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Statistics版 - please help about Heckman selection model
解决selection bias 的simultaneous model在R或stata里有现成的命令吗?clinical trial的subgroup analysis必须是pre-specified的?
Sas advance chapter quiz 一问急问,在线等:SAS adv certification Question about SELECT v.s IF/THEN ELSE
[合集] How to specify a variable as missingSAS快捷键问题
有人知道怎么用统计方法处理selection bias吗Gene expression =?= Variable selection
用2SLS or Simultaneous Equations Model怎么做这个问题regression and classification tree怎么做model selection?
Heckman two-step[合集] 请问: 什么是ad-hoc analysis
any difference between probit regression and logistic regression[合集] 拿到CSU, UIOWA统计offer,请问选择哪个?
For proc glm, how do I specify within-subject effect and between-subject effect for ANOVA analysis?[合集] Can we calculate log likelihood ratio using SAS???
话题: heckman话题: model话题: selection话题: missing话题: about
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 114
for some observation they have missing value for y,(i want to predict, it is
ok), However, they also have missing value for the regressory variables I
specified in regression model. Is it possible to run Heckman selection
model under this situation?
1 (共1页)
[合集] Can we calculate log likelihood ratio using SAS???用2SLS or Simultaneous Equations Model怎么做这个问题
about Proc MIHeckman two-step
about Proc MIany difference between probit regression and logistic regression
ods rtf startpage=never does not work anymore in SAS9.2?For proc glm, how do I specify within-subject effect and between-subject effect for ANOVA analysis?
解决selection bias 的simultaneous model在R或stata里有现成的命令吗?clinical trial的subgroup analysis必须是pre-specified的?
Sas advance chapter quiz 一问急问,在线等:SAS adv certification Question about SELECT v.s IF/THEN ELSE
[合集] How to specify a variable as missingSAS快捷键问题
有人知道怎么用统计方法处理selection bias吗Gene expression =?= Variable selection
话题: heckman话题: model话题: selection话题: missing话题: about