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Purdue版 - a postdoctoral position in medical image analysis (转载)
请教普渡 information system 专业 master 如何a postdoctoral position in medical image analysis (转载)
Purdue 寻 summer graduate assistants (education)A postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh
a postdoctoral position available immediatelyA postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh
a postdoctoral position in medical image analysisA postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh
a postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh (转载)A postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh
A postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh匹兹堡大学博士后位置
a postdoctoral position avaialble immediately医学图像处理领域博士后位置(匹兹堡)
a postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh医学影像数据处理博士后位置
话题: image话题: position话题: applicants话题: successful
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7
【 以下文字转载自 JobMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: pitimg (), 信区: JobMarket
标 题: a postdoctoral position in medical image analysis
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 15 17:33:36 2016, 美东)
A postdoctoral position is now available in the Department of Radiology at
the University of Pittsburgh. This position is supported by NIH and internal
grants and aims to develop novel medical image analysis algorithm.
Successful candidates should have a PhD (or equivalent) in computer science,
mathematics, electrical engineering or other related areas with an emphasis
on computer vision, computer graphics, image processing, pattern
recognition, or machine learning. We are particularly interested in
applicants with a strong mathematical background. Applicants should
demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate both orally and in
writing. Successful applicants will join a vibrant collaborative research
environment and will have the opportunity to work closely with applied and
clinical investigators with different backgrounds on a wide variety of
Informal inquiries and CV shall be sent to Dr. Jiantao Pu (email: [email protected]/* */
1 (共1页)
医学影像数据处理博士后位置a postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh (转载)
A Postdoctoral Position in Medical Image AnalysisA postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh
Postdoctoral Position in Medical Image Analysisa postdoctoral position avaialble immediately
A Postdoctoral Position in Medical Image Analysisa postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh
请教普渡 information system 专业 master 如何a postdoctoral position in medical image analysis (转载)
Purdue 寻 summer graduate assistants (education)A postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh
a postdoctoral position available immediatelyA postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh
a postdoctoral position in medical image analysisA postdoctoral position at the University of Pittsburgh
话题: image话题: position话题: applicants话题: successful