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SanFrancisco版 - ~华盟在奥运~亚裔的奥运梦被掠夺,才女上推特怒斥 (转载)
谁家的孩子:the next Yamaguchi?华盟的愤怒 白宫发信,无视数万华人心声,俨如abc官方发言人
ice dancing 很好看DFWCA达拉斯华盟给大家拜年! (转载)
宝宝被人从滑梯上推下,老师居然没有告诉我 (转载)华盟新年特快--ABC终作出行动表达对华人歉意 (转载)
华盟活动 纪念南京大屠杀暨追思张纯如女士 (转载)~~华盟~~全力支持反SCA5 (转载)
【华盟的呼吁】 阿根廷的华人同胞需要你我的帮助 (转载)Goldman e-mails show how crash turned into cash(ZZ)
【华盟消息】 麻省同胞给力,州参议员力挺解雇ABC相关责任人员问题是,就算国家cover你的pre-condition
【华盟视频】12月14日纪念南京大屠杀 加州民众张纯如墓前献花 (转载)There's no ambiguity about this, there's no surprise about this
华盟视频 纪念南京大屠杀 加州民众张纯如墓前献花lopt你说这个新闻是造假的.
话题: olympic话题: mirai话题: 奥运话题: wagner话题: ashley
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 163
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Autonation (华人同盟会成立了!), 信区: Military
标 题: 【华盟在奥运】亚裔的奥运梦被掠夺,才女上推特怒斥
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 9 02:04:55 2014, 美东)
标题:亚裔的奥运梦被“种族歧视者”掠夺。【华盟】才女Swan Lee上推特怒斥得便宜
又卖乖的Ashley Wagner!
得了铜牌的Mirai Nagasu的奥运资格被生生夺走,给了第四名的金发的Ashley Wagner
。奥运梦破碎的Mirai不计前嫌, 已经在社交媒体上友善地对Wagner说给她加油,祝她
好运。Ashley Wagner却在推特上张口就是她参加奥运当之无愧。完全是进一步打击亚
这是Mirai Nagasu在脸书上发表的对奥运资格被霸占的感言,让人同情又心酸。希望她
I want to take this moment to thank everyone, fellow skaters and fans of the
sport, who have reached out to me to offer support after the US
championships. Not being chosen to represent the United States at the
Olympic Games in Sochi and at the 2014 World Championships in Japan has been
extremely disappointing to me, and it has been very difficult for me to
I know that I performed my best at the US Championships in Boston. I am
proud of the way I skated and of being awarded the Bronze Medal.
The 2010 Olympics in Vancouver was one of the best experiences of my life
and I am proud that I finished in 4th place. For the past four years my goal
had been to make the Olympic Team again and pick up where I left off.
Not being selected to this year’s team was devastating and I remain
confused by US Figure Skating’s decision to not select me for the 2014
Olympic or World teams. Once I have time to fully process the impact of
these decisions, I do know it will renew a fire inside of me. My Olympic
journey does not end here. I will continue to work hard, to train and grow
and improve as a skater and realize my dream of once again representing the
United States at an Olympic Games. In the immediate, I will jump back into
my training in the event that I should be needed in my role as alternate for
the Olympics or World Championships.
Most importantly, I want to wish Gracie, Polina, Ashley and the rest of the
US Team the best of luck at the 2014 Olympic Games. Representing your
country at the Olympics is one of the biggest honors and best experiences in
an athlete’s life, and I hope they all do well and have a great time. I
will be watching and cheering them on.
1 (共1页)
lopt你说这个新闻是造假的.【华盟的呼吁】 阿根廷的华人同胞需要你我的帮助 (转载)
给go88提供点弹药【华盟消息】 麻省同胞给力,州参议员力挺解雇ABC相关责任人员
3月1日参加68区州众议员Wagner的社区恳谈会报告 (转载)【华盟视频】12月14日纪念南京大屠杀 加州民众张纯如墓前献花 (转载)
关于茶党的科普贴(维基-茶党运动摘录)华盟视频 纪念南京大屠杀 加州民众张纯如墓前献花
谁家的孩子:the next Yamaguchi?华盟的愤怒 白宫发信,无视数万华人心声,俨如abc官方发言人
ice dancing 很好看DFWCA达拉斯华盟给大家拜年! (转载)
宝宝被人从滑梯上推下,老师居然没有告诉我 (转载)华盟新年特快--ABC终作出行动表达对华人歉意 (转载)
华盟活动 纪念南京大屠杀暨追思张纯如女士 (转载)~~华盟~~全力支持反SCA5 (转载)
话题: olympic话题: mirai话题: 奥运话题: wagner话题: ashley