“穷老头”生前穿破衣 死后捐1.8亿美元 http://news.creaders.net/headline/newsViewer.php?nid=593170&id=
麦唐纳的继女丹尼斯(regen dennis)对媒体表示,麦唐纳的财富主要来自继承双亲经营
己想买的股票。 http://pulse.seattlechildrens.org/a-dedication-to-pediatric-res
Jack had inherited a nest egg from his parents that he invested with great
care for more than 60 years. He considered himself a steward of these funds,
which he intended to benefit charitable organizations. Proper investment of
these funds became a lifetime passion and preoccupation. He was obsessed
with the stock market and could quote key stock prices as they changed day-
to-day. He loved reading the Wall Street Journal, learning about the
operations of conservatively managed companies, tracking their stock prices
and attending shareholders’ meetings when possible.