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Statistics版 - 求书probability and statistics by degroot 第三版或者第四版
I have an easy probability question, please help me!!help wanted
Re: 求助入门读物关于‘’Probability‘’ 的定义的问题,外行请教
looking for two books问个简单的问题,monte carlo simulation里的probability 数据是从哪儿来的?
请问哪里有DeGroot的Solution Manual【包子】从excel读取数据到R的问题
借宝地问Stat教材的问题请教:怎么能把Logistic regression的OR转化成probablity
求一本电子书:M. DeGroot. Optimal Statistical Decisions. McGraw-Hill, 1970[求助]R程序run着run着就自己killed了,可能是什么原因?
帮忙看简历How to run my R job as a batch job ?
求教:R里面怎么屏蔽一个子程序打印到屏幕的输出?stock price
话题: x0话题: 第四版话题: degroot话题: 求书
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 338
发帖数: 338
忘写了..可以直接邮件到m**************[email protected]

【在 m*******s 的大作中提到】
: 最好是第四版...谢谢谢谢啦....我包子不多,得省着点用,给两个好不好哇?
发帖数: 839
Found a good review instead of any download link:
Summary: The truth about this book. 99% of other great reviews are bogus.
Rating: 2
This book was not written for students. It was written so that the author
can gain respect from his from his academic peers. The explanations are
absolutely horrible. It purposely explains simple concepts in overly verbose
, complicated ways. The idea is to make the subject appear as complicated as
possible when it doesn't need to be. It reads like those academic papers
that are purposely written in overly complicated language so that nobody
understands what the author is talking about except the author himself. The
idea is to impress his academic circle by showing that he did a "complicated
" analysis.
When are these people going to learn that "simplicity is the ultimate
sophistication" - Da Vinci?
Here's an example. Do you know what's a percentile? Think about your SAT or
GRE score report. 80th percentile means 80% of the people scored lower than
you. 90th percentile means 90% of the people scored lower than you. Simple,
right? This book introduces the concept like this:
"The d.f. of a random variable X gives us the probability that X<=x for all
real numbers x. It is often the case that we choose a probability, like 1/2,
and we want to know where in the distribution of X we can find that
probability. For example, suppose that X is the amount of rain that will
fall tomorrow and we want to place an even-money bet on X as follows. If X<=
x0, we win one dollar and if X>x0 we lose one dollar. In order to make this
bet fair, we need Pr(X<=xo)=Pr(X>x0)=1/2. We could use all the real numbers
x trying to find one such that F(x)=1/2, and then we could let x0 equal the
value we found. If F is a one-to-one function, then F has an inverse F^-1
and x0=F^-1(1/2)." - P.114
Lol! If you want to learn like this, go ahead and buy this book. I'll give
this book two stars because there are probably a few souls out there who
actually do prefer to learn like this.
1 (共1页)
stock price借宝地问Stat教材的问题
本周Python module 学习:logging (日志记录)求一本电子书:M. DeGroot. Optimal Statistical Decisions. McGraw-Hill, 1970
菜鸟求教SAS logistic procedure帮忙看简历
I have an easy probability question, please help me!!help wanted
Re: 求助入门读物关于‘’Probability‘’ 的定义的问题,外行请教
looking for two books问个简单的问题,monte carlo simulation里的probability 数据是从哪儿来的?
请问哪里有DeGroot的Solution Manual【包子】从excel读取数据到R的问题
话题: x0话题: 第四版话题: degroot话题: 求书