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SanDiego版 - Wells Fargo这是被门挤了吗?
Man robs Wells Fargo in Carmel Valley再再问一下用BOA卡在国内取过钱的筒子
各位为父母办退税时用的是哪个notary?CVS 25刀GC 的酷胖
莫名奇妙地收到一张支票(搞定了,谢谢!)Discover More Card - No Balance Transfer Fee本月截止
要买房了,求推荐 Wells Fargo agent 给出个pre-approval letterUCSD的parking permit真便宜啊
UTC有人要抢Wells Fargo,gun fired这里DMV考Learning Permit可以用中文么?
现在不知道怎么办了,向大家求助询问:只有learning permit怎么买车保险? Or 谁知道Chinese driving trainer?
号召抵制wells fargo (转载)求parking permit UCSD
话题: fargo话题: wells话题: savings话题: debit话题: way2save
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 505
最近老是电话和Email骚扰我叫我开Way2Save® Savings account 账户, 好处是:
Save as you Go® Transfers
We'll transfer $1 of your funds from your checking to savings when you:
Make a debit card purchase
Pay bills online with Wells Fargo Online®
Make automatic payments from your checking
我自己不会用储钱罐吗? 还特意让一个ABC销售来套近乎。
发帖数: 17878
this reminds me of the good old way2save when it was offered by Wachovia
5% interest rate and year end 5% bonus
of course it is garbage now


【在 T********g 的大作中提到】
: 最近老是电话和Email骚扰我叫我开Way2Save® Savings account 账户, 好处是:
: Save as you Go® Transfers
: We'll transfer $1 of your funds from your checking to savings when you:
: Make a debit card purchase
: Pay bills online with Wells Fargo Online®
: Make automatic payments from your checking
: 我自己不会用储钱罐吗? 还特意让一个ABC销售来套近乎。

发帖数: 1980
You over-estimated Americans. They are literally unable to save by
themselves. Wellsfargo is just copying BoA's Keep The Change program which
it started in 2005.
In 2008 (I don't have any latest data, all data are in 2008), BoA reports
indicate that the KTC program is a valuable customer acquisition tool,
bringing in 1.8 million new savings accounts and 1.3 million new checking
accounts over 19 months of program operation. The program has the potential
to increase debit card use, can reduce bank costs associated with processing
paper checks, and generate incremental interchange revenues from each debit
card transaction.
While the deposits generated by Keep the Change ($400 million) pale relative
to Bank of America’s total assets of $1.46 trillion, the funds currently
earn an interest rate of just 0.20 percent in the bank’s regular savings
account permitting the bank to profit from the net interest margin.
Not everyone in US is yudeli who will find ways to earn highest interest for
his money.


【在 T********g 的大作中提到】
: 最近老是电话和Email骚扰我叫我开Way2Save® Savings account 账户, 好处是:
: Save as you Go® Transfers
: We'll transfer $1 of your funds from your checking to savings when you:
: Make a debit card purchase
: Pay bills online with Wells Fargo Online®
: Make automatic payments from your checking
: 我自己不会用储钱罐吗? 还特意让一个ABC销售来套近乎。

发帖数: 17878
both KTC and way2save were greatly abused by smart/greedy people


【在 p********r 的大作中提到】
: You over-estimated Americans. They are literally unable to save by
: themselves. Wellsfargo is just copying BoA's Keep The Change program which
: it started in 2005.
: In 2008 (I don't have any latest data, all data are in 2008), BoA reports
: indicate that the KTC program is a valuable customer acquisition tool,
: bringing in 1.8 million new savings accounts and 1.3 million new checking
: accounts over 19 months of program operation. The program has the potential
: to increase debit card use, can reduce bank costs associated with processing
: paper checks, and generate incremental interchange revenues from each debit
: card transaction.

发帖数: 36252
this is the same reason why american government has 16 Trillian dollars debt
. politicians don't care. they never learned to care about money


【在 p********r 的大作中提到】
: You over-estimated Americans. They are literally unable to save by
: themselves. Wellsfargo is just copying BoA's Keep The Change program which
: it started in 2005.
: In 2008 (I don't have any latest data, all data are in 2008), BoA reports
: indicate that the KTC program is a valuable customer acquisition tool,
: bringing in 1.8 million new savings accounts and 1.3 million new checking
: accounts over 19 months of program operation. The program has the potential
: to increase debit card use, can reduce bank costs associated with processing
: paper checks, and generate incremental interchange revenues from each debit
: card transaction.

1 (共1页)
请问光是路考租一下教练车大概多少钱啊UTC有人要抢Wells Fargo,gun fired
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Man robs Wells Fargo in Carmel Valley再再问一下用BOA卡在国内取过钱的筒子
各位为父母办退税时用的是哪个notary?CVS 25刀GC 的酷胖
莫名奇妙地收到一张支票(搞定了,谢谢!)Discover More Card - No Balance Transfer Fee本月截止
要买房了,求推荐 Wells Fargo agent 给出个pre-approval letterUCSD的parking permit真便宜啊
话题: fargo话题: wells话题: savings话题: debit话题: way2save