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SanDiego版 - 参议员刘云平声明:会投票反对修订后的SCA5 (转载)
因为反对SCA5,刘云平参议员失掉了六个民主党议员的支持 (转载)三位华裔参议员只是把球踢给了Hernandez 请求他考虑搁置 (转载)
O编辑总结:SCA5的驳回--这个故事刚刚开始 (转载)【今天的反SCA5进展】三个亚裔参议员的联合声明
何美湄:回吳仙標先生關於“Dangerous Politics”(中英版)周五(23日)晚上一起来支持刘云平吧?
大家为什么对【加州宪法修订案SCA5】无动于衷? (转载)支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在国会争取一个“配额” (转载)
余胤良、刘云平、刘璿卿将改变支持SCA 5修宪案的立场反SCA5 的运动即将进入一个全新阶段
Re: 余胤良、刘云平、刘璿卿将改变支持SCA 5修宪案的立场 (转载)请记住这一天,3月17日,在美华人的一个里程碑!
反SCA5种族平权案 加州华人攻下周本立【反对SCA5】谁是我的Assembly Member?(包子贴)
话题: sca话题: stop话题: talked话题: api话题: community
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9926
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: UAAFA (美亚团结促进会), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 参议员刘云平声明:会投票反对修订后的SCA5
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 11 18:19:55 2014, 美东)
加州参议员刘云平Ted Lieu已经明确表示,如果SCA5修订案再回到参议院,他会投反对
Thank you for your help and support of me over the years. I appreciate your
friendship and guidance.
I wanted to give you an update on SCA 5. As you may know, Senators Yee, Liu
, and I were blindsided by what happened. There was no opposition to SCA 5
when it was introduced in 2012 or when it passed committee in July 2013 or
when it came to the Senate floor in Jan 2014 before our vote. Every major
Asian American civil rights organization opposed Prop 209. In fact, last
year the Asian American legal center wrote a legal brief to the US Supreme
Court arguing for race to be considered in college admissions.
After our vote, we heard from numerous people in the community. Based on
the community’s reaction, I am trying to be responsive. Here is what I
have done so far:
--Met with Assembly Speaker John Perez and wrote a letter today to Speaker
Perez, join by Senators Yee and Liu, asking him to stop SCA 5;
--Issued a public press release calling on Sen Hernandez to stop SCA 5 (see
--Talked to Sen Hernandez urging him to stop SCA 5 (he is thinking about
doing so);
--Publicly stated I would not vote for SCA 5 again if it came back to the
Senate upon amendment;
--Talked to API Assemblymembers asking them to stop SCA 5;
--Talked to non-API Assemblymembers asking them to stop SCA 5.
As a long-time champion for the API community on numerous issues, it has
been personally hurtful to receive some of the attacks from the community.
Nevertheless, I am trying to be responsive to the community.
I want you to know I am doing everything I can to stop SCA 5.
1 (共1页)
【反对SCA5】谁是我的Assembly Member?(包子贴)余胤良、刘云平、刘璿卿将改变支持SCA 5修宪案的立场
【反对SCA5】请给中文学校写信请他们介绍此法案影响Re: 余胤良、刘云平、刘璿卿将改变支持SCA 5修宪案的立场 (转载)
To spectrum805汉奸刘云平参议员失掉了六个民主党议员的智齿
SCA-5胎死assembly (转载)反SCA5种族平权案 加州华人攻下周本立
因为反对SCA5,刘云平参议员失掉了六个民主党议员的支持 (转载)三位华裔参议员只是把球踢给了Hernandez 请求他考虑搁置 (转载)
O编辑总结:SCA5的驳回--这个故事刚刚开始 (转载)【今天的反SCA5进展】三个亚裔参议员的联合声明
何美湄:回吳仙標先生關於“Dangerous Politics”(中英版)周五(23日)晚上一起来支持刘云平吧?
大家为什么对【加州宪法修订案SCA5】无动于衷? (转载)支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在国会争取一个“配额” (转载)
话题: sca话题: stop话题: talked话题: api话题: community