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Psychology版 - how to work with a FAS child
请教各位大虾关于Use Behavior的著作准备贴一串奚恺元的文章
建议:想学心理学但是没决定方向的xdjm们请进!medical psycology
给心理板块一点建议Eating Disorder?
Re: 被称为IAD : 哪位分析分析上网欲罢不能是不是心理疾病?The assymetric nature of human mind
Is it obsessive-compulsive?请问有了解ADHD和自闭症的吗?
Binge Eating DisorderVery difficult clinical psychology questions. Need Help!
Psychological Cycle奖学金请教
外行来问问题了求助, 小儿孤独症
话题: child话题: his话题: fas话题: work话题: behavior
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1435
This child was born with brain damage from fetal alcohol syndrome, 14 years
old IQ below 70, extremly violent and his behavior is unpredictable. how far
can I go to help him understand impact of his vandalism behavior? How to
deal with his impulsive behvior? what I can teach the parents to responde to
his violence in order to soften the tension.
发帖数: 2155
The best thing you can do is telling them to seek professional help.
Apparently you are not qualified to offer advice to them.


【在 x**c 的大作中提到】
: This child was born with brain damage from fetal alcohol syndrome, 14 years
: old IQ below 70, extremly violent and his behavior is unpredictable. how far
: can I go to help him understand impact of his vandalism behavior? How to
: deal with his impulsive behvior? what I can teach the parents to responde to
: his violence in order to soften the tension.

发帖数: 1435
even the most intensive anti-psychotic drugs would not do any better than
knock this child out during his stay in the Pscychatric ward. Now the
parents are looking for "mild" treatment for him to break his behavioral
pattern and tame him manageable.

【在 r******s 的大作中提到】
: The best thing you can do is telling them to seek professional help.
: Apparently you are not qualified to offer advice to them.
: years
: far
: to

发帖数: 2155
I understand the desparation, but
I doubt this board can provide any real treatment.
My suggestion would be to find better professionals.

【在 x**c 的大作中提到】
: even the most intensive anti-psychotic drugs would not do any better than
: knock this child out during his stay in the Pscychatric ward. Now the
: parents are looking for "mild" treatment for him to break his behavioral
: pattern and tame him manageable.

发帖数: 1435
like what professionals? how that may work?

【在 r******s 的大作中提到】
: I understand the desparation, but
: I doubt this board can provide any real treatment.
: My suggestion would be to find better professionals.

发帖数: 50
You may consider some behavioral modification techniques when working with
the child (e.g., reinforcement). I would recommend you to understand his
problem behaviors through functional assessment. I think behavioral
intervention would be appropriate.
1 (共1页)
求助, 小儿孤独症Is it obsessive-compulsive?
心理学ID个人简介(回复此贴加入)Binge Eating Disorder
请帮忙!Psychological Cycle
想转学master of human behavior外行来问问题了
请教各位大虾关于Use Behavior的著作准备贴一串奚恺元的文章
建议:想学心理学但是没决定方向的xdjm们请进!medical psycology
给心理板块一点建议Eating Disorder?
Re: 被称为IAD : 哪位分析分析上网欲罢不能是不是心理疾病?The assymetric nature of human mind
话题: child话题: his话题: fas话题: work话题: behavior