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Statistics版 - time-to-event survival model vs time sliced classification models
问个censored的survival data概念
survival 中关于censoring的问题
请教HAZARD MODEL的sas code
问一个SAS Life-table的问题 !
急问:Cox proportional hazard model covariate问题!!
One question about linear regression for interval censored data
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[急求助] survival analysis (SAS)
请教一个fit Cox PHREG model的问题
话题: model话题: event话题: time话题: year话题: models
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 267
For time-to-event survival model,we may do time -sliced classification
models to predict event(yes or no). For the whole data set, the claims9 in
my data) are censored at different times. I can build different models using
data censored at 1 year, 2 year, 3 years, 4 years etc. For example, for the
2 year model, I use all the claims IDs of age >=2 years and censor them at
2 years. Then use the two years data to find the target and predictors. I
think that is statistically how we do it. Then this is the typical
classification models. No time component is involved.Then we cant predict
into future using each model.
But a different suggestion is using the 2 years data to find predictors,
but for the target, using the whole life of claim to find the event occured
or not.In this way, all the target values for all the time-sliced models
such as 1 year model 2-year modle, 3-years model etc are gonna be the same.
Is this statistically right?
Thanks so much!
发帖数: 267
Any DaNou helps?
发帖数: 267
Anybody help? I know we should go with the first. but Need DaNou confirm.
发帖数: 80
没看明白 你的outcome 是什么 IV 是什么 timing of claims?

【在 y**3 的大作中提到】
: Anybody help? I know we should go with the first. but Need DaNou confirm.
: Thanks

发帖数: 267
Ny outcome is time dependent event. FOr ex, some claims expereinced the
event at the first year, some at the 2nd year etc, some are censored
发帖数: 80
是不是就可以理解成 time-to-claim,没claim的censor了。这样是time-to-event啊

【在 y**3 的大作中提到】
: Ny outcome is time dependent event. FOr ex, some claims expereinced the
: event at the first year, some at the 2nd year etc, some are censored

发帖数: 267
this is time -to-event data. But we want to perform time-sliced model
instead of survival model. for instance, to build a model at 1 year to
predict the event or not. The set up of the data should censor all the data
beyond 1 year and then to identify event and predictors within 1-year and
then train the model. Not using data beyond 11 year to identify event or not
for the 1-year model?
Anybody confirm? thanks
发帖数: 182
What your doing could be very dangerous.
What does "censer all the data beyond 1 year" mean? You could have changed
the underlying population of interest without recognizing it.
In my experience, the hardest part of survival analysis is to recognize your
actual study population and the sampling scheme.
1 (共1页)
请教一个fit Cox PHREG model的问题
need some help about survival analysis in SAS code
请教R有没有package做Linear Mixed Model Survival Analysis (continuous,right censored DV)
About the model adequacy test on Parametric survival analysis
Statistics needs a spirit of criticism
survival analysis
求survival analysis课本中的数据
请教个用SAS lifereg interval-censored survival analysis后作图的问题
话题: model话题: event话题: time话题: year话题: models