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QueerNews版 - 在美国的同性恋
Yes, it is time to talk about DOMA!
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话题: men话题: some话题: gay话题: pasfield话题: portraits
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1822
In this first-ever photographic survey of gay men in America,
stereotypes are laid to rest and an intimate, honest picture of contemporary
gay life is revealed through stunning personal portraits and narratives.
Photographer Scott Pasfield traveled 54,000 miles across all fifty states
over a three-year span gathering stories and documenting the lives of 140
gay men from all walks of life. At turns joyful and somber, reflective and
celebratory, each narrative and image is an enlightening look into the
variety of gay life in the United States.
Pasfield's striking and perceptive portraits reflect the same beautiful
diversity found in any sampling of our population. Each of these men is
unique and whole, complex and fallible, just as we all are. They come in
every size and shape, every religion, color, profession, and background.
There are farmers, writers, doctors, lawyers, artists, teachers, students;
there are fathers and husbands, activists, and business men. Some are
successful, some are struggling, some are political, some are wealthy, some
are wounded, and some are deeply content.
Their commonality draws from a single shared trait: their homosexuality.
These are men who are attracted to men, and have chosen not to disguise
that truth. For many, there have been harsh consequences to this decision,
but also deep rewards. The message that prevails is one of great hope that
true equality is close within our reach, if only we would grasp it.
1 (共1页)
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话题: men话题: some话题: gay话题: pasfield话题: portraits