m**s 发帖数: 346 | 1 修一门bayesian methods in computer science。
迟了。明天就要交了,虽然是memorial day。
意$10/hr 补偿您的时间。钱肯定不多,您如果嫌不够,可以再商量。
implement MCMC using Metropolis (or Metropolis-Hastings).lab给了4个bayesian
networks,要用我们写的程序针对某个query,做sampling,然后plot mixing, prior,
and posterior. 其实我自己感觉这个lab有些地方没说清楚,但是也许懂的人能够猜
1)faculty evaluation. faculty evaluation scores are distributed normally
with a normal prior over the mean parameter and an inverse gamma prior over
the variance parameter. prior belief is represented by a Normal(5, 1/9)
prior distribution for mean and an InvGamma(mean=1/4, var=1/144) for
Observed evaluation scores: 6.39 6.32 6.25 6.24 6.21 6.18 6.17 6.13 6.00
6.00 5.97 5.82 5.81 5.71 5.55 5.50 5.39 5.37 5.35 5.30 5.27 4.94 4.50
2) Burglar Alarm: 一个network,见附件
3)professional golfers. The file golfdataR.dat reports the scores at 42
professional golf tournaments involving 604 professional golfers.
4) 是个wacky network,但是没说query是什么,没搞懂。
A = NormalNode(mean=20, var=1)
E = BetaNode(alpha=1, beta=1)
B = GammaNode(shape=A**pi, invscale=7)
D = BetaNode(alpha=A, beta=E)
C = BernoulliNode(D: True, (1-D): False)
F = PoissonNode(rate=D)
G = NormalNode(mean=E, var=F)
联系。 | m**s 发帖数: 346 | 2 不知道是不是钱少了,20刀/hr,跟TA工资一样。 |