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Seattle版 - 有人在MS做kernel driver (win 7)吗?你们的doc太乱了,想直接请教
MS signtool error: if someone can help me, how to debug this ?Re: presentation的分工 (转载)
Any recommendation? Looking for a Carpet Installing去过黄石的进来说说
IE9 beta is coming我也来8卦一下我买UL的经历~~
Home Depot的Water Heater Install怎么样?猜蛋?
copied from CHIME. joke about seattle's weather.大难不死,发包子!
北京躲猫猫,快来帮我看看如何下office 2013!!!!!!!!准备3月去las vagas玩4天,请帮忙出个主意
moving sale - 几件小东西你们谁记得前西版版主会罩着某个ID随便骂人的?
求推荐toaster oven请问去温哥华只有绿卡没有护照行不行。护照不在身边.
话题: kmdf话题: driver话题: install话题: cat话题: toaster
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1527
msdn上很多是几年前的,那个driver digital sign我就没找到过统一整理出来的步骤。
你们网上下载的最新wdk里的toaster kmdf driver根本装不上64 bit win7,
wdm example倒还行。
谢谢*1000 !
发帖数: 16
如果你能在 win7 amd64 上成功安装 wdm 的 toaster 驱动程序,说明你的数字签名过
关于 kmdf 的错误,展开说说?把 \windows\setupact.log, \windows\inf\setupapi.
dev.log 打开看看?
或者你到 osr 的 ntdev 去问问,那里人多些
发帖数: 1527
对于wdm/kmdf toaster example,都是用 build -ceZ -amd64,因为64-bit win7。
wdm example has full instructions, so u have 3 files:
*.sys, *.inf, *.cat
for kmdf,
*.sys, *.inx, wdfcoinstaller01009_chk.dll,
installation complaining that this driver is not for this platform
(something like this)
the thing is i never find a clear doc tells me how to install kmdf
toaster driver.
i'm going to sleep, ttyl, thanks very much !


【在 e*H 的大作中提到】
: 如果你能在 win7 amd64 上成功安装 wdm 的 toaster 驱动程序,说明你的数字签名过
: 程已经正确了。
: 关于 kmdf 的错误,展开说说?把 \windows\setupact.log, \windows\inf\setupapi.
: dev.log 打开看看?
: 或者你到 osr 的 ntdev 去问问,那里人多些

发帖数: 16
you need inf (not inx), sys, and wdfcoinstaller01009.dll (not chk one), and
of course cat file.
no need to pass -amd parameter to build.exe (is there really such a
parameter? the setenv.bat should already specified your target architecture)
toaster contains several drivers (bus/func/etc). which one were you trying
to install? and detailed steps / error messages. this way we can try to help
发帖数: 1527
ok, these are my questions, i'm using 64-bit win7,
wdk 7600.16385.1
1. for kernel develop, any big difference between win7 enterprise and
win7 ultimate ? i installed win7 enterprise
2. what's the simplest kmdf and wmd driver example in the winddk\src ?
3. the kmdf example i tried is
in the install dir, i have
toaster.cat (from ...\src\general\toaster\wdm\inf\amd64)

【在 e*H 的大作中提到】
: you need inf (not inx), sys, and wdfcoinstaller01009.dll (not chk one), and
: of course cat file.
: no need to pass -amd parameter to build.exe (is there really such a
: parameter? the setenv.bat should already specified your target architecture)
: toaster contains several drivers (bus/func/etc). which one were you trying
: to install? and detailed steps / error messages. this way we can try to help
: you

发帖数: 16
1. there is no difference between win7 enterprise and ultimate
2. the simplest kmdf driver might be winddk\src\general\echo\kmdf\AutoSync
3. you can use "\winddk\tools\devcon\arch\devcon.exe" install wdfsimple.inf
4. The build type of the co-installer must match that of the Windows version
on which the driver will be installed. You cannot use the checked build of
a co-installer to install a driver on a free build of Windows. http://www.microsoft.
发帖数: 1527
2 works now, except you have to remember install it as admin.
3 also works now, but the question is why install from hdwwiz.exe using
toaster.cat doesn't work ? every time i do net start, it's asking for
digital sign.
also i can install
...\src\general\toaster\wdm\bus, from hdwwiz (basically i need to use
the cat file to get around digital sign)
but not
same error as the kmdf sample.
thanks very much for the help !


【在 e*H 的大作中提到】
: 1. there is no difference between win7 enterprise and ultimate
: 2. the simplest kmdf driver might be winddk\src\general\echo\kmdf\AutoSync
: 3. you can use "\winddk\tools\devcon\arch\devcon.exe" install wdfsimple.inf
: {b85b7c50-6a01-11d2-b841-00c04fad5171}\MsToaster
: 4. The build type of the co-installer must match that of the Windows version
: on which the driver will be installed. You cannot use the checked build of
: a co-installer to install a driver on a free build of Windows. http://www.microsoft.

发帖数: 1527
doesn't have a cat file i can use ?

build of
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff546236(v=VS.85).aspx. you
should create a test cert yourself with makecert.exe, then inf2cat to
generate a cat file, then signtool to sign the cat file. It may not be a
good idea to use your production cert for test sign

【在 e*H 的大作中提到】
: 1. there is no difference between win7 enterprise and ultimate
: 2. the simplest kmdf driver might be winddk\src\general\echo\kmdf\AutoSync
: 3. you can use "\winddk\tools\devcon\arch\devcon.exe" install wdfsimple.inf
: {b85b7c50-6a01-11d2-b841-00c04fad5171}\MsToaster
: 4. The build type of the co-installer must match that of the Windows version
: on which the driver will be installed. You cannot use the checked build of
: a co-installer to install a driver on a free build of Windows. http://www.microsoft.

发帖数: 16
the cat file name should match the one in inf file [Versions] section. for
various kmdf samples in wdk, the cat file should be KmdfSamples.cat (instead
of toaster.cat)
you should not use 'net start' to start a pnp driver. instead, for root-
enumerated driver, 'devcon install' and the device will start automatically
for any sample (including echo\kmdf\autosync), the cat file should be
generated by yourself with inf2cat. The cat file is then signed by yourself
(for testing purpose) or by whql (for
发帖数: 1527
Hi eGH,
i'll try it out today, thanks very much for all the help and hope i
won't bother you too much in the future, :)
generally speaking, i'm looking for very basic step by step
instructions. Too many docs will just cause confusing.
Hope you can be a manager soon (if not yet) so can take care of MS
developers better.

section. for

【在 e*H 的大作中提到】
: the cat file name should match the one in inf file [Versions] section. for
: various kmdf samples in wdk, the cat file should be KmdfSamples.cat (instead
: of toaster.cat)
: you should not use 'net start' to start a pnp driver. instead, for root-
: enumerated driver, 'devcon install' and the device will start automatically
: for any sample (including echo\kmdf\autosync), the cat file should be
: generated by yourself with inf2cat. The cat file is then signed by yourself
: (for testing purpose) or by whql (for

发帖数: 1527
BTW, what's the best way to contact your team support
to get the correct instructions to install
from the readme in wdk, sounds like i can use the existing cat.
for the kmdf driver, it just says to follow the wdm instructions, :)
never mentioned to create a cat file etc.
thanks !

section. for

【在 e*H 的大作中提到】
: the cat file name should match the one in inf file [Versions] section. for
: various kmdf samples in wdk, the cat file should be KmdfSamples.cat (instead
: of toaster.cat)
: you should not use 'net start' to start a pnp driver. instead, for root-
: enumerated driver, 'devcon install' and the device will start automatically
: for any sample (including echo\kmdf\autosync), the cat file should be
: generated by yourself with inf2cat. The cat file is then signed by yourself
: (for testing purpose) or by whql (for

发帖数: 1527
Hi eGH and other brothers,
1。test my driver, so i use the testsigning.
if build, make the test cert, sign, then install works.
but if build, sign, then install fails.
is this the official way or i did sth. wrong.
Before you want to try your new driver, just build and copy over the old
file, then you can start testing.
But now i have to sign it each time ? what a waste of time ?
Is there any other way around ?
2. if i don't sign, during install it'll show the red warning sa
1 (共1页)
请问去温哥华只有绿卡没有护照行不行。护照不在身边.copied from CHIME. joke about seattle's weather.
西雅图driver license 笔考有中文的吗?北京躲猫猫,快来帮我看看如何下office 2013!!!!!!!!
搬到seattle,要不要更换driver license?moving sale - 几件小东西
[合集] 搬到seattle,要不要更换driver license?求推荐toaster oven
MS signtool error: if someone can help me, how to debug this ?Re: presentation的分工 (转载)
Any recommendation? Looking for a Carpet Installing去过黄石的进来说说
IE9 beta is coming我也来8卦一下我买UL的经历~~
Home Depot的Water Heater Install怎么样?猜蛋?
话题: kmdf话题: driver话题: install话题: cat话题: toaster