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Texas版 - opening: quality manager
FMC is looking for subsea processing engineersSubsea Integrity Engineer职业前途求分析
FMC has opening for 3 positions休大subsea专业求推荐
Experienced Technical Hiring Event屯子的经济更糟了Weatherford ups job cuts amid second quart
求助:pe or geophysics油算是完了,连川普当选都拉不起来
也问BP EXXON SHELL的工资我们100人小公司再次招聘(5年经验至少) (转载)
Offer Letter上的Export License求教Senior Process Engineer (转载)
求油工发表下意见:subsea 7和fmc哪个好点?Senior Mechanical Engineer (转载)
最近明显感觉休斯顿的经济在变差,好多公司在雷人opportunity for Senior Research Scientist in Houston
话题: manager话题: quality话题: opening话题: client话题: needs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 598
I have a client in south Houston near Reliant Stadium who needs to hire a
quality manager. The manager needs the skills to help this client get his
plant and processes ISO certified.
The company manufactures some specialty steel products used in high pressure
/high temperature/corrosive subsea and petrochemical environments, and
revenues are projected to grow 5X over the next 24-30 months.
A degree is not required as long as there is a decade or two of good
experience in his background.
I prefe
1 (共1页)
opportunity for Senior Research Scientist in Houston也问BP EXXON SHELL的工资
Process EngineerOffer Letter上的Export License求教
请教在石油服务公司或机械公司工作的朋友求油工发表下意见:subsea 7和fmc哪个好点?
FMC is looking for subsea processing engineersSubsea Integrity Engineer职业前途求分析
FMC has opening for 3 positions休大subsea专业求推荐
Experienced Technical Hiring Event屯子的经济更糟了Weatherford ups job cuts amid second quart
求助:pe or geophysics油算是完了,连川普当选都拉不起来
话题: manager话题: quality话题: opening话题: client话题: needs