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PennySaver版 - 上周CVS的Free Kodak Picture Movie DVD播放问题
免费的 Kodak Picture Movie in CVS, from 25/04CVS明天开始20张免费打印照片
how to make Kodak Picture Movie DVD at cvs下周的picture DVD该怎么做?
下下周CVS的DVD想买DVD player,哪里有deal?
CVS picture movies DVDCraig TV &DVD player,$78.,good deal?
[求购]CVS DVD raincheck ($9.99) and Zegerid rebate receipt ($12.99)有没有VCR/DVD Player的deal 或者coupon
Target cheap DVDs该买blue-ray player还是DVD player
怎么没人说CVS这周的免费2本kodak picture movie dvd 的DEAL呢请问哪里有DVD player 的丢?
问下CVS这周的Kodak picture movie dvdTigerDirect再次大量Free after MIR
话题: dvd话题: cvs话题: kodak话题: player话题: picture
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 238
我的DVD拿回来用power DVD player播放只有slide show,没有声音,放到DVD Player
Kodak Easy Share Software?谢谢!
发帖数: 1760
No software needed. Mine plays using Windows media player automatically. It
could be that the DVD was not made correctly by the CVS employee. At first,
my DVD didn't work on either a computer or DVD player. Went back and CVS
couldn't open it either. Made another one for me and it worked.
发帖数: 238
Thanks! I gues I will have to go back to the store again. That would be the
4th trip! 1st time, I was half way through, then I was told they ran out of
DVDs, went to a different store, the process stopped at the last stage just
before burning the DVD. Finally got it done today but it does not play!


【在 T********e 的大作中提到】
: No software needed. Mine plays using Windows media player automatically. It
: could be that the DVD was not made correctly by the CVS employee. At first,
: my DVD didn't work on either a computer or DVD player. Went back and CVS
: couldn't open it either. Made another one for me and it worked.

1 (共1页)
TigerDirect再次大量Free after MIR[求购]CVS DVD raincheck ($9.99) and Zegerid rebate receipt ($12.99)
请问那里有DVD PLAYER 的 DEAL, 放的车里给小孩看,谢谢Target cheap DVDs
Borders这个店怎么没人说CVS这周的免费2本kodak picture movie dvd 的DEAL呢
请问,这周CVS的DVD可以放多少张照片啊?问下CVS这周的Kodak picture movie dvd
免费的 Kodak Picture Movie in CVS, from 25/04CVS明天开始20张免费打印照片
how to make Kodak Picture Movie DVD at cvs下周的picture DVD该怎么做?
下下周CVS的DVD想买DVD player,哪里有deal?
CVS picture movies DVDCraig TV &DVD player,$78.,good deal?
话题: dvd话题: cvs话题: kodak话题: player话题: picture