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SanDiego版 - 4th SABPA/ACS Chemistry Symposium
北大校长周其凤访问圣地亚哥 (附照片) (转载)[8.29 SABPA 野餐会] 时间地点网上报名开始~~
本周六谁去UC Irvine 开SABPA的会有人能联系上 Bioqj 吗?
大家帮我想想有什么全家参与的picnic活动没?[8.29 SABPA 野餐会] 抽奖的礼物定下来了!
[合集] 没想到方舟子在当打假作家之前是个生物剖丝刀! (转载)秋老虎带来三位数高温 圣郡市处处热热热呼声
[8.29 SABPA 野餐] 大家来投票选一下抽奖的礼物吧!方舟子周日在UCSD作“中国学术界现状漫谈”演讲
话题: professor话题: he话题: chemistry话题: hcv话题: university
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 40
DATE: Monday, April 7, 2014
4:45 PM Registration
5:15 PM Professor Barry M. Trost, Tamaki Professor of Humanities and
Sciences, Stanford University, “The Alkyne Strategy For the Synthesis of
Bioactive Targets”
6:00 PM Networking and light dinner
7:00 PM Dr. Nicholas A. Meanwell, Executive Director, Medicinal
Chemistry, Bristol-Myers Squibb, “The Discovery of HCV NS5A Replication
Complex Inhibitors: Daclatasvir and Synergists”

PLACE: Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear LLP
12790 El Camino Real, San Diego, CA 92130
RESERVATIONS: By Friday, April 4, 2014 http://sabpa.org/web/reg_2014_acs_chem_symp.php
Professor Barry M. Trost, Ph.D.
Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1941 where he began his
university training at the University of Pennsylvania (BA, 1962), he
obtained a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry just three years later at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1965). He directly moved to the
University of Wisconsin where he was promoted to Professor of Chemistry in
1969 and subsequently became the Vilas Research Professor in 1982. He
joined the faculty at Stanford as Professor of Chemistry in 1987 and became
Tamaki Professor of Humanities and Sciences in 1990. In addition, he has
been Visiting Professor of Chemistry in Canada (McGill), Denmark (University
of Copenhagen), France (Universities of Paris VI and Paris-Sud), Germany (
Universities of Marburg, Hamburg, Munich and Heidelberg), Italy (University
Pisa), Spain (Universities of Barcelona and Santiago de Compostela) and the
UK (Cambridge University). In 1994 he was presented with a Docteur Honoris
Causa of the Université Claude-Bernard (Lyon I), France, and in 1997 a
Doctor Scientiarum Honoris Causa of the Technion, Haifa, Israel. In 2006, he
was appointed Honorary Professor of the Shanghai Institute of Organic
Chemistry. Professor Trost’s work has been characterized by a very high
order of imagination, innovation and scholarship. He has ranged over the
entire field of organic synthesis, particularly emphasizing extraordinarily
novel methodology. Further, he has repeatedly demonstrated how his
innovative methodology allows for the simplification of many complex target
oriented syntheses leading to natural and unnatural products of high
biological activity. He has received numerous awards from around the world
including the Roger Adams Award and Cope Award of the ACS.
Dr. Nicholas A. Meanwell, Ph.D.
Dr. Meanwell joined the medicinal chemistry department at Bristol-Myers
Squibb in 1982. He has led drug discovery programs in the cardiovascular,
neurosciences and virology therapeutic areas, work that has resulted in the
advancement of over 25 clinical candidates for the prevention of thrombosis,
the treatment of stroke and therapy for viral infections, including human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV). Recent significant discoveries to emerge from his
group include RSV fusion inhibitors, characterized as the first small
molecules to interfere with the association of the 6 helical peptide bundle
that is a critical step in the virus entry process, and a series of HIV
attachment inhibitors that are the first small molecules described to
function by interfering with the interaction between virus gp120 and the
host cell CD4 receptor. BMS-663068, a phosphonooxymethyl prodrug of
BMS-626529, is currently in Phase 2 clinical trials. Significant compounds
in the HCV arena include daclatasvir, a pioneering molecule that established
NS5A inhibition as a clinically-relevant target and which is currently in
Phase 3 clinical trials, the HCV NS3 protease inhibitor asunaprevir which
incorporates the cyclopropyl acylsulfonamide moiety that has been widely
adopted, and BMS-791325, a thumb site inhibitor of HCV NS5B polymerase. The
combination of daclatasvir and asunaprevir in a clinical trial conducted in
HCV-infected subjects established for the first time that a HCV infection
could be cured by direct acting antiviral agents in the absence of immune
发帖数: 3591
发帖数: 2247

【在 e*********u 的大作中提到】
: 七点的那个题目,一打眼看成SCA5。
1 (共1页)
友情提醒:该打Flu Shot 了!看样子今年南加会有大地震
This Saturday: The 6th Annual SABPA Pacific Forum 2010 - Racing to the Top[合集] 没想到方舟子在当打假作家之前是个生物剖丝刀! (转载)
SABPA(周五)和北大校友会(周六)两个活动[8.29 SABPA 野餐] 大家来投票选一下抽奖的礼物吧!
北大校长周其凤访问圣地亚哥 (附照片) (转载)[8.29 SABPA 野餐会] 时间地点网上报名开始~~
本周六谁去UC Irvine 开SABPA的会有人能联系上 Bioqj 吗?
大家帮我想想有什么全家参与的picnic活动没?[8.29 SABPA 野餐会] 抽奖的礼物定下来了!
话题: professor话题: he话题: chemistry话题: hcv话题: university