

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
PsychoAnalysis版 - ways to cope with depression and anxiety
Self-help and life problem-coping skillscoping skill 2 yoga and day dream
anxiety under controlStress - Coping With Everyday Problems (转载)
Re: personality, blood type and anxietieWhy I still feel so unhappy
共生 Re: 这些天讨论自杀,转一篇三毛的文章Grief and Loss - self help series(1)
Re: Self-help and life problem-coping sk老板不满意, 怎么办?
COPE WITH STRESS自残多年后,走不出心理阴影
Re: [转载] Re: how he turns into a 'crazy' husband...有人懂少儿抑郁么?
coping skill为什么没有心痛的感觉了?(请勿转载和置顶)
话题: cope话题: anxiety话题: depression话题: ways话题: tech
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 263
From my replapse prevention workbook:
1. ask for help
2. use cognitive tech to reduce your negative thought pattern
3. Focus on living one day at a time, stop ruminating about the past
or worrying about the future
3. prative deep breathe exercised, relaxation tech, mediate, yoga.
4. plan a day with some activities you will do
5. break down tasks into smaller incremental parts
6. give yourself credit for even the smallest thing you get done
7. listen to music that you enjoy
8. read a book or poem
1 (共1页)
为什么没有心痛的感觉了?(请勿转载和置顶)Re: Self-help and life problem-coping sk
depression and desperationCOPE WITH STRESS
ADHD怎么治疗?Re: [转载] Re: how he turns into a 'crazy' husband...
I have a question (转载)coping skill
Self-help and life problem-coping skillscoping skill 2 yoga and day dream
anxiety under controlStress - Coping With Everyday Problems (转载)
Re: personality, blood type and anxietieWhy I still feel so unhappy
共生 Re: 这些天讨论自杀,转一篇三毛的文章Grief and Loss - self help series(1)
话题: cope话题: anxiety话题: depression话题: ways话题: tech