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Parenting版 - alt-right对华裔态度真不错 (转载)
有什么18“左右toddler体形的亚洲娃娃推荐的?【转载】Asian-American Parenting and Academic Success
连犹太人都同情亚裔了,亚裔还不自己站出来保护自己 (转载)转载纽约时报:亚裔孩子聪明反被聪明误 (转载)
看新闻了——亚裔移民之崛起我不反对AA了, 原因是
Asian-Americans On The Rise(NPR transcript)Obama admin encourages colleges to use race
目前的AA并不是什么生死存亡的大问题, 大家各行其事就可以了为何本版总有人狡辩美国大学对亚裔没有歧视?
真实的AA:亚裔学生SAT比黑墨高几百分才能进名校! (转载)Asians are smart as an individual but not smart as a group
话题: east话题: asians话题: white话题: racial话题: whites
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7460
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: dcbang (认真学习,不求结果,抗拒诱惑), 信区: USANews
标 题: alt-right对华裔态度真不错
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 14 09:07:07 2017, 美东)
I am actually happy with immigrants from the far East because they are
intelligent people with a respectable culture. I would not want them to
become a huge part of the population...but as immigrants go I think they are
the best.
I like Asians for the most part. They seem to have similar birth rates to
ours so they don't pose a demographic threat, and I think they could coexist
within a White ethnostate, especially considering they are only ~5% of
total US population.
At times they can have a rather obnoxious racial loyalty to themselves,
rather than being loyal to the white majority. http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/007686.html But in general, they're fine, I'd have thought.
They have to go back.
Under ideal circumstances, I'd be fine with highly, highly restricted North-
East Asian immigration, but unfortunately we are not living under ideal
circumstances and Asians are a major problem in many areas(California,
British Columbia, Australia) and thus need to leave. I don't care about who
currently qualifies as a citizen, at all.
East Asians are the only racial group that can contend with Whites for the
title of Master Race. We're both intelligent and civilized, and so we tend
to get along the easiest in my experience. We're also the only 2 racial
groups that are genetically capable of carrying the torch of civilization
into the future. So, if we are going to mass import non-Whites, then mass
importing East Asians would obviously be preferable to mass importing low-IQ
and crime-prone "Hispanics" (Amerinds/Mestizos) and blacks. However, White
countries belong to White people. I don't support making Chinese people
minorities in China, I therefore expect East Asians to show us the same
amount of respect. But since they probably won't, then we have no choice but
to deport them against their will. The terrorist weeb 5th column will also
have to be crushed.
1 (共1页)
印度人是asian还是whiteAsian-Americans On The Rise(NPR transcript)
二代亚裔男遇上白人女朋友目前的AA并不是什么生死存亡的大问题, 大家各行其事就可以了
如何处理孩子的言语bully真实的AA:亚裔学生SAT比黑墨高几百分才能进名校! (转载)
加州国sca5 与 AA...学区求建议
有什么18“左右toddler体形的亚洲娃娃推荐的?【转载】Asian-American Parenting and Academic Success
连犹太人都同情亚裔了,亚裔还不自己站出来保护自己 (转载)转载纽约时报:亚裔孩子聪明反被聪明误 (转载)
看新闻了——亚裔移民之崛起我不反对AA了, 原因是
话题: east话题: asians话题: white话题: racial话题: whites