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Statistics版 - Dilemma - Offer Choice
请教个职业方向Analytics Senior Analyst
one job email forward here.job opportunity
转发几个职位(H1B Candidates Eligible)- Burlington Massachusetts一个做data analytic的和IT部门聊天聊什么呢? (转载)
SAS online tutor does not work right now?Analytics and Modeling Specialist
UIUC stat 怎么样?【工作机会】Data Analyst Production Analytics Sr. Developer in Bank of
Job Opening - Statistical Analyst请教大家,SAS的global forum conference和Analytic conference哪个更值得去?
Analytics Director Position in bay areajournal of multivariate analysis 这个journal怎么样?
话题: role话题: offer话题: top话题: status话题: job
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 68
Background: Bachelor degree in stat + 1yr exp in bank
Note: In terms of handling projects, I prefer acting as a leading role
rather than an assisting role
Offer A: Top 5 Bank
Job: Corporate Basel modeling team; most junior role
Status: Already know detail packages
Pro: can learn a lot of modeling stuff; internal transfer opportunities in
different banking areas
Con: mostly data pulling work for the whole year 2013; assisting role for
projects; have to sign the employment letter in 1 or 2 days
Offer B: Top 3 Journalism
Job: Data mining team; Intermediate to Senior role
Status: Offer pending reference check, so unknown salary and benefits
Pro: Brand new team, brand new boss, the boss have 10yrs exp in data
modeling; can learn modeling as well; The position when posted require 3-
5yrs exp, so possible higher salary than Offer A; leading role for projects;
curious about the new industry
Con: Not sure about the future development in this industry
Interview C: Top 2 Bank
Status: Waiting for 2nd Round; have to wait 1 week and a half
Job: Collection and Fraud Strategy; Intermediate to Senior role
Pro: Top 2 so more attractive; title contains Senior; more analytic work
than pulling data;
Con: Uncertainty
Interview D: Top Insurance Company growing banking product
Status: Possible 2nd Round by the end of this week
Job: risk analyst (kinda broad title); junior role
Pro: many potential promotion opportunities; potential leading role for
projects; focused on testing analytic and quantitative skills during
interview; truly possible to do a variety of different types of work;
Con: Uncertainty
In sum, both offers are very good, better than my current role; but the 2 on
the pipelines are more attractive to me. Please advice and sorry for the
English as I cant type Chinese at work. Thank you.
发帖数: 4348
In terms of those options, I'd pick A. Publication industry is dying, no
发帖数: 9344
Bachelor degree in stat + 1yr exp in bank就要leading role,不太可能

【在 C***o 的大作中提到】
: Background: Bachelor degree in stat + 1yr exp in bank
: Note: In terms of handling projects, I prefer acting as a leading role
: rather than an assisting role
: [Offered]
: Offer A: Top 5 Bank
: Job: Corporate Basel modeling team; most junior role
: Status: Already know detail packages
: Pro: can learn a lot of modeling stuff; internal transfer opportunities in
: different banking areas
: Con: mostly data pulling work for the whole year 2013; assisting role for

发帖数: 471
I think stats in journalism is a very supporting role. There is no serious
models to be built.

【在 C***o 的大作中提到】
: Background: Bachelor degree in stat + 1yr exp in bank
: Note: In terms of handling projects, I prefer acting as a leading role
: rather than an assisting role
: [Offered]
: Offer A: Top 5 Bank
: Job: Corporate Basel modeling team; most junior role
: Status: Already know detail packages
: Pro: can learn a lot of modeling stuff; internal transfer opportunities in
: different banking areas
: Con: mostly data pulling work for the whole year 2013; assisting role for

发帖数: 4348

【在 D*G 的大作中提到】
: I think stats in journalism is a very supporting role. There is no serious
: models to be built.

发帖数: 1938

【在 D*G 的大作中提到】
: I think stats in journalism is a very supporting role. There is no serious
: models to be built.

发帖数: 222
1 (共1页)
journal of multivariate analysis 这个journal怎么样?UIUC stat 怎么样?
统计MASTER是不是就银行和药厂两条出路?Job Opening - Statistical Analyst
[请教]有啥网上资源是statistics关于Basel II的应用的收集面试题目
credit risk的大牛们,科普一下Credit Risk Parameters 吧!Analytics Director Position in bay area
请教个职业方向Analytics Senior Analyst
one job email forward here.job opportunity
转发几个职位(H1B Candidates Eligible)- Burlington Massachusetts一个做data analytic的和IT部门聊天聊什么呢? (转载)
SAS online tutor does not work right now?Analytics and Modeling Specialist
话题: role话题: offer话题: top话题: status话题: job