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TexasHoldem版 - play monster hand.
About showdown at river[新手讨论]Flush Draw打法
two pairs.one interesting hand on line
说说昨晚的痛苦SESSIONcatch a bluff or not.
A 5/10 handlost interest on holdem
怎么算lag,怎么算taglost 2k last night play NL400
top pair top kicker害死人阿。。。$15,000 Guarantee (Rebuy)
an Interesting hand last night刚才看kkrun又拿了个第一
KA late positionhead to head 实在不行
话题: he话题: got话题: tight话题: play话题: hand
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1873
today I got one hand.
K5 suited, big blind, every body checked to me, I checked.
flop KK10 two heart, I check, everyone check. turn is 3 not heart.
I check, button is a very tight guy , he bet 30$, I checked raise to 75$ he
call instantly.
I put him on a flush draw or K with mediem kicker( he called bf flop on the
river is good card 5.( no heart)
what should I do here ( i got 500$ left, he got more money)....?
发帖数: 15860
bet $200 if i were you.


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: today I got one hand.
: K5 suited, big blind, every body checked to me, I checked.
: flop KK10 two heart, I check, everyone check. turn is 3 not heart.
: I check, button is a very tight guy , he bet 30$, I checked raise to 75$ he
: call instantly.
: I put him on a flush draw or K with mediem kicker( he called bf flop on the
: button)
: river is good card 5.( no heart)
: what should I do here ( i got 500$ left, he got more money)....?

发帖数: 1248
I bet 100


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: today I got one hand.
: K5 suited, big blind, every body checked to me, I checked.
: flop KK10 two heart, I check, everyone check. turn is 3 not heart.
: I check, button is a very tight guy , he bet 30$, I checked raise to 75$ he
: call instantly.
: I put him on a flush draw or K with mediem kicker( he called bf flop on the
: button)
: river is good card 5.( no heart)
: what should I do here ( i got 500$ left, he got more money)....?

发帖数: 868
I'll push him all-in. only K10 can beat you but I don't think he has that. W
hatever you bet, he'll put you on Kx (or maybe a failed flush draw bluff). I
f he's got a flush draw, he'll likely fold no matter how much you bet. You c
an only hope he's got a K and call your allin. So your all-in maximize your


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: today I got one hand.
: K5 suited, big blind, every body checked to me, I checked.
: flop KK10 two heart, I check, everyone check. turn is 3 not heart.
: I check, button is a very tight guy , he bet 30$, I checked raise to 75$ he
: call instantly.
: I put him on a flush draw or K with mediem kicker( he called bf flop on the
: button)
: river is good card 5.( no heart)
: what should I do here ( i got 500$ left, he got more money)....?

发帖数: 868
btw such all-in may lead him to belive you're bluffing, which is an extra


【在 l********r 的大作中提到】
: I'll push him all-in. only K10 can beat you but I don't think he has that. W
: hatever you bet, he'll put you on Kx (or maybe a failed flush draw bluff). I
: f he's got a flush draw, he'll likely fold no matter how much you bet. You c
: an only hope he's got a K and call your allin. So your all-in maximize your
: expectation.
: he
: the

发帖数: 1873
first of all , you guys didn't see that he is a tight player , that is the
most important information.
1. he got flush draw and missed( my all in doesn't make sense)
2. he got middle kicker, how can he call all in 500$??!( I got 500$ left)
3. he got big kicker like Q or J, I don't think he can call 400$ allin
because he is so tight, for a pot he only commited 100$ bucks, he probablly
will fold( my image is good too).
4. he got K 10 , then I made a donkey move.
anycase, there is no way to all in
发帖数: 868
hm I didn't notice he's a very tight player. Now it's interesting. The pot i
s about $450 and you need $200 to call. What could he have? If he had K10, h
e slow played and didn't re-raise you on the turn. Is that normal? Why didn'
t he raise you another $75 on the turn? Maybe you're somewhat aggressive and
he expected you to bet first on the river?
If he had AK or K5, then you wouldn't lose. Anyway, I think he either had AK
or K5 and you should call with the 2:1 plus odds. Actually, I think re-

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: first of all , you guys didn't see that he is a tight player , that is the
: most important information.
: 1. he got flush draw and missed( my all in doesn't make sense)
: 2. he got middle kicker, how can he call all in 500$??!( I got 500$ left)
: 3. he got big kicker like Q or J, I don't think he can call 400$ allin
: because he is so tight, for a pot he only commited 100$ bucks, he probablly
: will fold( my image is good too).
: 4. he got K 10 , then I made a donkey move.
: anycase, there is no way to all in

发帖数: 3501
if you truly believes he is tight and doesn't bluff at all, fold then. your
pot commitment is not too much.


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: first of all , you guys didn't see that he is a tight player , that is the
: most important information.
: 1. he got flush draw and missed( my all in doesn't make sense)
: 2. he got middle kicker, how can he call all in 500$??!( I got 500$ left)
: 3. he got big kicker like Q or J, I don't think he can call 400$ allin
: because he is so tight, for a pot he only commited 100$ bucks, he probablly
: will fold( my image is good too).
: 4. he got K 10 , then I made a donkey move.
: anycase, there is no way to all in

发帖数: 1873

Nobody except you can lay down my hand for another 200$. I got the second
best hand, at least call.

【在 h******y 的大作中提到】
: if you truly believes he is tight and doesn't bluff at all, fold then. your
: pot commitment is not too much.
: probablly

发帖数: 1873
I put him on K 10 or K 5 or 10 10. so I just called.
He show K 10.( if his image is a little bit loose, I will all in here)
Later he prove he is such a tight player.
flop 10 5 2 no flush draw. one guy bet 50$ in big blind, he jump out bet 100
$ more the guy folded and he show pocket 55, even with such a dry flop, he
still scare people out, how tight is he!


【在 l********r 的大作中提到】
: hm I didn't notice he's a very tight player. Now it's interesting. The pot i
: s about $450 and you need $200 to call. What could he have? If he had K10, h
: e slow played and didn't re-raise you on the turn. Is that normal? Why didn'
: t he raise you another $75 on the turn? Maybe you're somewhat aggressive and
: he expected you to bet first on the river?
: If he had AK or K5, then you wouldn't lose. Anyway, I think he either had AK
: or K5 and you should call with the 2:1 plus odds. Actually, I think re-

top pair top kicker害死人阿。。。[新手讨论]Flush Draw打法
an Interesting hand last nightone interesting hand on line
KA late positioncatch a bluff or not.
发帖数: 868
Your stories prove that there're a lot of super tight players in real money
cash game. Playing fake money too much tend to make people forget this fact.
So I am going to stop playing fake money game soon. Otherwise it hurts my j
Also, such player won't survive in tournaments. They play too tight and can
only advance to top 1/3 at best.


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: I put him on K 10 or K 5 or 10 10. so I just called.
: He show K 10.( if his image is a little bit loose, I will all in here)
: Later he prove he is such a tight player.
: flop 10 5 2 no flush draw. one guy bet 50$ in big blind, he jump out bet 100
: $ more the guy folded and he show pocket 55, even with such a dry flop, he
: still scare people out, how tight is he!
: i
: h
: didn'

发帖数: 1873
he got position, so he may put me on flush draw, even if I got K, he just
call , not showing his power on the turn. if he didn't have position he may
jump out and test my kicker right on the turn .


【在 l********r 的大作中提到】
: hm I didn't notice he's a very tight player. Now it's interesting. The pot i
: s about $450 and you need $200 to call. What could he have? If he had K10, h
: e slow played and didn't re-raise you on the turn. Is that normal? Why didn'
: t he raise you another $75 on the turn? Maybe you're somewhat aggressive and
: he expected you to bet first on the river?
: If he had AK or K5, then you wouldn't lose. Anyway, I think he either had AK
: or K5 and you should call with the 2:1 plus odds. Actually, I think re-

发帖数: 868
It makes sense.


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: he got position, so he may put me on flush draw, even if I got K, he just
: call , not showing his power on the turn. if he didn't have position he may
: jump out and test my kicker right on the turn .
: i
: h
: didn'
: and
: AK

发帖数: 1873
if I were you , I start play real money already.
You can try small limit first, with your skill, I think you can at least
survive, after you accumulate some experience and $, you can move up.
发帖数: 15860
FAKE MONEY看的牌太多了,自然乱七八糟事情发生的概率也大多了。REAL MONEY你一般


【在 l********r 的大作中提到】
: Your stories prove that there're a lot of super tight players in real money
: cash game. Playing fake money too much tend to make people forget this fact.
: So I am going to stop playing fake money game soon. Otherwise it hurts my j
: udgement.
: Also, such player won't survive in tournaments. They play too tight and can
: only advance to top 1/3 at best.
: 100

发帖数: 641
so play limited, that's what i feel. hoho

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: FAKE MONEY看的牌太多了,自然乱七八糟事情发生的概率也大多了。REAL MONEY你一般
: 的牌,对手砸$100,$200出来还是很震撼的,呵呵。
: money
: fact.
: j
: can

发帖数: 1873
for limit hold'em , it is still need to read your opponent.
although you may suffer less for this kind of monster to monster hand.
but if you keep calling and loose play , you still will lose a lot in the
long term. and in limit hold'em , it is very hard to protect your hand,
because people will chase you al the way to the river. then result depends
more on luck than on skill.
That is why I didn't play limit hold'em.
发帖数: 641
yes, i fold at least 50% when i was holding pocket aces.
it's so strange but i have to adpot to it.
since my ld only allow me to play limited for real money.

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: for limit hold'em , it is still need to read your opponent.
: although you may suffer less for this kind of monster to monster hand.
: but if you keep calling and loose play , you still will lose a lot in the
: long term. and in limit hold'em , it is very hard to protect your hand,
: because people will chase you al the way to the river. then result depends
: more on luck than on skill.
: That is why I didn't play limit hold'em.

发帖数: 15860

【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: yes, i fold at least 50% when i was holding pocket aces.
: it's so strange but i have to adpot to it.
: since my ld only allow me to play limited for real money.

发帖数: 1873
then what is the meaning of poker, I mean you can play only for fun.
发帖数: 15860
呵呵,所以人家说有高手玩20/40 L的。

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: L的问题是不能玩久了(如果很在意输
: 赢的话),因为久了大家的牌是平均的,而且赌场抽头积累比较多。
: then what is the meaning of poker, I mean you can play only for fun.

1 (共1页)
head to head 实在不行怎么算lag,怎么算tag
Am I losing values on river?top pair top kicker害死人阿。。。
PS experience (so far)an Interesting hand last night
RE: 这种毛驴不宰行吗?KA late position
About showdown at river[新手讨论]Flush Draw打法
two pairs.one interesting hand on line
说说昨晚的痛苦SESSIONcatch a bluff or not.
A 5/10 handlost interest on holdem
话题: he话题: got话题: tight话题: play话题: hand