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Quant版 - 面试问题
啥叫bi-power variation?请教:Time series的数据,发现cyclical,怎么用软件来处理呢?
JP 2nd round 电面怎样判断两个时间序列的相似度 (转载)
binomial tree model and volatilityRe: 大马甲,你是数学phd.有用shit桶炒股吗:))???? (转载)
关于cev model的问题recruiter发给我一道面试模拟题,请大家说说用什么方法?谢谢大家了
招 Senior modeling analyst and modeling analyst 1 in San An (转载)Cipher Finance寻找Quant量化分析创业者(不是招工)!
招 Senior modeling analyst (转载)问一个 time series的问题 (转载)
[合集] GARCH and ARCH,ARIMA (转载)[合集] A variation of earth-walker quiz
请问:Time Series 中常用的Model 有那几个呀[合集] Option Question from a bank interview
话题: what话题: model话题: minute话题: registers话题: customers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 58
1) construct a statistical model to describe the following situation:
Customers arrive to a large ticket counter with k cash registers at
average rate N per hour. You have access to minute by minute customer
counts for only one cash register, n(t). Your job is to estimate the
number of customers going through all the registers with a single
minute resolution. That is, you need to model N(t) as a function of
n(t) and the known average value of N(t) over all time. Answer the
following questions:
1. What is your model? Why this model and not something better? What
are the assumptions you have made?
2. What is the expected value of N(t)? What is its variance?
2) Would an ARIMA model be a good starting point for modeling
temperature variations at a single location, reported with a minute
resolution for a year?
1 (共1页)
[合集] Option Question from a bank interview招 Senior modeling analyst and modeling analyst 1 in San An (转载)
[合集] 问转行问题招 Senior modeling analyst (转载)
读精华区后感[合集] GARCH and ARCH,ARIMA (转载)
[合集] interview question 3:请问:Time Series 中常用的Model 有那几个呀
啥叫bi-power variation?请教:Time series的数据,发现cyclical,怎么用软件来处理呢?
JP 2nd round 电面怎样判断两个时间序列的相似度 (转载)
binomial tree model and volatilityRe: 大马甲,你是数学phd.有用shit桶炒股吗:))???? (转载)
关于cev model的问题recruiter发给我一道面试模拟题,请大家说说用什么方法?谢谢大家了
话题: what话题: model话题: minute话题: registers话题: customers