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Stock版 - NFLX还会往南?
单开一帖讨论nflx 的护城河FOX, NFLX半年不到翻倍
到底为什么把dreamworks卖给NBCuniversal?nvidia: tomorrow the day for fermi?
Twentieth Century Fox and AMD Partner on Alien: Covenant太搞笑了,犹太人高盛回到德国去,差点被希特勒杀掉
NFLX要烧焦了准备再推荐一个股票: 梦工厂 DWA (转载)
Fox Joins NBC, ABC, and CBS in Google TV Denial (ZZ) (转载)功夫熊猫第一天不尽人意是DWA今天跌的表面原因 (转载)
AMZN 和FOX签订协议DWA game over
21st Century Fox讨论将大部分业务出售予Disney看了好莱坞大老板Jeffrey的介绍很感慨
FB AMZN GOOGLE NFLX梦工厂收购、FBI 内幕交易重磅犯,居然是我的同班同学
话题: prime话题: fox话题: netflix话题: tv话题: streaming
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 418
Amazon自己做video streaming了。
Dear Customer,
I have big news for Amazon Prime members - we've just signed a deal with FOX
to add a broad selection of movies and TV shows to our unlimited instant
streaming service later this fall. The new additions from the FOX library
include 24, Arrested Development, The X-Files, Ally McBeal, Buffy the
Vampire Slayer, and - available on digital video for the first time - The
Wonder Years. We now have deals with CBS, NBCUniversal, Sony, and Warner
Bros, and adding FOX will bring the total to more than 11,000 movies and TV
shows available for unlimited instant streaming.
Since launching earlier this year, we have now doubled the number of titles
available in Prime instant videos, and there's still more to come. Prime
membership remains $79 a year, and of course features our unlimited free two
-day shipping on millions of products. Prime is one of the best values
发帖数: 2581
发帖数: 1986
Netflix has 'Sincere Regret' over Handling of Service Changes, and it paid
for the price of the messup, its stock price dropped 50%
Other heavyweight media companies have used Netflix's recent mishaps as a
springboard to launch their video-streaming ventures. Netflix stock may
further go down (another 50% down?) if other companies are doing better job
in stream video business. The DVD business has been out of consideration,
and became a "sunset" busniess.
Amazon.com Inc., which launched a free on-demand video service to its Prime
shipping members in February, signed a deal with Twentieth Century Fox
Monday to stream Fox movies and TV shows, including the popular shows 24 and
Arrested Development. The company already has a deal with CBS Corp. to
stream 2,000 TV show episodes to its Prime members.
Even Blockbuster, which Netflix forced into bankruptcy court and was bought
out by TV provider Dish Network for $234 million earlier this year, is
getting back into the game. Blockbuster announced a new DVDs-by-mail and
Internet video streaming bundle for $10 a month -- roughly what Netflix used
to charge users before it raised its prices.
Not to mention Netflix has been competing with the likes of Apple Inc.,
Google Inc. and Hulu.com.
因为有了竞争,20th Century Fox, CBS, Dreamworks...这些content provider 也开始拿翘,纷纷对Netflix提高价码,甚至割断供应转投其竞争对手的怀抱。Now you understand why Netflix 最近为什么要这样做了,这也是置死地而后生,壮士断腕的无奈之举,可谓是危机重重;什么都不作,绝对是等死(时间问题),还不如甩掉包袱放手一搏,还有一线生机。
1 (共1页)
梦工厂收购、FBI 内幕交易重磅犯,居然是我的同班同学Fox Joins NBC, ABC, and CBS in Google TV Denial (ZZ) (转载)
如果巴马真能收拾华尔街,就挺他到底AMZN 和FOX签订协议
Haha, Avatar lost21st Century Fox讨论将大部分业务出售予Disney
单开一帖讨论nflx 的护城河FOX, NFLX半年不到翻倍
到底为什么把dreamworks卖给NBCuniversal?nvidia: tomorrow the day for fermi?
Twentieth Century Fox and AMD Partner on Alien: Covenant太搞笑了,犹太人高盛回到德国去,差点被希特勒杀掉
NFLX要烧焦了准备再推荐一个股票: 梦工厂 DWA (转载)
话题: prime话题: fox话题: netflix话题: tv话题: streaming