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PDA版 - 震惊:微软手机份额仅剩1.6% (转载)
微软智能手机份额只剩1.6%!!! (转载)分析称摩托罗拉Droid将终结Windows Mobile
水果还是比较惨zz Canalys: HTC nips Apple, Samsung to become top smartphone vendor in US for Q3 2011
惠普webOS遭三星峻拒 毫无优势无人问津微软单季 收三星和HTC版税8亿美元
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Chromebook下半年出货量或将激增两倍[KJPT]美媒:小米4是媲美iPhone 6的最佳手机(图) (转载)
话题: percent话题: android话题: gartner话题: sales话题: samsung
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1494
【 以下文字转载自 Seattle 讨论区 】
发信人: huduo (huduo), 信区: Seattle
标 题: 震惊:微软手机份额仅剩1.6%
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 3 18:25:59 2011, 美东)
Whoa, that can't be good.
Today, Gartner released worldwide handset sales for second quarter 2011. To
be clear these are real sales. IDC and most other analyst firms measure
shipments into the channel, not sales to end users, which Gartner does.
These aren't good numbers for Microsoft.
As measured by smartphone operating system, globally, Windows Mobile/Phone 7
market share fell to 1.6 percent from 4.9 percent year over year -- that's
to 1.723 million units from 3.059 million. By comparison, Samsung's Bada's
share rose to 1.9 percent from 0.9 percent a year earlier, or to 2.056
million units from 577,000.
Samsung has a three-operating system strategy, which includes Android,
Windows Mobile/Phone 7 and its own Bada, which shipments grew by 355 percent
year over year, analyst firm Canalys reported last week. Samsung shipped
its first Bada smartphone in mid 2010. It's from Android and Bada that
Samsung is making some gains in emerging markets, where buyers are choosing
cheaper smartphones over feature phones.
"Smartphone sales continued to rise at the expense of feature phones"
Roberta Cozza, Gartner principal research analyst, says in a statement.
There Samsung is getting some lift, particularly at Nokia's expense as it
transitions to Windows Phone. Gartner described Nokia smartphone shipments
into the channel as "low". However Samsung's share gains weren't what they
could have been. While it rose to be No. 3 vendor in smartphones, its
overall share declined -- in part because of competition in price-sensitive
"Consumers in mature markets are choosing entry-level and midrange Android
smartphones over feature phones, partly due to carriers' and manufacturers'
promotions", Cozza says. Right, but they're not buying Windows Phone.
Android smartphone OS share was 43 percent from sales of 46.78 million.
Android's momentum is enormous. A year earlier, Android OS share was 17.2
percent and unit sales were 10.653 million.
Apple's iOS is doing well, but nothing like Android. Measured by smartphone
operating system, iOS ranks No. 3, behind Symbian, with 18.2 percent share
from 19.63 million units. By the way, when reconciling Gartner's sales
numbers with Apple's shipment figures, there is about 600,000 unit
difference -- meaning that the handset maker sold just about every iPhone it
could produce. Also noteworthy, in one of the most important markets
globally, China, Apple ranks seventh overall and third in smartphones --
stunning achievements four years after the first iPhone launched.
Combined, Android and iOS doubled their share of smartphone sales -- 62
percent from 31 percent a year earlier.
Samartphone sales rose 74 percent year over year. They accounted for 25
percent of all handset sales, up from 17 percent in second quarter 2010.
Broader market growth was slower but still with gusto. There were 428.7
million cell phones sold during Q2, up 16 percent year over year.
However, Gartner warned of trouble ahead. Manufacturers shipped 421.1
million handsets into the channel, a 4.4 percent sequential decline. The
Japanese earthquake and financial unrest are contributing factors, Gartner
asserts. Then there is sales fatigue in some markets. For example,
smartphone sales in Western Europe declined sequentially.
"We expect manufacturers and distributors to remain cautious about raising
their stock levels in the second half of 2011, following the recent
uncertainty on the world financial markets" Annette Zimmermann, Gartner
principal research analyst, says in a statement. Whoa, and iPhone 5 and new
Windows Phone "Mango" handsets ship soon.
发帖数: 23432


【在 h***o 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Seattle 讨论区 】
: 发信人: huduo (huduo), 信区: Seattle
: 标 题: 震惊:微软手机份额仅剩1.6%
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 3 18:25:59 2011, 美东)
: Whoa, that can't be good.
: Today, Gartner released worldwide handset sales for second quarter 2011. To
: be clear these are real sales. IDC and most other analyst firms measure
: shipments into the channel, not sales to end users, which Gartner does.
: These aren't good numbers for Microsoft.
: As measured by smartphone operating system, globally, Windows Mobile/Phone 7

发帖数: 5678
发帖数: 12114

【在 n******7 的大作中提到】
: 价格和促销的问题。并不是软件不好。
发帖数: 2114
如果windows phone免费甚至倒贴rebate

【在 l*****u 的大作中提到】
: 小哥,你也太单纯了。
发帖数: 3811
倒贴 is not a long-term business model

【在 g*******y 的大作中提到】
: touchpad不就说明这点了?
: 如果windows phone免费甚至倒贴rebate
: 肯定很多人愿意买的

1 (共1页)
[KJPT]美媒:小米4是媲美iPhone 6的最佳手机(图) (转载)四季度全球出货量前五名中国厂商占了三席
Apple may soon lose to Huawei in terms of smartphone sales2014年Q4全球平板出货量开始下滑
请大家推荐款电池寿命长的smartphone (iphone4除外)Chromebook下半年出货量或将激增两倍
微软智能手机份额只剩1.6%!!! (转载)分析称摩托罗拉Droid将终结Windows Mobile
水果还是比较惨zz Canalys: HTC nips Apple, Samsung to become top smartphone vendor in US for Q3 2011
惠普webOS遭三星峻拒 毫无优势无人问津微软单季 收三星和HTC版税8亿美元
话题: percent话题: android话题: gartner话题: sales话题: samsung