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Stock版 - Tesla seeks approval to build longer range Model 3s in China
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Seeking Alpha author on Teslatsla上季度在加州卖了1533辆
Haha M3 get all 5 star from NHTSA!! Buy!!转个关于tsla的,大家就当软文看好了
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话题: china话题: model话题: tesla话题: range话题: longer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10
BEIJING (Reuters) - Tesla Inc is seeking approval from Chinese regulators to
offer a new China-made Model 3 variant, a government document shows.
The variant would have a longer driving range, a source familiar with the
matter said.
Like the current China-made Model 3, which has a standard driving range of
more than 400 kilometers, it would be a rear-wheel drive vehicle, the source
said, who was not authorized to talk about the matter and declined to be
Tesla, which started delivering cars in December from its $2 billion
Shanghai factory, also sells longer range imported Model 3s with all-wheel
drive in China.
The electric vehicle maker restarted production in Shanghai on Monday after
the government ended an extended holiday that had been put in place due to
the new coronavirus outbreak.
1 (共1页)
保时捷将推新电动车 剑指特斯拉Model SHaha M3 get all 5 star from NHTSA!! Buy!!
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The most shorted stock is no longer teslaTesla Model S的电池3年后会不会衰减得很厉害?
Seeking Alpha author on Teslatsla上季度在加州卖了1533辆
话题: china话题: model话题: tesla话题: range话题: longer