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SanFrancisco版 - 求救美国没有法律 - 我的前未婚夫,LA的法官把我的孩子送人领养拉
North valley 和 Evergreen 比较evergreen(95135)求租
Evergreen的小学选择?Evergreen 的after school
哪位熟悉Evergreen的帮我看看哪里可以查到high school升大学的情况
Evergreen的好小学和初中的问题我对 evergreen 的印象
为什么有人喜欢EverGreen ? 很远, 周围没有什么工作机会evergreen 是不是在地震带上?
南湾差区中哪个会变好 ?哪个会变更坏 ? Why有没有想换房子住的?Evergreen换280交Saratoga Ave附近
话题: jaba话题: judge话题: justice话题: court话题: hiroshige
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 127
大家好,我是WinnieTin, 我的孩子被法官送去给别人领养拉。美国没有司法公正。
听审的法官是我前未婚夫,JudgeHiroshige的同事, Judge Marguerate Downing, a
judge in Monterey Park, CA. Judge Downing 不仅把Judge Ernest Hiroshige 的
perternity issue cover 起来,而且允许社工做假的文件,把我的孩子从我的家里拿
走, 把我做父母的权力剥夺。这件事已经会报道 LA COUNTY SUPERVISOR‘S BOARD
Email Address is W*******[email protected].
还有这个child custody issue 以经上拉 Court Of Appeal,second district,
division 2, 但是 里面的Justice 是Judge Hiroshige 的好朋友
t Page News
JABA Members Enjoy Annual Meeting and Reception
The JABA 2011 ANNUAL MEETING and reception took place on November 10, 2011
at the Empress Pavilion Restaurant. Over 100 members and their guests
attended the Meeting, including many dignitaries, judges, and commissioners.
The Annual Meeting is an opportunity to review JABA activities and events
for the year, introduce officers, directors, and committee members, and sign
up for committees. A reception honoring a deserving member or member of the
community follows.
This year JABA President Alison Matsumoto presided over the meeting,
assisted by President-Elect Audra Mori. Vice President and Membership Chair
Steve Yoda announced that JABA membership had reached 240 members and that
Doug Sugimoto had become a Lifetime Member. Steve acknowledged all the JABA
Lifetime Members and Sustaining Members. A fabulous buffet dinner followed,
including dim sum, peking duck, walnut shrimp, kung pao chicken, other
dishes, and a mango pudding dessert. The reception for JABA 2011 Public
Service Award recipients, Hon. Kathryn Doi Todd and the Hon. Ernest
Hiroshige followed.
Vice President Steve Yoda introduced Judge Ernest Hiroshige. Judge Hiroshige
was appointed to the Los Angeles Municipal Court in 1980 and to the Los
Angeles Superior Court in 1982. One of the two most senior judges of the Los
Angeles Superior Court, Judge Hiroshige was a founding member of JABA and
the organization’s second President. Judge Hiroshige received the
prestigious UCLA Alumni Service Award in 1994, and has a long history of
community service.
The Hon. Victoria Chavez, Associate Justice of the California Court of
Appeals, who serves with Justice Doi Todd, read statements of congratulation
from the Hon. Roger Boren, Presiding Justice of Division Two of the
California Court of Appeals, and Justice Judith Ashman-Gerst, Associate
Justice. Past JABA President, Patricia Kinaga, introduced Justice Doi Todd,
and presented her Award. Justice Doi Todd rewarded her audience with a
fascinating account of JABA’s early history and her own journey to the
bench. Appointed to the bench in 1978, Justice Doi Todd was the first
Japanese American woman judge in the country. She was appointed to the CA
Court of Appeals in 2000.
Corporate Affairs Committee Chair Diana Nishiura noted that these Awards
were well-deserved and long overdue. Thanks to Diana and all the JABA
members who helped organize this incredible event!
For photos of the event, see here
Become a JABA member today!
发帖数: 3523
I've heard 社工 is the worst creature in the world ever.
but how did you get into this?

【在 w**********1 的大作中提到】
: 大家好,我是WinnieTin, 我的孩子被法官送去给别人领养拉。美国没有司法公正。
: 听审的法官是我前未婚夫,JudgeHiroshige的同事, Judge Marguerate Downing, a
: judge in Monterey Park, CA. Judge Downing 不仅把Judge Ernest Hiroshige 的
: perternity issue cover 起来,而且允许社工做假的文件,把我的孩子从我的家里拿
: 走, 把我做父母的权力剥夺。这件事已经会报道 LA COUNTY SUPERVISOR‘S BOARD
: 请大家帮我想办法,声援我,让政府的孩子还给我。我的手机是626-840-5616。我的
: Email Address is W*******[email protected].
: 还有这个child custody issue 以经上拉 Court Of Appeal,second district,
: division 2, 但是 里面的Justice 是Judge Hiroshige 的好朋友

1 (共1页)
见到老美同学的爸爸妈妈称呼什么呢为什么有人喜欢EverGreen ? 很远, 周围没有什么工作机会
三块馒头12人被控谋杀,8人未成年南湾差区中哪个会变好 ?哪个会变更坏 ? Why
【卖买广告专栏】01.01 -- 01. 31 出售、购买、转让福岛又发生裂变了。。。
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North valley 和 Evergreen 比较evergreen(95135)求租
Evergreen的小学选择?Evergreen 的after school
哪位熟悉Evergreen的帮我看看哪里可以查到high school升大学的情况
Evergreen的好小学和初中的问题我对 evergreen 的印象
话题: jaba话题: judge话题: justice话题: court话题: hiroshige