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Singapore版 - SUTD-MIT Postdoctoral Programme (转载)
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话题: sutd话题: mit话题: research话题: fellows
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发帖数: 239
【 以下文字转载自 CS 讨论区 】
发信人: gujason (gujason), 信区: CS
标 题: SUTD-MIT Postdoctoral Programme
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 13 11:41:32 2011, 美东)
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in collaboration with the
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is seeking to hire 5-10
postdoctoral fellows for a special two-year program that includes one year
of postdoctoral work at MIT and one year at the Singapore University of
Technology and Design in Singapore. The SUTD-MIT Postdoctoral Programme
offers unique research opportunities to highly talented international
individuals to engage in new or on-going research programs at MIT and SUTD.
These two-year appointments are competitive and are designed to advance MIT
’s and SUTD's postdoctoral research environment in technology, architecture
, engineering, manufacturing, and systems design. Although the post-docs
would be jointly recruited and supervised, in terms of official appointments
, they will be SUTD post docs and spend a year at MIT as visitors.
Postdoctoral fellows may also be considered for tenure-track faculty
appointments within SUTD.
The application deadline for the first intake of postdoctoral fellows is
June 15, 2011.
Eligibility and Conditions
• The fellow must have completed the requirements for a PhD or an
equivalent doctorate degree before beginning the programme.
• Each award is for a 24-month period, where the first year (12
months) is spent in MIT, USA, and the second year (12 months) in SUTD,
Singapore. (First intake expected to start September 1, 2011)
• Fellows are also expected to meet regularly with their faculty
advisors in SUTD and MIT, and must devote their efforts entirely to the
research for which the award was made.
• Fellows will have teaching commitments and such commitments shall
be limited to developing new graduate classes at SUTD and/or assisting
teaching in SUTD’s undergraduate programmes.
Targeted Research Areas
Postdoctoral applicants are encouraged to send in their research proposals
in the following areas:
• Transportation
• Wireless/Sensor networks
• Robotics
Priority for selection will be given to applicants whose proposed research
is particularly interdisciplinary and/or innovative. Research involving two
or more MIT/SUTD research groups will also be given priority for selection,
as will research that broadens the activities of the MIT/SUTD groups
involved. Research proposals that incrementally extend on-going MIT/SUTD
projects will be given lower selection priority.
For more information and complete guidelines, contact: j*****[email protected]
1 (共1页)
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job vacancy in singapore新加坡的四大工作如何啊?
中国富裕人士纷纷投资移民新加坡 吸引力何在?zzRe: What kind of insurance you guys bought?
【急】如何重新申请美国签证Re: 父母短期来的话
请教薪水JPMorgan Running
话题: sutd话题: mit话题: research话题: fellows