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Seattle版 - 简单的FCC/Petition 抗议杀中国人投诉的步骤
Step by step, 花两分钟向FCC投诉Jimmy Kimmel Live! (转载)Re: 刚刚打了Jimmy Kimmel电话留了言, 大家都应该去教训一下他(转载)
觉得JK事件没啥的,一般智商情商都有问题吧 (转载)大家再接再厉, Huffington Post更新JK事件报道 (转载)
真壮观啊,十万人烧错香拜错神 (转载)在Jimmy Kimmel事件上找总统和议员是徒劳的 (转载)
给迪斯尼总公司发了一封信 (转载)国会公开信狠狠的删了Jimmy Kimmel和ABC,说这不是笑料 (转载)
去ABC门口游行抗议的图片 (转载)有没有哪个大牛能做这么一个动画或者poster能从这个角度讥讽ABC和Jimmy Kimmel的
请发信给Jimmy Kimmel show的赞助商抗议 有包子 (转载)军版 119 全美万人游行 总号召 (转载)
Jimmy还没道歉,看看阿三和白人的反应 (转载)洛杉矶 119 全美万人抗议游行 总号召 (转载)
华人抗议斗争ABC和烂人Jimmy方案汇总 (转载)西雅图华人抗议ABC Jimmy Kimmel游行亲历记
话题: step话题: jimmy话题: kimmel话题: abc话题: fcc
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 873
I believe sending complains to FCC or ABC is another effective way to vent
our anger, even just a few hundreds. I just sent a complain to FCC.
Here is a step by step FCC complain Jimmy Kimmel instruction:
It's very easy and it only took me a few minutes while I was eating my lunch
at desk.
另外还有一个 www.change.org/petition
已有2070人 Signed, 只再需要400多人 Sign 就够了。大家赶紧去 Sign.
Step by step FCC complaints
Step 1. Open http://www.fcc.gov/complaints
Step 2: Choose Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite Issues click "
Step 3: Choose Unauthorized, unfair, biased, illegal broadcasts (does NOT
include Obscene, Profane or Indecent material) click "next"
Step 4: Under "Online Form - Recommended Method", click "Complete the form"
Step 5: It will bring you to https://esupport.fcc.gov/ccmsforms/form2000.
In Consumer Information Section
These information is required:
First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zipcode, email address
In Form 2000E
1. Name of the company: ABC
2. N/A
3. N/A
4.a Network: ABC
4.b Program name: Jimmy Kimmel Show
4.c Date of program: 10/16/2013
4.d Leave empty
5.a Leave empty
5.b Leave empty
5.c Limited under 1000 characters
Here is a template
I am furious about the Kids Table - Government shut down from Jimmy Kimmel
Live. It was suggested by one of the children that killing all Chinese would
solve the debt problem for the US, and EVERYONE including the adult host is
laughing about it. The host even commented that "This is interesting!"
The comment "Killing all the Chinese" is NOT a joke, no matter who says it.
It is totally unacceptable. Jimmy Kimmel and the ABC network should know
this "Killing all the Chinese" comment is offensive and racist.
Jimmy Kimmel and the ABC network sends a very clear bad message that it is "
interesting" to kill all the people to whom you owe money. Publicly talking
about and laughing about genocide. It is immoral, illegal and inhumane.
A formal apology must be issued by ABC and Jimmy Kimmel to ALL of its
viewers, not just those who are Chinese, because this is promoting hatred,
racism and genocide. ABC should fire Jimmy Kimmel and anyone else
responsible for letting this happen.
After filling the form, click submit
1 (共1页)
西雅图华人抗议ABC Jimmy Kimmel游行亲历记去ABC门口游行抗议的图片 (转载)
119全国抗议游行组织者王湉洛杉矶集会上的宣言请发信给Jimmy Kimmel show的赞助商抗议 有包子 (转载)
码了一晚,码出一篇反驳网易《七件错事》的长文 (转载)Jimmy还没道歉,看看阿三和白人的反应 (转载)
给Microsoft的信 (转载)华人抗议斗争ABC和烂人Jimmy方案汇总 (转载)
Step by step, 花两分钟向FCC投诉Jimmy Kimmel Live! (转载)Re: 刚刚打了Jimmy Kimmel电话留了言, 大家都应该去教训一下他(转载)
觉得JK事件没啥的,一般智商情商都有问题吧 (转载)大家再接再厉, Huffington Post更新JK事件报道 (转载)
真壮观啊,十万人烧错香拜错神 (转载)在Jimmy Kimmel事件上找总统和议员是徒劳的 (转载)
给迪斯尼总公司发了一封信 (转载)国会公开信狠狠的删了Jimmy Kimmel和ABC,说这不是笑料 (转载)
话题: step话题: jimmy话题: kimmel话题: abc话题: fcc