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Running版 - [zz]超马裸男DEAN KARNAZES谈饮食
湾区水虫,Come out and Cheer for our Relay runners!Scott Jurek's attempt to break American 24hr record - LIVE
ultramarathon manTweet Of The Day: Macca Becoming An Ultramarathoner?
Dean Karnazes will be in Boston 10/4 TuesdayDavid Goggins is a true badass mofo
Chicago Marathon 2009---小龙篇请问大家怎么看Dean?
13-year-old girl 5K 17:32 and runs 55mpwIs Running High Mileage Bad for Your Health? (zz)
趁Ultra的东风,发一个Audio Book: UltraMarathon ManBadwater, the hardest ultramarathon in the world
求推荐几本kindle版好书我的百万粉丝-The Crowds . 2009 ING NYCM
lore of running 是好大好厚一本书啊。long run in the snow(storm)
话题: my话题: gluten话题: diet话题: fifty话题: pizza
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 297
“by acclaimed endurance athlete and New York Times best-selling author “
Ultramarathon Man” Dean Karnazes
It was nearing 11p.m. and I was famished. Unfortunately, there weren’t a
lot of options available. The backcountry road I was traversing was miles
from civilization and I didn’t have any food with me, having long ago
depleted the supplies in my small backpack.
My predicament was an interesting one. Interesting because I was in the
midst of an athletic event. But not just any event: a nonstop, 199-mile,
twelve-person relay race. Problem was, I didn’t have eleven teammates. I
was attempting to run the entire distance solo, as a team of one.
“Think, Karnazes, think,” I mumbled to myself. I’d already been running
for nearly eleven hours, covering roughly 65 miles, yet I still had a very
long way to go. I desperately needed fuel.
“Ah!” a thought popped to mind. In my pack I had a cellphone and a credit
card. Why not order takeout! I found a listing for the nearest pizza parlor
and dialed. After placing my order, they asked for my street address.
Instead, I gave them the coordinates of an intersection up ahead in the
Half an hour later a pizza-delivery driver pulled up. As you may imagine, he
was somewhat confused, having never delivered a pizza to a guy out running
before. Thankfully I’d thought through my on-the-go dining strategy prior
to placing the order. Although I wanted a large pizza, I knew that
attempting to run with a bulky cardboard pizza box wouldn’t be easy. So I
requested a thin-crust pizza, unsliced. When I got it, I removed the entire
thing, rolled it up like a big Italian burrito, and ate as I ran. It was a
sloppy mess, tomato sauce and cheese dripping everywhere. But it was so
tasty. Of course, the carb high was inevitably replaced by a brutalizing low
point. My joints hurt, and my guts were rebelling, too. Still, I lumbered
That story pretty much summarizes my early diet as an ultramarathoner.
During those protracted endurance events I was burning roughly 500 to 700
calories per hour. With some races lasting forty or fifty hours that equated
to roughly 29,000 calories, or two weeks worth of food in a clip. I figured
I could eat pretty much whatever I wanted and get away with it.
Of course, I was wrong. For better or worse, as an athlete, your body
becomes very fine-tuned to even the subtlest effects of diet and nutrition.
What I came to realize as I experimented, learned more about food and health
, and paid closer attention to nutritional information, is that all calories
are not created equal. When I ate processed or refined foods, I became
aware of a particular sluggishness and mental haze that followed twenty to
thirty minutes after consumption.
Over the next two decades I completely reengineered my diet from eating
nearly all processed and refined food to eating no processed or refined food
. In doing so, I replaced the foods that inhibited my performance with foods
that boosted my performance.
Eliminating gluten was a major turning point. Once I removed gluten from my
diet, my performance and overall stamina noticeably increased. Race times
got faster, my strength for training routines bettered, and recovery after a
hard workout or race improved. I was even able to complete fifty marathons,
in fifty states, in fifty consecutive days, a feat many thought would be
impossible for any athlete, never mind for one who didn’t load up on heavy
carbs. I attribute much of this success to following a healthy, gluten-free
My current diet is about as clean as you can get. I never eat anything from
a bag, nor do I cook or process the foods I eat. Most of my fruits and
vegetables are organic, especially those on the infamous “Dirty Dozen”
There are a few exceptions. I do enjoy traditional Greek-style yogurt (full
fat, no sugar added). And my primary source of protein—wild, sustainably
caught salmon—is cooked, though minimally so. I am also a coffee drinker,
though just a cup or two in the morning.
I’m now in my fifties, but I still work out and race as competitively as I
did twenty years ago. My training typically consists of running 70 to 80
miles per week, and cross-training with a TRX suspension trainer to improve
overall body strength. Also, I never sit down. My entire office is set up at
standing height, and I do all of my writing and email correspondences,
calls, and paperwork on my feet. It’s been said that sitting is the new
smoking. I prefer to stand, thank you.
My health-benchmark-measurement numbers are very good. My cholesterol levels
and blood pressure are low, my resting heart rate is around forty (that’s
good), my overall body fat percentage is less than five, and my strength-to-
weight ratio is that of a much younger man. Perhaps most surprising for a
runner, I’ve never suffered an injury. Here again, much of this I attribute
to a clean, gluten-free diet.
Although people used to question my food choices, more and more athletes are
now moving in this same direction. Converts include tennis greats Andy
Roddick and Novak Djokovic, basketball legend LeBron James, and even slugger
Mike Tyson.
When people ask me for diet advice, I always preface my response with the
caveat, “Listen to everyone, follow no one.” But for gluten, I’ve
modified the Nike slogan: “Just don’t Do It.”
Tags: athletes, dean karnazes, gluten-free, glutenfree, health, raw, running
, top, ultramarathon man”
发帖数: 41236
发帖数: 297

【在 R*****s 的大作中提到】
: 跑超马的怎么玩儿的都有,不吃米面,只吃素的,只吃水果的...
: 其实也反面证明了随便怎么吃都行~~

发帖数: 13081
连着 50个马拉松, 一天一个, 怎么可能?
Eliminating gluten was a major turning point. Once I removed gluten from my
diet, my performance and overall stamina noticeably increased. Race times
got faster, my strength for training routines bettered, and recovery after a
hard workout or race improved. I was even able to complete fifty marathons,
in fifty states, in fifty consecutive days, a feat many thought would be
impossible for any athlete, never mind for one who didn’t load up on heavy
carbs. I attribute much of this success to following a healthy, gluten-free
发帖数: 41236

【在 k****e 的大作中提到】
: 作为碳水化合物的忠粉,就没看到有鼓励吃米面的咋办?
: T T

发帖数: 41236


【在 d**********0 的大作中提到】
: 连着 50个马拉松, 一天一个, 怎么可能?
: 这里谁能做到?
: Eliminating gluten was a major turning point. Once I removed gluten from my
: diet, my performance and overall stamina noticeably increased. Race times
: got faster, my strength for training routines bettered, and recovery after a
: hard workout or race improved. I was even able to complete fifty marathons,
: in fifty states, in fifty consecutive days, a feat many thought would be
: impossible for any athlete, never mind for one who didn’t load up on heavy
: carbs. I attribute much of this success to following a healthy, gluten-free
: diet.

发帖数: 13081
跑着玩也成。 但毕竟里程摆那里。 每天一个啊。。 不带歇的啊。

【在 R*****s 的大作中提到】
: 跑着玩儿的话,也没啥难的,他关键还要飞50个不同州比赛,难的是后勤,这人其实不
: 算牛,喜欢作秀..
: my
: a
: heavy
: free

1 (共1页)
long run in the snow(storm)13-year-old girl 5K 17:32 and runs 55mpw
Race Report: Running from an Angel 50-miler趁Ultra的东风,发一个Audio Book: UltraMarathon Man
race report: BAA 5K求推荐几本kindle版好书
100slore of running 是好大好厚一本书啊。
湾区水虫,Come out and Cheer for our Relay runners!Scott Jurek's attempt to break American 24hr record - LIVE
ultramarathon manTweet Of The Day: Macca Becoming An Ultramarathoner?
Dean Karnazes will be in Boston 10/4 TuesdayDavid Goggins is a true badass mofo
Chicago Marathon 2009---小龙篇请问大家怎么看Dean?
话题: my话题: gluten话题: diet话题: fifty话题: pizza