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Quant版 - 这个 CDS 的问题神马意思?
[求助]如何简单地把CDS upfront转换成spread?[合集] Goldman CDS ...
求教关于 credit product 的几个问题fixed income以外的derivative pricing都是用什么discounting curve?
有啥快速心算duration的办法么?请问到底什么是 basis curve
希腊1年的CDS 122%什么意思?[合集] 请教几个面试问题,谢谢!
Question on bond duration买CDS为啥也能赚暴利啊?
[合集] 大家 CFA 考得如何?credit derivatives 101 CDS
请教Cheapest-to-deliver问题给trader做risk management都干些啥事呢?
话题: cds话题: upfront话题: 3y话题: running话题: 5y
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2007
For company X we have CDS spreads as follows: 3 years maturity all upfront,
3 years maturity all running, 5 years maturity all upfront, 5 years maturity
all running. What is the all running premium for the 3 to 5 year forward
发帖数: 2007
182 reads. nobody answers?
发帖数: 594
I ll take a stab.
a CDS can be bought in two ways. one is you pay a quaterly coupon at a
quoted rate. the other is you pay a cash payment upfront. both in exchange
for the protection payout when the reference entity defaulted.
so the upfront for a 3/5 forward CDS is simply 5y CDS upfront - 3y CDS
upfront. thats dictated by no-arb. depending on when the upfront is paid (
today or in 3 years when the protection starts) you may have to do some
now he wants the running. we ll estimate the duration of a 3/5 forward by
the duration difference between the 3 and 5 running. The duration is just
upfront/running. you have both. so you have the 3 and 5 running duration. so
you have the 3/5 forward duration.
now the 3/5 running is just the 3/5 upfront div by the 3/5 duration.


【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: For company X we have CDS spreads as follows: 3 years maturity all upfront,
: 3 years maturity all running, 5 years maturity all upfront, 5 years maturity
: all running. What is the all running premium for the 3 to 5 year forward
: CDS?

发帖数: 13748

【在 a***r 的大作中提到】
: I ll take a stab.
: a CDS can be bought in two ways. one is you pay a quaterly coupon at a
: quoted rate. the other is you pay a cash payment upfront. both in exchange
: for the protection payout when the reference entity defaulted.
: so the upfront for a 3/5 forward CDS is simply 5y CDS upfront - 3y CDS
: upfront. thats dictated by no-arb. depending on when the upfront is paid (
: today or in 3 years when the protection starts) you may have to do some
: discounting.
: now he wants the running. we ll estimate the duration of a 3/5 forward by
: the duration difference between the 3 and 5 running. The duration is just

发帖数: 629
发帖数: 916
P5 = PV01(5y)* R(5y), where P5 is upfront for 5yr cds,PV01(5y) is present
value of 1bp cash stream for 5yrs,R(5y) is running spread for 5yr cds
P3 = PV01(3y)* R(3y), where P3 is upfront for 5yr cds,PV01(3y) is present
value of 1bp cash stream for 3yrs, R(3y) is running spread for 3yr cds
P5-P3 = (PV01(5y)-PV01(3y))* R(3y/5y), where R(3y/5y) is running spread for
3y/5y forward cds, P5-P3 is actually the upfront for 3y/5y forward cds, PV01
(5y)-PV01(3y) is present value of 1bp cash stream for year4 and year5
so R(3y/5y) = (P5-P3)/(PV01(5y)-PV01(3y))=(P5-P3)/(P5/R(5y)-P3/R(3y))
1 (共1页)
给trader做risk management都干些啥事呢?希腊1年的CDS 122%什么意思?
[合集] 我给大家出一道interest rate的题,呵呵Question on bond duration
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如何hedge binary option请教Cheapest-to-deliver问题
[求助]如何简单地把CDS upfront转换成spread?[合集] Goldman CDS ...
求教关于 credit product 的几个问题fixed income以外的derivative pricing都是用什么discounting curve?
有啥快速心算duration的办法么?请问到底什么是 basis curve
话题: cds话题: upfront话题: 3y话题: running话题: 5y