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Quant版 - credit derivatives 101 CDO
interesting thing about GS CDO case问一下关于Citi亏损的问题
credit derivative 101 CDO is a correlation productBuffett and Soros Join Chorus of Recession Bears
structured credit trading都是做什么的啊CDO 和 CMO
Quantitative Developer OpeningS79的一道题
[CT]Quant Developer[合集] 请教几个面试问题,谢谢!
求教关于 credit product 的几个问题[合集] 问问对Structuring比较熟悉的牛人
那未能给讲讲mortgage passthrough200刀一题目
[NYC]Risk Manager-CDO&Structured Credit Products[NYC]Synthetic ABS/MBS/CDO Desk Quants
话题: cdo话题: issuer话题: assets话题: tranches话题: ware
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3656
CDO, collarteralized debt obligation.
the contract is based on a pool of credit risky assets.
the issuer of the CDO selects and buys these assets before the issuance.
this process is reffered to as ware housing. during the ware housing, the
issuer is exposed to the risk that these assets loose value. Typically the
issuer will put on short term hedges.
the asset pool is divided into tranches.
Each tranche is defined by an attachment point and a detachment point. the
buyer of the tranches pays th
1 (共1页)
[NYC]Synthetic ABS/MBS/CDO Desk Quants[CT]Quant Developer
[London]FID Correlation Quant求教关于 credit product 的几个问题
[NYC]Analyst - Global Liability Management那未能给讲讲mortgage passthrough
Job Opening at Credit Suisse: Fixed Income CDO Structuring[NYC]Risk Manager-CDO&Structured Credit Products
interesting thing about GS CDO case问一下关于Citi亏损的问题
credit derivative 101 CDO is a correlation productBuffett and Soros Join Chorus of Recession Bears
structured credit trading都是做什么的啊CDO 和 CMO
Quantitative Developer OpeningS79的一道题
话题: cdo话题: issuer话题: assets话题: tranches话题: ware