him because he is a constant trash talker, his slogan is AK never lose)
So I came to that table, there are three way all-in with moutain of chips in
the middle, totaly around $700-$800, everyone yelling "Come on, turn over
your cards and let us have some excitement", three men agreed. Korean old
man turned over QQs, a fat white man turn ove

【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: 我星期六bad beat了别人一把, 其实也不算bad beat, 大家preflop都all in了。
: 1/2 NL, I had $90, TT UTG, bet $6. A guy at middle position raised to $80,
: he was all in. Another guy at button was on tilt badly (just lost $800 in 20
: minutes), he called. I thought for a while and called. I knew button was on
: tilt and he might called with any cards, I only worried about MP guy. Since
: he played short stack and all in was his only strategy, I put him on AK/AQ
: or small pairs.
: Flop JT5, I pushed with my last $10, on-tilt guy cal

发帖数: 15860
haha, with 2 guys coming in (no matter what cards except AK, AQ alike), AA's
winning chance drops big.
the thing is that it doesn't matter who you'll lose to, as long as one beats
66 guy will send the chips back to someone later, no doubt.
the biggest pot at my table was like this:
1 (共1页)
请教一手牌,Villain到底什么牌?【独家】2009年MITBBS Classic Event 4结果(1/24/2009)
1 out!本周末AC WSOP 2010之战集结号最后吹响,请PM
I really really hate those over-aggressive Europian Donk昨天的一手牌 -- set over set over set
做下来第一把AC's economy is really pretty bad.
12/18 atlantic city trip, reply ASAP!AC行动在即,希望大家早做准备
2010年AC牌棍大会纪实(新华社内参版)差点中bad beat
星期六碰上一把牌被TheBigSlick, still waiting for your report
话题: called话题: played话题: sick话题: button话题: mp