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QueerNews版 - 反同领袖之一认输
PROP 8法官判决前的最后问题加州又允许同性婚姻了!顶!
近亲婚姻与同性恋婚姻Breaking news: marriage on hold in CA
Psychological association calls for legalization of same-sex marriage加州同志婚姻依然暂缓执行。
Why marriage matters[系列VIDEO]我们不要这满是布丁的美国同婚权法--剑指DOMA
Jimmy Carter backs ‘very fine’ equal marriages for gaysKen Mehlman: 'I Am Sorry' For Role In 2004 Anti-Gay Marriage Push
加州最新民调:51%的选民支持同性婚姻,42%反对Gay marriages cases re-set for Nov. 30
How Prop 8 And Same-Sex Marriage Debate Affects the EconomyJustice Kennedy Questions California Same-Sex Marriage Ban
Now you can marryMd. Can Recognize Out-of-State Gay Marriages
话题: marriage话题: americans话题: david话题: sex
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4174
Chalk up one for marriage equality. David Blankenhorn, the founder of the
Institute for American Values and author of The Future of Marriage,
announced in The New York Times that he now supports same-sex marriage,
calling it “a victory for basic fairness.” It was a surprise move from the
man who opposed marriage equality so much he was one of just a few
witnesses to testify in favor of Proposition 8, the ballot measure that
defined marriage as between a man and woman in California.
Blankenhorn wrote in an op-ed titled “How My View on Gay Marriage Changed”
that he doesn’t “believe that opposite-sex and same-sex relationships are
the same, but I do believe, with growing numbers of Americans, that the
time for denigrating or stigmatizing same-sex relationships is over.
Whatever one’s definition of marriage, legally recognizing gay and lesbian
couples and their children is a victory for basic fairness.” He also argued
that “most of our national elites, as well as most younger Americans,
favor gay marriage. This emerging consensus may be wrong on the merits. But
surely it matters.”
Evan Wolfson, founder and president of Freedom to Marry, responded to
Blankenhorn's op-ed with celebration, saying, “David Blankenhorn’s
announcement today reflects the shift towards understanding among the
majority of people when they hear the stories and see for themselves why
marriage matters to same-sex couples. As the leader of a right-of-center
think tank and network that promotes conservative values, David knows that
children grow up best when they are raised in families that are treated with
fairness, respect, and dignity. His journey towards marriage has been a
long time in the making and he is a welcome addition to the majority of
Americans who support the freedom to marry.”
发帖数: 4174
发帖数: 19713
和lczlcz, liangzhi一样,本来就是装糊涂,反对你就是因为自己心里的hatred
发帖数: 2153
1 (共1页)
Md. Can Recognize Out-of-State Gay MarriagesJimmy Carter backs ‘very fine’ equal marriages for gays
New Mexico will recognize out-of-state marriages加州最新民调:51%的选民支持同性婚姻,42%反对
Wash. to Recognize Out-of-State Gay MarriagesHow Prop 8 And Same-Sex Marriage Debate Affects the Economy
为什么反对同志婚姻的人自己的婚姻老是有问题Now you can marry
PROP 8法官判决前的最后问题加州又允许同性婚姻了!顶!
近亲婚姻与同性恋婚姻Breaking news: marriage on hold in CA
Psychological association calls for legalization of same-sex marriage加州同志婚姻依然暂缓执行。
Why marriage matters[系列VIDEO]我们不要这满是布丁的美国同婚权法--剑指DOMA
话题: marriage话题: americans话题: david话题: sex