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StartUp版 - Challenge of Staying Focused in a Startup
Top 5 Challenges of One-Man-Show startups寻找金属精加工方面( Tool Steel, Die Steel)Technology and Equipment
The Startup Visa: Create Jobs, Get A Green Card向版主和各位请教: 你们为什么来这个版?
Startup event - featuring Serial CEOs, VC's, Angels - this Saturday 3/5网站终于开通
向Marvell学习, 共同做个成功的startup (转载)Look for partner
500 startups announces KISS - your free startup legal doc (转载)a few words about NA's business reg.
Which name sounds better for a small business focused on IT专利和STARTUP
有没有人对网页游戏开发有兴趣的?Re: anyone interested in startup?
话题: staying话题: focused话题: startup话题: challenge话题: startups
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9224
A good article I want to share with all in this forum.
##Startups have a hard time staying focused.##
It’s the nature of the beast. The enthusiasm founders have for their
startups can very quickly lead to chasing too many opportunities.
The big risk? Running in every direction, chasing every lead, idea and
opportunity only to realize at the end that you’ve made very little
progress. And this might not sound too serious until you also realize you’
ve run out of money, can’t raise more capital, ce
1 (共1页)
Re: anyone interested in startup?500 startups announces KISS - your free startup legal doc (转载)
zt Big Problems and How Startups Solved湾区求推荐创业公司律师
报到Which name sounds better for a small business focused on IT
Top 5 Challenges of One-Man-Show startups寻找金属精加工方面( Tool Steel, Die Steel)Technology and Equipment
The Startup Visa: Create Jobs, Get A Green Card向版主和各位请教: 你们为什么来这个版?
Startup event - featuring Serial CEOs, VC's, Angels - this Saturday 3/5网站终于开通
向Marvell学习, 共同做个成功的startup (转载)Look for partner
话题: staying话题: focused话题: startup话题: challenge话题: startups