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Postdoc版 - Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center
Reminder: CLSPA Career Symposium early bird registration ends today, register nowReminder: CLSPA Career Symposium $5 earlyregistration ends today, register now
博后参加会议的注册费Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center
德州A&M大学计算生物学博士后Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center
Harvard Medical School-ICCB-L Assistant Director Position PostingReminder: CLSPA Career Symposium early bird registration ends today, register now
关于文章的第一作者Mark the date: Life Science Career Symposium 2010 on Oct.
请教各位有没有碰到想类似的情况?Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center
急求博后postdoc兼两篇文章第一作者 (转载)Reminder: CLSPA Career Symposium early bird registration ends today, register now
如何成为MRS/APS/ACS等会议的symposium organizer呢?Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center
话题: career话题: symposium话题: clspa话题: center话题: university
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 31
I would like to inform an incoming career symposium that should be of great
interest and benefits to people in this board (I am also wondering whether
Banzhu could put this post atop for some time so that more people see it?)
The career symposium:
Chinese Life Science Professionals Association (CLSPA) is hosting the CLSPA
Career Symposium 2010 on October 30th at the Hammer Building, Columbia
University Medical Center.*The symposium will introduce broad career options
, offer insider's career insights and provide networking
opportunities in life sciences field and related industries including
biopharmaceutics, consulting, finance, entrepreneurship and investment, etc.
Registration at http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=210931
Register before October 15th for only $5
Agenda and features are included below:
1.Broad career option coverage:including academic faculty,
biopharmaceutical scientist, consulting, financial service, business
development, management, entrepreneurship, technology transfer and
investment, etc.
2.Distinguished speakers: speakers with successful careers in
diversified areas to share experiences, provide insights and compare various
career options. E.g. academia vs industry, research vs business, USA vs
China, etc.
3.Unique case review opportunity: selected attendees will have their
cases reviewed by a panel of speakers and receive face-to-face advices from
the panel. To see more details about this opportunity and apply for it,
please check Career Case Panel Review Application <https://spreadsheets.
4.Plenty of interacting opportunities with speakers:40~60 minutes Q & A
sessions provide ample time to have you questions answered
5.Great networking opportunity: plentiful opportunities to meet and
network with established professionals and mind-liked peers. Coffee break
and private dinner are set up to facilitate networking.
Register before October 15th for only $5.
For more details, please check http://clspa.org/CareerSymposium2010.aspx
CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 Schedule
Date: October 30th, 2010 (Saturday)
Event Avenue:Room 401, Hammer Building, Columbia University Medical Center
12:30 - 1:30 pm Registration and mingling
1:30 - 2:00 pm Opening remarks: Wangzhi Li, Founding President of CLSPA
2:00 - 3:15 pm 1st Session: research-based careers in life sciences field
I. Panel discussion (25 minutes)
Panelists: Yi Zhong , Professor at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in USA
and Tsinghua University in China

Ergang Shi, Sr. scientist and HTS group associate director at Regeneron
Zhi Chen, Sr. scientist at Novartis
II. A following attendee case review (10 minutes) and Q & A with the
audience (40 minutes)
3:15-3:45 pm Coffee break & networking
3:45-5:15 pm 2nd Session: alternative careers with life sciences background
I. Panel Discussion (40 minutes)
Panelists: Suhua Zhang , Sr. director at Bristol Myer Squipp
Ting Jia, Associate at Mckinsey
Eric Vieira, Assistant director at Office of Technology & Business
Development of the Mount Sinai Medical Center and former Wall Street senior
biotech equity analyst
Jahan Ali, Sr. vice president of New York City Investment Fund
Larry Wang, co-founder and president of GenScript
Jean Qiu, Founder and CTO of Nexcelom Bioscience
II. A following attendee case review (10 minutes) and Q & A with the
audience (60 minutes)
5:20 - 5:25 pm Closing remarks
5:25 - 5:30 pm Evaluation form collection
5:30 - 5:35 pm Lottery to select the Lucky Audience of the Symposium and
6:30 - 9:00 pm Private dinner (optional)
12:30 -5:40 pm Sponsor exhibits
1 (共1页)
Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center关于文章的第一作者
Reminder: CLSPA Career Symposium early bird registration ends today, register now请教各位有没有碰到想类似的情况?
Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center急求博后postdoc兼两篇文章第一作者 (转载)
Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center如何成为MRS/APS/ACS等会议的symposium organizer呢?
Reminder: CLSPA Career Symposium early bird registration ends today, register nowReminder: CLSPA Career Symposium $5 earlyregistration ends today, register now
博后参加会议的注册费Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center
德州A&M大学计算生物学博士后Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center
Harvard Medical School-ICCB-L Assistant Director Position PostingReminder: CLSPA Career Symposium early bird registration ends today, register now
话题: career话题: symposium话题: clspa话题: center话题: university