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Running版 - Driving the Boston course
best quote I saw recently about runningabout pre-performance stretching
又一跑步机long run5 Key Stretches for Runners
To stretch or not to stretch?How to Cool Down After Running and Racing
stretchWesley Korir的老婆Tarah赢了今天的多伦多10K 32:07
关于跑步的warm up和stretch今天跑废了
是不是每个人都经历过ITBS?今天RW QOD - Dr SHEEHAN
话题: boston话题: hills话题: miles话题: course话题: feet
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 516
I drove through the Boston Marathon course today to feel it. The first 5
miles has some quick drop and tough hills with combined 250 feet drop, that
will be a challenge to stay put and not over speed. The following 5 miles
have some mild rolling hills and drops. The road feels narrow for the first
10 miles. The next 6 miles are my favorite, it goes through the town of
Natic, Wesley and Newton. These towns are charming, even in this frigid
winter. The famous Wesley college is right off the road, I can't wait to
hear the girls yelling "Get me exited". Then, it is Newton hills, the 5
miles up and down hills. The 4 hills individually are not too bad comparing
to my training route, but they are one after another stretching 5 miles at
the most tough time of the race. The combined elevation gain of these hills
is about 200 feet, and the total gain may be around 350 feet. I saw about 30
runners practicing these hills during my 10 minutes drive by. If I can
survive the heart break hill, the next 5 miles would be easy. It drops from
250 feet to sea level through town of Brookline and city of Boston, and the
fanfare would be also be very encouraging.
I don't think the hill training would help Boston a lot, since it is
essentially a down hill Marathon, and I think it would be key for me to be
conservative at the first 5 miles to avoid lactate build up and preserve the
quad strength for later hills. I also made up my mind not to try PR on this
course, rather enjoy it on race day.
发帖数: 10018
maybe a long downhill course with some late uphills to train for it?
发帖数: 516
I heard people doing this way.

【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: maybe a long downhill course with some late uphills to train for it?
发帖数: 18660
让我想起我曾经想drive chicago course..后来发现一段路。是逆行的单行线.hoho


【在 m******g 的大作中提到】
: I drove through the Boston Marathon course today to feel it. The first 5
: miles has some quick drop and tough hills with combined 250 feet drop, that
: will be a challenge to stay put and not over speed. The following 5 miles
: have some mild rolling hills and drops. The road feels narrow for the first
: 10 miles. The next 6 miles are my favorite, it goes through the town of
: Natic, Wesley and Newton. These towns are charming, even in this frigid
: winter. The famous Wesley college is right off the road, I can't wait to
: hear the girls yelling "Get me exited". Then, it is Newton hills, the 5
: miles up and down hills. The 4 hills individually are not too bad comparing
: to my training route, but they are one after another stretching 5 miles at

1 (共1页)
今天RW QOD - Dr SHEEHANTo stretch or not to stretch?
[合集] ITBS的恢复,2个不错的网页关于跑步的warm up和stretch
5K race report是不是每个人都经历过ITBS?
best quote I saw recently about runningabout pre-performance stretching
又一跑步机long run5 Key Stretches for Runners
话题: boston话题: hills话题: miles话题: course话题: feet