

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Science版 - Re: Help needed on Galois Field
Re: 请问哪儿能找到一个关于代数几何的软件“LASA“Re: Help me about this Linear Algebra
Re: how to match up Galois subgp and field extension?Re: A problem in Abstract Algebra (urgent!)
Numerical Method Question HelpRe: linear algebra/matrix analysis textbook recommendation -- thanks.
Re: A linear Algebra questionRe: 谁能告诉我“双连通区域”的英语怎么说呀?急!!!
Re: A linear Algebra question(矩阵范数简介)那位大虾请讲讲李群和李代数!
String Theory Basics 1Re: 请教central charge
Re: 幂之平方和问题[转载] A question for string/CFT guys
Re: ? on algebraRe: 数学与物理,再论专业
话题: field话题: galois话题: beta话题: let话题: elements
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 50
This is really obvious.
Let F={0, 1, beta, beta^2, ..., beta^(2^n-2)}
First,for multiplication,F-{0}is a cyclic group
for addition,it has a unit 0,every element has a
inverse which is itself.For the sum of 2 elements
just notice that let s=a+b,east to see that s^{2^n}=s(i.e.,s^{2^n-1}=1)
while s is in GF,the set F contains all the elements
of order dividing 2^n-1,so F IS A FIELD.
In fact,a finite extension of dimension n over Z/pZ
is the solutions of X^{2^n}-X in the algebraic closure
of Z/pZ.Th
1 (共1页)
Re: 数学与物理,再论专业Re: A linear Algebra question(矩阵范数简介)
Does anyone know Grassmann ring?String Theory Basics 1
海盗问题Re: 幂之平方和问题
Re: 任意形状n多边形的重心Re: ? on algebra
Re: 请问哪儿能找到一个关于代数几何的软件“LASA“Re: Help me about this Linear Algebra
Re: how to match up Galois subgp and field extension?Re: A problem in Abstract Algebra (urgent!)
Numerical Method Question HelpRe: linear algebra/matrix analysis textbook recommendation -- thanks.
Re: A linear Algebra questionRe: 谁能告诉我“双连通区域”的英语怎么说呀?急!!!
话题: field话题: galois话题: beta话题: let话题: elements