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SanFrancisco版 - 一个不错的反SCA5策略(校友网刚收到的)
【反对SCA5】谁是我的Assembly Member?3月28日:张昭富竞选州28区众议员筹款晚餐会
[CivilRights-SCA5]Comments on Published SCA5 Bill Analysis (转载)趙美心背书賀南德茲
一位三藩白人对反对SCA5真诚的提醒现在更应该集中去Assembly Member的脸书留言
Bob Wieckowski的回信请大家联系自己的assembly representative
CREDIT and ACCOUTABILITYSVCA 22日中午与Assembly Member Paul Fong会谈纪要
【反对SCA5】请给中文学校写信请他们介绍此法案影响为Joan Buchanan约谈造势。BREAK THE PARTY VOTE!
反SCA5:印度社区开始行动了!【反SCA5】请拨冗给加州议员打电话/发传真(附phone script)
80-20 TELLS YOU NOT TO BLAME HERNANDEZ警示: 三个议员该票无意义... SCA5 还会到Assembly 去Vote....
话题: sca5话题: assembly话题: sb话题: action话题: california
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10440
My Friends at Tsinghua:
My name is Kai Zhu, a patent litigation attorney who graduated from Shanghai
Jiao Tong U. in 1993.
I am launching an anti-SCA5 project as below and I urgently need your help,
Although this document itself is very much a work in progress, please share
as much as you can, but only within the Asian communities for now - because
I really need help in manpower, please.
If you can do some WordPress based web-site building, please contact (cc
copy me, and please put "Website Building" in the Subject):
Tong Wu, t*****[email protected], (510) 304-2967 and Alex Nie, a*****[email protected],
(732) 207-3939 to get started
Everyone else, please contact me directly via email; please put "Non-Web" in
the Subject. Also my cell 650.999.0172. Thanks very much.
Kai Zhu
Not a Spam, and We Prefer a Stamp!
-A Collective Effort to Derail SCA5 and AggressiveAffirmative Action in
SCA5, a California Constitution amendment bill, is designed to undo Prop.209
as toAffirmative Action. Its sponsor, EdHernandez, also introduced an ill-
fated state bill SB 185 in 2011, which passed both Houses but was vetoed by
Governor Brown --Brown knew SB 185 ran afoul of Prop. 209 and thus
wasunconstitutional. So Hernandez and his pals decided to undo Prop. 209
directly this time. Their ultimate goal, however, is obviouslyto reinstate
SB 185 and perhaps add something more.
SB 185 contains very aggressive languages with respect to Affirmative Action
. Under scrutiny, it literally clashes with the Equal Protection Clause,
despite its ostensible safe-harbor language purporting to avoid a 14th
Amendment challenge. The Supreme Court case law has already provided some
reasonable leeway for AA, but SB 185 aims to go beyond the boundaries of
Supreme Court AA jurisprudence. As Supreme Court litigation is always rare
and unpredictable, an unconstitutional bill such as SB 185 should be kept at
bay within California, i.e., at the SCA5 stage.
SCA5 passed Senate on 1/31/2014 and is now pending in the Assembly. The
exact date of voting in the Assembly is unknown, butdefinitely imminent. We
should try everything to delay and then block this bill in the Assembly.
Otherwise, the proposed constitutional amendment will be on the ballots in
11/2014. If it is finally passed, Affirmative Action will be implemented
aggressively in California; the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th
Amendment, whose case law is murky at best, will not be enough to deter such
AA implementations. When all of these happen, the Asian communities will
be penalized badly, and unfairly.
The Plan
It is believed that online efforts (emails, e-petitions, etc.) to the
Assembly members will achieve little effect (just put yourself in their
shoes and imagine being bombarded by not-well-drafted emails).
It is also believed that a real, well-drafted postal mail to an Assembly
member will generate much better results because (1) an envelope can clearly
show that the sender is a constituent; (2) it takes more resources to
generate a postal mail (time, stamp& effort), which thus should earn more
respect; (3) it is harder and riskier for a politician to ignore a physical
mail; and (4) the visual and psychological impacts of piles of postal mails
arriving within a short period can be significant (v. emails).
Thus, here is the plan (in the best case of execution; if delayed, at least
we have tried):
1. We set up a functioning website www.no2sca5.orgby Wed. night (2/19).
2. We have individualized letters to each Assembly member --drafted by
lawyers -- ready for download byThur. night (2/20).
o Within the limited amount of time, we want to customize the letters to
achieve the best results
o To do so, we need to profile the Assembly members along these lines:
 SB 185 record (Yes, No, Absent, or N/A?)
 Party
 2012 election data (constituency profile) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_State_Assembly_elections,_2012
 Any other relevant voting records
o We classify the members into four groups: (a) likely Yes to SCA5; (b)
likely No to SCA5; (c) probably a swing vote (depending on the constituency
profile, this can be either a Republican or a Democrat); and (d)
o We prepare four different letters according to the classification above
o (Optional) We may also want to further customize the letters to key
Assembly members (e.g., the whips of both parties)
3. We spread out the words both Thur. & Fri to everyone in California via
emails and social networks (that inevitably will reach some people
supporting SCA5 - be it, but we need to secure our web server).
4. People against SCA5 each send out two letters to their respective
Assembly representatives on Sat. morning (or maybe even Friday), one to
Sacramento, and one to the district mail boxes.
5. Hopefully, the first wave of surprise will arrive in Sacramento early
next week.
Action Items for the Non-Legal Team
• Build the Assembly Member Profiles database
• Build the first version of the website
Action Items for the Legal Team
• Research the pending Michigan case http://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/schuette-v-coalition-to-defend-affirmative-action
发帖数: 4371
They could throw the mails away without even reading them. Right?
发帖数: 189
尼玛, 下次一定把他们选成40:40!让他们永远到不了2/3. 不是有他妈这么多做大数
据分析的吗,建个模,大家按模型投票, 搞傻他们。
发帖数: 2250
发帖数: 2478

【在 M*******c 的大作中提到】
: They could throw the mails away without even reading them. Right?
1 (共1页)
警示: 三个议员该票无意义... SCA5 还会到Assembly 去Vote....CREDIT and ACCOUTABILITY
District 24 Assemblyman Rich Gordon's office hour meeting on Friday, 2/28/14反SCA5:印度社区开始行动了!
现在要四处游说,两边承诺,游走两党之间,过了SCA5再说!80-20 TELLS YOU NOT TO BLAME HERNANDEZ
【反对SCA5】谁是我的Assembly Member?3月28日:张昭富竞选州28区众议员筹款晚餐会
[CivilRights-SCA5]Comments on Published SCA5 Bill Analysis (转载)趙美心背书賀南德茲
一位三藩白人对反对SCA5真诚的提醒现在更应该集中去Assembly Member的脸书留言
Bob Wieckowski的回信请大家联系自己的assembly representative
话题: sca5话题: assembly话题: sb话题: action话题: california