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Pingpong版 - 最近练球心得 -- 与大家共勉之 (转载)
If Ma Lin loses 2 matches, do they still play the 3rd one?求教湾区打球地点。
liu is too short toRe: 也说说哥当年第一次看到自己录像的事 (转载)
WMTT loses to HPZD again!!狂飙NEO到底怎么样?
Why Doesn't Ping-Pong Get Any Respect?男单四虎相争,谁登巅峰?
the worst you can do to lose weight is...发现一个老视频, 有人要看嘛?
A better player may lose to a worse player IF下蹲砍式发球视频和要领-zt
from Mark Johnson, on losing to juniors in the leauge【2013 明珠杯博彩指南】 最最权威的天罡地煞谱作者著
话题: 下球话题: 母球话题: wpba话题: match话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5654
【 以下文字转载自 Billiards 讨论区 】
发信人: koolkiller (冷酷杀手), 信区: Billiards
标 题: 最近练球心得 -- 与大家共勉之
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 5 12:18:26 2010, 美东)
最近本版人丁冷落,为了增加人气,我写个最近练球的心得吧, 希望能给其他想提高
球技的朋友一点启发。 我的台球(8球) 水平应该属于业余里面中等层次,熟悉APA
league的朋友,我介于skill level 5 and 6 之间吧。 这篇心得针对的对象也是那些
然间有了个小小的飞跃,所以还是比较满意的。 以前我自以为自己打球很好,因为我
1. 下球绝对不是目的,只是一个手段。一盘球,不管你有多少精彩的下球,只要8
2. 要学会读球势。当轮到你击球的时候,不要着急,你要考虑的是你有没有机会
3. 防守。 要学会如何主动从进攻转入防守。 这点说起来容易,但是实施起来很
4. 母球走位的控制。这一点是至关重要的。也是我自己近期以来进步最快的一个
环节。母球位置留得好,才是真的好,呵呵。 另外也有一个不好的影响, 就是我的高
加练来改善。 下面是一个小贴士,准备开始练习母球控制的朋友可以参考一下:
, 好让大家共同提高水平哈。
“You have to learn how to lose before you can learn how to win.” This is
something that former U.S. Open Champion Shane Van Boening used to tell me
all the time. The first time I ever saw him play was at a pro event in Las
Vegas several years ago where he was skunked in the finals. From what I
heard, he had an amazing tournament up until that point, and then failed to
win one game in the final match. I later asked him about the match and what
he thought happened. He replied with two short statements, “That was the
most embarrassing day of my life at that point, but it was also the best
thing that could have happened to me.”
This was interesting and led me to write about the topic this month. Players
at all levels get frustrated with losing. Advanced players feel like there
is an expectation to win and their pride is hurt when they lose. Beginner
players feel discouraged if they are losing often when they first start out.
And at some point in every player’s pool career, we will feel as if we’re
in a rut. As with most things in life, it’s all what you make of it. If
you were winning all of the time, you would never learn anything.
Previously, I wrote about identifying your weaknesses. The time to apply
this is when you lose. Losing teaches you several things on many levels. It
’s not just about identifying what particular shots you did wrong and what
types of shots you need to work on. It’s also about identifying other more
conceptual things that are lacking in your game. For instance, here is an
example of something I recently identified as an area I need to work on in
my game—and it’s actually something I worked on in the past but will now
have to readdress.
Last year I played every tournament I could enter. I flew over 50 times that
year, most of which was for pool tournaments, and I was constantly in
competition. This year has been a bit different. I rarely play any regional
events and my work schedule in Austin is so hectic that I only travel for
the WPBA events, nothing else. That being said, I’ve only competed a few
times this year. Going into my first WPBA event earlier this year in San
Diego, I knew I would have a tough draw. All WPBA events are seeded and
since missing several events at the end of 2009, I fell out of the top 32
rankings. This meant I’d have to compete against a top player in the first
round and as luck would have it, I drew Karen Corr.
Much to my surprise, I was able to pull away with a decisive lead of 6-1 in
a race to 9. Having a chance to go up 7-1, I missed a fairly routine 9-ball.
Then…I completely lost focus. All of this time off where I was not
competing as frequently as I had in the past caused me to not be as
conditioned for competition. A few mistakes later, I had lost the match 9-6
and was very disappointed. There’s no shame in losing to a player of her
caliber, but I just couldn’t understand how I lost such a big lead. I was
determined to work on this, so I played in as many tournaments as I could
between then and the WPBA U.S. Open that took place two weeks ago. I just
won a tournament the week before the U.S. Open, so I was feeling confident
about my game. Once I got into my first match, all of that changed. I jumped
out to a big lead—7-2 in a race to 9 and then lost focus again. I quickly
realized I was getting lazy with some open run-outs and almost ended up
losing the match. I had the same scenario in a later match that I almost
lost, but also barely won. In this one I was up 8-4 and got careless.
Although I still came out ahead in these matches, it was clear that I still
have a lot to work on in keeping my focus throughout an entire match.
This type of weakness is not a particular shot that needs to be worked on
and it isn’t the result of bad decision making. These conceptual weaknesses
are much tougher to diagnose and just
发帖数: 41683

【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Billiards 讨论区 】
: 发信人: koolkiller (冷酷杀手), 信区: Billiards
: 标 题: 最近练球心得 -- 与大家共勉之
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 5 12:18:26 2010, 美东)
: 最近本版人丁冷落,为了增加人气,我写个最近练球的心得吧, 希望能给其他想提高
: 球技的朋友一点启发。 我的台球(8球) 水平应该属于业余里面中等层次,熟悉APA
: league的朋友,我介于skill level 5 and 6 之间吧。 这篇心得针对的对象也是那些
: 水平跟我相近的,对刚入门的朋友可能不会有很大的帮助,呵呵。
: 最近半年有了些时间可以练球了,大概每个星期2,3个小时左右。最近几个星期感觉突
: 然间有了个小小的飞跃,所以还是比较满意的。 以前我自以为自己打球很好,因为我

发帖数: 5654
those are team sports, so different, playing other single sports
could help ur tt game!

【在 j******u 的大作中提到】
: 下次转点足球篮球的过来
: 哈哈

1 (共1页)
今天晚上被本版某名ID气死了:(the worst you can do to lose weight is...
做贼也有道,打球有风度A better player may lose to a worse player IF
韩乒球亚运名单出炉 柳承敏辅佐刘南奎任男乒教练from Mark Johnson, on losing to juniors in the leauge
最近练球心得 -- 与大家共勉之谁做场外较牛?
If Ma Lin loses 2 matches, do they still play the 3rd one?求教湾区打球地点。
liu is too short toRe: 也说说哥当年第一次看到自己录像的事 (转载)
WMTT loses to HPZD again!!狂飙NEO到底怎么样?
Why Doesn't Ping-Pong Get Any Respect?男单四虎相争,谁登巅峰?
话题: 下球话题: 母球话题: wpba话题: match话题: my