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TAX版 - 夫妻double taxation的问题(帮同事问)
想问一下这里有F2/H4在家不工作的都怎么报税LD 10/2008 H1B, ME 10/2010 H1B, 需要extension吗?
急问:可以file married jointly as Nonresident吗?请教联合报税的问题
couple-H1b-F1第六年,如何交税H1B/F1 File Jointly
请教大侠们我的情况如何报税我们的情况能file married jointly as residents for 2010
J2是否也符合tax treaty?问下tax file status
one is resident: can file married jointly as residents报加州州税要不要算上其他州的收入
HIB 离开美国后的报税问题请问像我们这种情况应该如何交税?
2009 F1 OPT 转H1特别问题-Single or Joint求助:忘记交8843表格,怎么办?
话题: kansas话题: ks话题: il话题: tax话题: return
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 32
我和我老公2011和2012年在两地工作,我在IL,他在KS.我们那两年的Federal Tax是一
起报的,State Tax是分开报的。我报IL的州税,他报KS的州税。最近我们收到KS税务
部门的一封信(notice of final assessment),要求我们补交那两年KS的州税。理由
是如果夫妻一方是KS resident,另一方也要按KS resident交州税。可是我已经向IL交
过州税了,如果还要交KS的州税的话,不是double taxation了吗?
Thank you!
发帖数: 4074
那你帮他看看KS州的税表,是不是允许扣除交给IL的税。如果不行,就是有double tax
发帖数: 79
I don't think they KS can deduct IL's state tax paid. They need to pay taxes
for KS and IL separately. If they think they paid double, I think IL state
tax return may be filed incorrectly. That means they paid the tax not only
from IL soucred income but KS sourced income. They probably need to do the
amedned tax return for IL.


【在 M*******s 的大作中提到】
: 那你帮他看看KS州的税表,是不是允许扣除交给IL的税。如果不行,就是有double tax
: 。如果行,就没有。

发帖数: 4074


【在 s********z 的大作中提到】
: I don't think they KS can deduct IL's state tax paid. They need to pay taxes
: for KS and IL separately. If they think they paid double, I think IL state
: tax return may be filed incorrectly. That means they paid the tax not only
: from IL soucred income but KS sourced income. They probably need to do the
: amedned tax return for IL.
: tax

发帖数: 79
They may file KS tax return incorrectly. Both KS and IL have tax ctedit paid
to other state but KS has to be filed federal filing status as married
jointly in KS. I
guess the couple just filed KS return separtely.
The below is infomration from KS.
What if I am a Kansas resident with income from another state?
You must file as a Kansas resident and report all income to Kansas,
regardless of where it was earned. If the other state requires an income tax
return to be filed, you must complete the worksheet in the Kansas tax
booklet to determine your credit for taxes paid to other states. Be sure to
include a copy of the other state's return with your Kansas return. Copies
of the other state's W-2 forms alone are not acceptable. If the other state
does not require an income tax return, you cannot claim a credit on the
Kansas return.
What if I am a resident of another state with income from Kansas?
You are required to file a Kansas income tax return. File as a nonresident
and complete Kansas Schedule S, Part B.
What if my spouse is a resident of another state?
Kansas law provides that if a husband or wife is a resident of Kansas while
the other is a nonresident of Kansas, and file a married filing joint
federal return, they must file a married filing joint Kansas return and file
as "non-residents" of Kansas.

【在 M*******s 的大作中提到】
: 根据楼主的叙述,IL应该没问题(虽然我也没看IL具体是什么要求)。
: taxes
: state

发帖数: 12623
Kansas law provides that if a husband or wife is a resident of Kansas while
the other is a nonresident of Kansas, and file a Married Filing Joint
federal return, they must file a Married Filing Joint Kansas return and file
as “nonresidents” of the state of Kansas。
1 (共1页)
求助:忘记交8843表格,怎么办?J2是否也符合tax treaty?
关于extention file tax问题请教!one is resident: can file married jointly as residents
09年f1 opt + H1b能报那个5000 no tax么?HIB 离开美国后的报税问题
问一个报加州州税married file separately的问题2009 F1 OPT 转H1特别问题-Single or Joint
想问一下这里有F2/H4在家不工作的都怎么报税LD 10/2008 H1B, ME 10/2010 H1B, 需要extension吗?
急问:可以file married jointly as Nonresident吗?请教联合报税的问题
couple-H1b-F1第六年,如何交税H1B/F1 File Jointly
请教大侠们我的情况如何报税我们的情况能file married jointly as residents for 2010
话题: kansas话题: ks话题: il话题: tax话题: return